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Transgender can now be baptized by Catholic Church

LOL the greek, ukraine and constatinople orthodox are clowns and will fold to the West the moment Russia falls.

Religion is about the strong really, Russia is the strongest Orthodox power with a population who believes in Orthodox values, they deserve the leadership.
I'm sorry but you have some things wrong. Russian society hasn't still awaken completely,there are still masses of Russians who are living like Westerners,are corrupt,are atheist or heretics or don't care about religion. There are battles between ROCOR AND OCA,there are problems in the Moscow Patriarchy as well. Who would build an Orthodox cathedral with war and the soviet past portrayed proudly inside? There's still a long way. And that's why,Orthodox Saints have foretold of more wars between Russia and others and of a last Orthodox Tsar coming,if Russia is worthy of it.

Russia yes,should not fall,but Russia needs a big restructuring.
I'm sorry but you have some things wrong. Russian society hasn't still awaken completely,there are still masses of Russians who are living like Westerners,are corrupt,are atheist or heretics or don't care about religion. There are battles between ROCOR AND OCA,there are problems in the Moscow Patriarchy as well. Who would build an Orthodox cathedral with war and the soviet past portrayed proudly inside? There's still a long way. And that's why,Orthodox Saints have foretold of more wars between Russia and others and of a last Orthodox Tsar coming,if Russia is worthy of it.

Russia yes,should not fall,but Russia needs a big restructuring.
Yeah, I'm sure the greeks will somehow awaken Russia LOL.

You are deluded my man.
Yeah, I'm sure the greeks will somehow awaken Russia LOL.

You are deluded my man.
I didn't say the Greeks. Why do you assume so much?

You say I'm deluded,but do you know more about the internal fights between Churches and the political machinations? Or prophecies? No,you just came here to simp for Russia. I told you there's more to this than what you think and you just mocked me.
I didn't say the Greeks. Why do you assume so much?

You say I'm deluded,but do you know more about the internal fights between Churches and the political machinations? Or prophecies? No,you just came here to simp for Russia. I told you there's more to this than what you think and you just mocked me.
All the Orthodox infighting is literally just the Russian and Serbian churches vs. the western-backed Orthodox (Greek, Ukraine, Constantinople).
It's all politics, my bro.
21. Archbishop Theophan of Poltava (+1940):

"He will not be a Romanov, but he will be of the Romanovs according to the maternal line."[19]

"I do not speak from myself. But that which I have heard from the God-inspired elders, that I have passed on... The Lord will have mercy on Russia for the sake of the small remnant of true believers. In Russia, the elders said, in accordance with the will of the people, the Monarchy, Autocratic power, will be re-established. The Lord has forechosen the future Tsar. He will be a man of fiery faith, having the mind of a genius and a will of iron. First of all he will introduce order in the Orthodox Church, removing all the untrue, heretical and lukewarm hierarchs. And many, very many - with few exceptions, all - will be deposed, and new, true, unshakeable hierarchs will take their place. He will be of the family of the Romanovs according to the female line. Russia will be a powerful state, but only for 'a short time'... And then the Antichrist will come into the world, with all the horrors of the end as described in the Apocalypse."[20]

All the Orthodox infighting is literally just the Russian and Serbian churches vs. the western-backed Orthodox (Greek, Ukraine, Constantinople).
It's all politics, my bro.
"Bro",it's really not that simple. Trust me. There's way more to it and it goes back decades ago. Moscow isn't innocent either,when I tell you there's more to it,there's more to it. To simply say it,Moscow had been trying to bypass the hierarchy in Orthodox Churches,to promote Russian nationalist interests. And that is not about the war in Ukraine,that goes back a long time. There's more to it.
Well I guess they don’t follow the bible anymore.

“A woman shall not wear a man's garment, nor shall a man put on a woman's cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God.

Deuteronomy 22:5

The rate of catholics coming to Islam is very high as well. When people don’t follow the word of God anymore they will turn to those who do.
Do not object, it is matter of church to decide what is acceptable and what not, problem for them is that people enlarge will not accept it due logical, textual and natural reasons, so lot of them will seek spiritual guidance in other religions or not at all.
Why should this be any concern of Muslims to discuss. Besides I thought religious discussions were banned on PDF, or did I log into Hizb-ut-Tahrirdefence.com ?


Pope Francis fires Texan bishop after criticism of reforms​

    • Published
      1 day ago
Pope Francis
By Malu Cursino
BBC News

Pope Francis has fired the Texan bishop Joseph Strickland, a fierce critic who has questioned the Pope's leadership of the Catholic church.
The Vatican said the bishop would be "relieved" of his duties as a result of investigations at his Diocese of Tyler.
Bishop Strickland is a leading voice in a branch of US Catholicism that is opposed to the Pope's reforms.
His removal comes after Francis spoke of the "backwardness" of some US Catholic church leaders.
Bishop Strickland has launched a series of attacks on the Pope's attempts to update the Church's position on social matters and inclusion, including on abortion, transgender rights and same-sex marriage.
In July, he warned that many "basic truths" of Catholic teaching were being challenged, including what he called attempts to "undermine" marriage "as instituted by God" being only between a man and a woman.

He criticised as "disordered" the attempts of those who "reject their undeniable biological God-given identity".
His letter suggested that attempts to change "that which cannot be changed" would lead to an irrevocable schism in the Church. Those seeking change, he warned, "are the true schismatics".
Bishop Strickland was under investigation by the Vatican and had previously declined the opportunity to resign, and in an open letter in September challenged the Pope to fire him.
"I cannot resign as Bishop of Tyler because that would be me abandoning the flock," he said.
The right-wing "Coalition for Canceled Priests" held a conference earlier this year to support him during the investigation.
The Vatican said that the decision to fire him "came after an apostolic visitation ordered by the Pope last June in the Diocese of Tyler". According to Catholic media, the investigation also looked at the handling of financial affairs at the diocese.

Bishop Strickland, 65, was appointed bishop in 2012, while Benedict XVI was pope.
It all follows significant attempts made by the Pope to make the Church more progressive during his papacy.
On Thursday, the Vatican announced that transgender people can be baptised in the Catholic Church, as long as doing so does not cause scandal or "confusion".
In October, he suggested that the Church would be open to bless same-sex couples, as he told a group of cardinals "we cannot be judges who only deny, reject and exclude".
Speaking at a meeting at the World Youth Day celebrations in Lisbon the Pope said the backwardness of some people was "useless".
"Doing this you lose the true tradition and you turn to ideologies to have support. In other words, ideologies replace faith," he added.

Climate change has also been a key pillar of his papacy - from a landmark paper on the environment in 2015 to recent warnings that the world may be "nearing breaking point" due to climate change.
He has also strongly condemned climate deniers and will be at the United Nations' Climate Summit (COP28) later this month - the first time a pope has attended the event since they began in 1995.
The Vatican said that the Diocese of Tyler would be temporarily administered by Bishop Joe Vasquez of Austin.

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