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Transparency Intl Report on Corruption

I think no one can beat India in the sheer magnitude of corruption(because of size and population). On the people, level I think there is still some hope.
lol... i was reading at BBC that in India somebody was caught for looting one lac rupees but police managed to have confession from him for 50 lac rupees...:chilli:

once for all doubts over efficiency of indian police is settled. lol
I bet pakistan was on 49.9% and missed out on the top rankings by 0.01%.
Corrupt are a breed they dwell every where. They are lords of poverty.
I am in a leading engg. college in INDIa. I have met students from all over the country. I am so amazed that people in first year, 17 year olds who has just completed schooling can be so corrupt. ( I am not even considering seniors). These kids will go to any length to earn those extra 20 bucks. When I think of all this, I have such a gloomy picture of my country's future. I have seen my friends in other colleges(the top college of the country) involved in scams during their cultural fests.

It seems corruption has now been absorbed into the gene pool of the asians.
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