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Jan 31, 2009
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Hi, couldn't find a thread on travel pieces. Posting a piece by Salman Rashid, a travel writer who contributes regularly to local magazines and newspapers. The best bit about his pieces is that he has many historical references (to pre-Partition days and the yore) in his writing which make them interesting...

Daily Times - Site Edition Friday, October 19, 2007

Footloose: Puran Bhagat —Salman Rashid

All of modern day Pakistan saw prolonged Greek influence beginning with Alexander in the 4th century BCE and ending (with a century-long Mauryan interlude) with the coming of the Sakas in 110 BCE. That was time enough for stories from one culture to take root in the other

Gulbahar, fancifully renamed about twenty-five years ago, is almost a suburb of Sialkot for it lies just a few kilometres from the cantonment on the highroad to Chaprar village. It is unremarkable in every way save for the well of Puran Bhagat. Women come here to bathe in its blessed water as a cure for infertility. Religion is no bar and they come from across the spectrum of religions in Pakistan. Years ago, the elderly attendant had told me they came from ‘as far away as Karachi and Quetta’.

Puran was the first-born son of Raja Salvahan of Sialkot and his queen Ichhran. Upon his birth, astrologers advised the king to sequester the infant prince away from the parents for the first twelve years of life, failing which great calamity was to befall the kingdom. And so, the prince was sent to live in a part of the palace where neither parent was to see him. There he grew up at the breast of wet nurses. There he was provided tutors when he came of age to learn everything a future king was meant to learn.

At the end of the twelve years, he was brought into the presence of his father who greeted him as joyfully as only a father would greet his first-born. And then Salvahan bade his son to go pay respect to his two mothers because in the interim, as Ichhran had failed to produce any more children, the king had wed Luna as well. Puran’s reunion with his mother went well, but Luna, seeing the strapping twelve year-old boy, was instantly besotted.

She took Puran by the hand and would have had him in her bed when he fled. That evening, as Raja Salvahan came to his bed-chamber, he found the corridors dark with nary a lamp lit and a dishevelled Luna sprawled out on her bed in a great show of distress. That stud of the prince that the king had sent to pay respects, she told Salvahan, had attempted to rape her. Truly ‘Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.’

Without even attempting to verify the facts, the gullible king ordered his son’s hands and feet amputated and his body dumped in a well outside the city walls. And so it came to pass. There in the well did Puran lie, not yet dead and hardly alive. For a full twelve years did he lie there until the great Guru Goraknath tarried by the well with his disciples. Now Guru Goraknath was the founder of the sect of Kunphatta jogis — jogis with pierced ears, whose monastery was located on the hill of Tilla Jogian near Jhelum.

Puran was discovered by one of the disciples and on the orders of the guru pulled out of the well. Hearing the hapless prince’s sorry tale, the guru was moved to run his healing hands over the mutilated body. Miraculously, Puran was restored to fullness again. The guru now ordered the prince to return to the palace of his father and tell him the real story of Luna’s calumny. But Puran refused. Instead, he joined the guru’s train, went to Tilla Jogian and eventually became a much accomplished jogi himself.

Thereafter he did return to Sialkot and ended up telling his father the truth. The repentant king wanted Puran to remain with him and take over the crown for in the interim years, neither of his wives had borne any more children. Puran refused, but he did tell his father that he was to have another son, from Luna this time, who would inherit the kingdom and make a name for himself. And not long afterwards Salvahan did indeed beget Rasalu, who straddles Punjabi myth and history as a great demon-slayer, hero and an able king.

Because the infertile Luna brought forth a son upon being blessed by Puran Bhagat, the well where he had spent twelve years struggling between life and death became sacred. Henceforth its waters were to cure infertility.

Now, we know that Raja Salvahan, a contemporary of the more famous Vikramaditya of Ujjain, ruled over Sialkot in the 1st century BCE. The story of Puran Bhagat therefore goes as far back. There is, however, every possibility that the story was extant even before with characters of different names. But it is now impossible to sift the chaff of mythology from the grain of historical fact and we cannot really know what must have transpired in reality. Puran may have been banished or, like his contemporary Raja Bhartari, the philosophic elder brother of Vikramaditya, may have voluntarily given up the crown to lead an ascetic’s life. All that is immaterial to the story, however. The fact is that this story has been current for close on two thousand years and that it has a parallel in Greek mythology.

Hippolytus, the son of Theseus the King of Attica, was similarly libelled against by his step-mother Phaedra. There too the king did not deign to verify the facts and banished his son. But not satisfied by expulsion alone, Theseus evoked Poseidon to kill what he thought his errant son. As Hippolytus of the philosophic bent of the mind rode his chariot along the coast one day, Poseidon reared up from the sea in the form of a hideous sea monster. Hippolytus’ horses panicked, throwing off the prince and dashing his head against the boulders.

Whether of Hippolytus or of Puran, it is a poignant and extraordinary story, but what is remarkable is that the two parallels exist so many miles apart from each other. We know that all of modern day Pakistan saw prolonged Greek influence beginning with Alexander in the 4th century BCE and ending (with a century-long Mauryan interlude) with the coming of the Sakas in 110 BCE. That was time enough for stories from one culture to take root in the other.

Alexander took Taxila without a fight because its king, Ambhi, had already made peace with the Macedonian even when he was still in Afghanistan. And when the invading army arrived in Taxila, there were friendly games between Punjabis and members of the Greek garrison. It is not difficult to picture the foreigners in repose around the campfires in the evenings being visited by the Punjabis they had met in the arena earlier in the day. Friendships were made and yarns swapped. Among them would have been the tale of the calumnious step-mother libelling an upright and philosophical prince.

What cannot be determined now is whether the story came with Alexander’s army and was adopted by the Punjabis or it was already prevalent here and it so moved the foreigners that they took it home to make it part of their mythology. Equally, if the Macedonians brought it with them, it greatly impressed the minds of the Sindhu Valley for the story is not restricted to Sialkot alone. We hear it told in Taxila and far away in the south near Hyderabad. On that, next week.

Salman Rashid is a travel writer and knows Pakistan like the back of his hand

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Puran was the first-born son of Raja Salvahan of Sialkot and his queen Ichhran. Upon his birth, astrologers advised the king to sequester the infant prince away from the parents for the first twelve years of life, failing which great calamity was to befall the kingdom. And so, the prince was sent to live in a part of the palace where neither parent was to see him. There he grew up at the breast of wet nurses. There he was provided tutors when he came of age to learn everything a future king was meant to learn.

At the end of the twelve years, he was brought into the presence of his father who greeted him as joyfully as only a father would greet his first-born. And then Salvahan bade his son to go pay respect to his two mothers because in the interim, as Ichhran had failed to produce any more children, the king had wed Luna as well. Puran’s reunion with his mother went well, but Luna, seeing the strapping twelve year-old boy, was instantly besotted.

She took Puran by the hand and would have had him in her bed when he fled. That evening, as Raja Salvahan came to his bed-chamber, he found the corridors dark with nary a lamp lit and a dishevelled Luna sprawled out on her bed in a great show of distress. That stud of the prince that the king had sent to pay respects, she told Salvahan, had attempted to rape her. Truly ‘Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.’

Without even attempting to verify the facts, the gullible king ordered his son’s hands and feet amputated and his body dumped in a well outside the city walls. And so it came to pass. There in the well did Puran lie, not yet dead and hardly alive. For a full twelve years did he lie there until the great Guru Goraknath tarried by the well with his disciples. Now Guru Goraknath was the founder of the sect of Kunphatta jogis — jogis with pierced ears, whose monastery was located on the hill of Tilla Jogian near Jhelum.

Puran was discovered by one of the disciples and on the orders of the guru pulled out of the well. Hearing the hapless prince’s sorry tale, the guru was moved to run his healing hands over the mutilated body. Miraculously, Puran was restored to fullness again. The guru now ordered the prince to return to the palace of his father and tell him the real story of Luna’s calumny. But Puran refused. Instead, he joined the guru’s train, went to Tilla Jogian and eventually became a much accomplished jogi himself.

Thereafter he did return to Sialkot and ended up telling his father the truth. The repentant king wanted Puran to remain with him and take over the crown for in the interim years, neither of his wives had borne any more children. Puran refused, but he did tell his father that he was to have another son, from Luna this time, who would inherit the kingdom and make a name for himself. And not long afterwards Salvahan did indeed beget Rasalu, who straddles Punjabi myth and history as a great demon-slayer, hero and an able king.

Because the infertile Luna brought forth a son upon being blessed by Puran Bhagat, the well where he had spent twelve years struggling between life and death became sacred. Henceforth its waters were to cure infertility.

Now, we know that Raja Salvahan, a contemporary of the more famous Vikramaditya of Ujjain, ruled over Sialkot in the 1st century BCE. The story of Puran Bhagat therefore goes as far back. There is, however, every possibility that the story was extant even before with characters of different names. But it is now impossible to sift the chaff of mythology from the grain of historical fact and we cannot really know what must have transpired in reality. Puran may have been banished or, like his contemporary Raja Bhartari, the philosophic elder brother of Vikramaditya, may have voluntarily given up the crown to lead an ascetic’s life. All that is immaterial to the story, however. The fact is that this story has been current for close on two thousand years and that it has a parallel in Greek mythology.

Hippolytus, the son of Theseus the King of Attica, was similarly libelled against by his step-mother Phaedra. There too the king did not deign to verify the facts and banished his son. But not satisfied by expulsion alone, Theseus evoked Poseidon to kill what he thought his errant son. As Hippolytus of the philosophic bent of the mind rode his chariot along the coast one day, Poseidon reared up from the sea in the form of a hideous sea monster. Hippolytus’ horses panicked, throwing off the prince and dashing his head against the boulders.

Whether of Hippolytus or of Puran, it is a poignant and extraordinary story, but what is remarkable is that the two parallels exist so many miles apart from each other. We know that all of modern day Pakistan saw prolonged Greek influence beginning with Alexander in the 4th century BCE and ending (with a century-long Mauryan interlude) with the coming of the Sakas in 110 BCE. That was time enough for stories from one culture to take root in the other.

It looks well handcrafted story..........:pop:

(its just my own opinion)
If you think he has made it up, I'd disagree. His work is well-researched and backed by credible references. He knows what he is talking about :)
If you think he has made it up, I'd disagree. His work is well-researched and backed by credible references. He knows what he is talking about :)

No i don't think that he made it up.

But it is a man made story.
I'd say mythology and folk lore are better words — who are we to dispute another person's religious beliefs. Tolerance goes a long way :)

Thanks for reading it. I was starting to think that one's colour, genotoype and KC girls were the only things considered worthy being discussed here (77 posts and 1200 views in one of those threads and 132 replies and 1800 views on another....hahahhaha.... talk about intellectualism here!)

If you have more travel pieces please post them here... :)
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I'd say mythology and folk lore are better words — who are we to dispute another person's religious beliefs. Tolerance goes a long way :)

i dont wanna dispute other's beliefs........... just wrote down what came into my mind.
Won't say it again.

No Offense.

Thanks for reading it. I was starting to think that one's colour, genotoype and KC girls were the only things considered worthy being discussed here (77 posts and 1200 views in one of those threads and 132 replies and 1800 views on another....hahahhaha.... talk about intellectualism here!)

Yeah you were thinking almost right.........

Interesting story Nadja, does the well still exist today? If yes, does it still cure infertility?
It still does. But then it doesn't really cure infertility, just folklore... :)
If there's one place in Mexico that I'd encourage anybody to visit, I think it might be Oaxaca. Famous for it's chocolate-based mole, makers of fine coffees, chocolates, and Mescal and gateway to the finest classic mesoamerican architecture I've seen. The city is, itself, a treasure of cathedrals and museums.

The Ruins of Monte Alban

Oaxaca, I believe, held the first Christian presence in the western hemisphere (aside from Cuba). Here's a bit more about the city, it's museums and churches and the surrounding area-replete with their own interesting historical artifacts and ruins such as Mitla-

If there's one place in Mexico that I'd encourage anybody to visit, I think it might be Oaxaca. Famous for it's chocolate-based mole, makers of fine coffees, chocolates, and Mescal and gateway to the finest classic mesoamerican architecture I've seen. The city is, itself, a treasure of cathedrals and museums.

The Ruins of Monte Alban

Oaxaca, I believe, held the first Christian presence in the western hemisphere (aside from Cuba). Here's a bit more about the city, it's museums and churches and the surrounding area-replete with their own interesting historical artifacts and ruins such as Mitla-


State dept. travel advisory guidelines pending of course :usflag:

In the mean time I suggest visiting Costa Rica. I´m here right now and lemme tell you its freakin awesome. Ive spent the last week hiking through some of the greatest rain forests the world has to offer with biodiversity that is beyond even the wildest imagination. The diving is incredible too.

I wish I could quit my job, move here and just live off the land for a few years.
Yeah, even when I was last there (1996), there were peasant demonstrations nightly in the Zocolo. Highway to the Pacific coast has been closed from time-to-time by bandits. Robberies and murders.

Hills have opium and pot growers galore and the city houses a Mexican Army Infantry Officer course with the surrounding locale the target of their "instruction". At least then.

Still, intensely quietly groovy with not a lot of American "fun in the sun" tourists. Just a working Mexican city amidst some incredible history.

Enjoy yourself. I've heard and read over and over how enchanting it is. I'm envious.
Macchu picchu - the greatest place on earth , Its like going in to alice's wonderland.
A place where we just loose the human scale and realize how tiny and almost non existent we are in world. My first visit there made me wonder about human scale.
I would recommend that place to anybody and everybody.

every thing from stone to land to people to air everything is covered in cocoon of mysticism.

the lost city have lot of secrets held inside. THE AYAR BROTHERS story being one of my fav myth.

There is no precise information about its existence. and why it was Incas people built this place then they occupied it but abandon it .
and found female bodies - and story of dead virgins and the astronomical position of this place.
the reason of Incas lines and figures . reason of their existence.
but there is surely a powerful and positive vibrations present here.
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