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Transparency International raises objections to proposed amendments to State Bank of Pakistan Act 1956


Dec 7, 2017
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TI Raises objections to proposed amendments to SBP Act 1956
ISLAMABAD: The Transparency International Pakistan has raised 26 objections over proposed amendments into the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) Act 1956, arguing that there is no accountability for the SBP in case it fails to ensure price stability.

In a letter written to PM’s Principal Secretary on Wednesday, the Transparency International Pakistan stated that TI received a complaint on the federal cabinet’s recently-approved sweeping powers for the central bank given in haste to meet the condition of the IMF.

The complaint stated that according to the SBP Law 1956, the role of the SBP was to regulate the monetary and exchange procedures. Whereas in the latest bill along with regulating monetary and exchange procedures, the State Bank will also be obliged to control inflation. The amendment has been introduced without providing any inflation target. It further states that there is no accountability for SBP in case it fails to ensure price stability.

After the new Financial Liability clause, the SBP will not be responsible for government loans even though it has taken from IMF, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, etc.

Furthermore, the State Bank of Pakistan will not be responsible for the payable and receivable of loans obtained from overseas banks or government through Swap lines or any other unions. After the amendment in Section 3, the SBP has power to hold or sell any movable and non movable property for the fulfillment of any contract agreement. As per the new bill, the governor SBP will be the chairman of Board of Directors. In the 1956 law, it was mandatory for the Secretary Finance to be a part of the Board of Directors but in the new bill the said condition is exempted. Initially, the Finance Ministry opposed this clause but eventually accepted it afterwards. Previously, a coordination board worked for the monetary and fiscal policies but in new bill the Board has been dismissed.

The SBP board was responsible for making the monetary and export policies. It was also responsible for the stability between economy, inflation and foreign accounts. The SBP will not guarantee any loan, advance loan or investment, which is being obtained from government or any public organization provided that the central bank did not already owe these loans from primary markets at the time of enactment of SBP amendment bill 2021.

According to this amendment, in compliance with the prohibition of monetary financing, such dues of bank from government will not be further extended.

The tenure of governor and deputy governors extended from three to five years and the salary and other terms and conditions for employment will be decided by the board of directors of SBP. In the new bill, it has been recommended that the private sector salaries and benefits will be considered while deciding the salaries of governor SBP and deputy governors as well as the private members. According to clause A-52 (3), NAB or FIA or any other investigating organization cannot do any legal action, investigation, or inquiry without prior permission of the board of directors.

Meanwhile, the finance ministry, in its clarification, said it is a misconception that the SBP will be empowered unabatedly through the proposed act to share financial or non-financial private information with any entity, particularly outside the country. Importantly, the proposed amendments allow SBP to enter into MoUs with domestic and international supervisory authorities, only after prior approval of the federal government. It is pertinent to mention that the SBP already has longstanding MoUs/ arrangements with several international regulatory bodies/central banks, after approval of the federal government.

Similarly, Indemnity (protection against loss or other financial burden) to the officials and staff members of the Central Bank from legal challenges on actions taken in good faith is quite common in the central bank laws, is considered an international best practice, and such an indemnity is an important aspect to ensure functional autonomy of the central bank officials and staff. Such provisions also exist in other domestic laws.

Furthermore, it is incorrect to say that bodies like NAB and FIA, etc, will not have jurisdiction in the case of SBP officials. The only change is the requirement of approval of the SBP Board to initiate proceedings.

Also 14 central bank laws explicitly prohibit the government to instruct the central bank in order to provide an autonomous legal framework to achieve their set objectives. Therefore, it is misleading to assert that the proposed SBP Act envisions no accountability for the SBP. It is important to note that the proposed SBP Amendments Act 2021 clarifies the objectives of the SBP and therefore also makes the SBP more accountable to achieving those objectives.
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That is factually inaccurate. All bodies within Pakistan who act pursuant to powers granted by law are subject to judicial review by the High Courts, and no adding a "no court" ouster clause to the enabling act does not exempt them. It removes Civil Courts jurisdiction, NOT High Courts
See Merhram Ali v The State (PLD 1998 SC 1445) and Liaquat Hussain v Federation of Pakistan PLD 1999 SC 504.
IK is fast becoming THE security threat to people of Pakistan. He wants to hand over the State bank of Pakistan to Foreign Jewish mafia. Just think about the implications of this -- The SBP will NO LONGER ANSWER TO PEOPLE OF PAKISTAN. IT WILL NOT BE UNDER THE LEGAL JURISDICTION OF PAKISTAN.

WHY IS IK doing this?? WHY?? And why is the ESTABLISHMENT quiet about it??

IK has the power so he is doing it ..simple
IK is fast becoming THE security threat to people of Pakistan. He wants to hand over the State bank of Pakistan to Foreign Jewish mafia. Just think about the implications of this -- The SBP will NO LONGER ANSWER TO PEOPLE OF PAKISTAN. IT WILL NOT BE UNDER THE LEGAL JURISDICTION OF PAKISTAN.

WHY IS IK doing this?? WHY?? And why is the ESTABLISHMENT quiet about it??

Its not about he's doing it but more about he HAS TO DO IT. You needed IMF to bail you out now you think that was ever going to be in the favor of Pakistan or the people of Pakistan?
IK is fast becoming THE security threat to people of Pakistan. He wants to hand over the State bank of Pakistan to Foreign Jewish mafia. Just think about the implications of this -- The SBP will NO LONGER ANSWER TO PEOPLE OF PAKISTAN. IT WILL NOT BE UNDER THE LEGAL JURISDICTION OF PAKISTAN.

WHY IS IK doing this?? WHY?? And why is the ESTABLISHMENT quiet about it??

Do we have a choice?
That is factually inaccurate. All bodies within Pakistan who act pursuant to powers granted by law are subject to judicial review by the High Courts, and no adding a "no court" ouster clause to the enabling act does not exempt them. It removes Civil Courts jurisdiction, NOT High Courts
See Merhram Ali v The State (PLD 1998 SC 1445) and Liaquat Hussain v Federation of Pakistan PLD 1999 SC 504.

It doesn't matter - end of the say Pakistan's Central Bank is being handed over to Jewish mafia. Thanks IK.
Its not about he's doing it but more about he HAS TO DO IT. You needed IMF to bail you out now you think that was ever going to be in the favor of Pakistan or the people of Pakistan?

Think about this - WHY IMF? Why not someone else?
TI Raises objections to proposed amendments to SBP Act 1956
ISLAMABAD: The Transparency International Pakistan has raised 26 objections over proposed amendments into the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) Act 1956, arguing that there is no accountability for the SBP in case it fails to ensure price stability.

In a letter written to PM’s Principal Secretary on Wednesday, the Transparency International Pakistan stated that TI received a complaint on the federal cabinet’s recently-approved sweeping powers for the central bank given in haste to meet the condition of the IMF.

The complaint stated that according to the SBP Law 1956, the role of the SBP was to regulate the monetary and exchange procedures. Whereas in the latest bill along with regulating monetary and exchange procedures, the State Bank will also be obliged to control inflation. The amendment has been introduced without providing any inflation target. It further states that there is no accountability for SBP in case it fails to ensure price stability.

After the new Financial Liability clause, the SBP will not be responsible for government loans even though it has taken from IMF, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, etc.

Furthermore, the State Bank of Pakistan will not be responsible for the payable and receivable of loans obtained from overseas banks or government through Swap lines or any other unions. After the amendment in Section 3, the SBP has power to hold or sell any movable and non movable property for the fulfillment of any contract agreement. As per the new bill, the governor SBP will be the chairman of Board of Directors. In the 1956 law, it was mandatory for the Secretary Finance to be a part of the Board of Directors but in the new bill the said condition is exempted. Initially, the Finance Ministry opposed this clause but eventually accepted it afterwards. Previously, a coordination board worked for the monetary and fiscal policies but in new bill the Board has been dismissed.

The SBP board was responsible for making the monetary and export policies. It was also responsible for the stability between economy, inflation and foreign accounts. The SBP will not guarantee any loan, advance loan or investment, which is being obtained from government or any public organization provided that the central bank did not already owe these loans from primary markets at the time of enactment of SBP amendment bill 2021.

According to this amendment, in compliance with the prohibition of monetary financing, such dues of bank from government will not be further extended.

The tenure of governor and deputy governors extended from three to five years and the salary and other terms and conditions for employment will be decided by the board of directors of SBP. In the new bill, it has been recommended that the private sector salaries and benefits will be considered while deciding the salaries of governor SBP and deputy governors as well as the private members. According to clause A-52 (3), NAB or FIA or any other investigating organization cannot do any legal action, investigation, or inquiry without prior permission of the board of directors.

Meanwhile, the finance ministry, in its clarification, said it is a misconception that the SBP will be empowered unabatedly through the proposed act to share financial or non-financial private information with any entity, particularly outside the country. Importantly, the proposed amendments allow SBP to enter into MoUs with domestic and international supervisory authorities, only after prior approval of the federal government. It is pertinent to mention that the SBP already has longstanding MoUs/ arrangements with several international regulatory bodies/central banks, after approval of the federal government.

Similarly, Indemnity (protection against loss or other financial burden) to the officials and staff members of the Central Bank from legal challenges on actions taken in good faith is quite common in the central bank laws, is considered an international best practice, and such an indemnity is an important aspect to ensure functional autonomy of the central bank officials and staff. Such provisions also exist in other domestic laws.

Furthermore, it is incorrect to say that bodies like NAB and FIA, etc, will not have jurisdiction in the case of SBP officials. The only change is the requirement of approval of the SBP Board to initiate proceedings.

Also 14 central bank laws explicitly prohibit the government to instruct the central bank in order to provide an autonomous legal framework to achieve their set objectives. Therefore, it is misleading to assert that the proposed SBP Act envisions no accountability for the SBP. It is important to note that the proposed SBP Amendments Act 2021 clarifies the objectives of the SBP and therefore also makes the SBP more accountable to achieving those objectives.
Right steps for making sbp truly autonomous as it should be, ti objections are procedural and should be addressed
IK is fast becoming THE security threat to people of Pakistan. He wants to hand over the State bank of Pakistan to Foreign Jewish mafia. Just think about the implications of this -- The SBP will NO LONGER ANSWER TO PEOPLE OF PAKISTAN. IT WILL NOT BE UNDER THE LEGAL JURISDICTION OF PAKISTAN.

WHY IS IK doing this?? WHY?? And why is the ESTABLISHMENT quiet about it??

O bhai, kahan se late ho ye Jewish mafia crap
Think about this - WHY IMF? Why not someone else?
You needed bail out packages and not a loan. Also this wasent the only package we got. We also got 20$ billion package from saudi arabia and 12$ from UAE. We needed so much money just to avoid bankruptcy. Then we have already taken loans from different countries and institutions World bank and ADB bank. Now do you understand there's no bigger threat to the existence of Pakistan then Nawaz shareef. Just look at the amount of loans we had to get just to avoid Bankruptcy. Compare this with autonomy of State bank and tell me which one is the way to go.
There is ALWAYS a choice but it takes extreme COURAGE TO TAKE THE RIGHT STEP. And these people are just puppets and nothing else.
Okay I'll wait, tell me what choices did Pakistan had?
Imran Khan : Let's make state Bank autonomous so governments will stop using it for own benefits and let's give SBP an actual goal
Pakistanis : Yhaoodiyo ko derha bank imran yahoodi saazish استغفراللہ. Lanat bhej kr WhatsApp par forward krey
Imran Khan : Let's make state Bank autonomous so governments will stop using it for own benefits and let's give SBP an actual goal
Pakistanis : Yhaoodiyo ko derha bank imran yahoodi saazish استغفراللہ. Lanat bhej kr WhatsApp par forward krey

Clearly you do not know fundamentals of the Role of Central Banks, and the power they have on Macro and Micro economics of a country. Otherwise you would not have written something like this.

In US, the Consumer spending comprises 70% of GDP. The retail and service industries are critical components of the U.S. economy. If today Pakistan wants, it can DOUBLE ITS GDP by correct use of its Central Bank ! No Bull.shit ! No lies just simple economics.
Okay I'll wait, tell me what choices did Pakistan had?

IK is fast becoming THE security threat to people of Pakistan. He wants to hand over the State bank of Pakistan to Foreign Jewish mafia. Just think about the implications of this -- The SBP will NO LONGER ANSWER TO PEOPLE OF PAKISTAN. IT WILL NOT BE UNDER THE LEGAL JURISDICTION OF PAKISTAN.

WHY IS IK doing this?? WHY?? And why is the ESTABLISHMENT quiet about it??


as i maintain in my posts,

ESTABLISHMENT is answerable to the people of pakistan for imposing an INEXPERIENCED, RASH sportsman over pakistan

regarding SBP autonomy, it has all been agreed with IMF ( ie, autonomy shall be granted to Sbp)

establishment ( the armed forces) are themselved dependent on IMF loans, wo kya kahain??
Think about this - WHY IMF? Why not someone else?
please provide option if not IMF then who? and who can provide us loan ? and if imf doesnt agree then where which country and which port should we hand over?
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