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Traditional Chinese Clothing : Hanfu /

Your irrelevant posts are screwing this thread,get out of here。
@mods, @Aeronaut
Please delete all the Chinese language comments in this thread,most of them are off topics and even includes personal attack。

Here comes nothing but territorial aggression, what the heck is "former Portuguese", is there anything related to where I live in this topic. Is there anything related to my identify.

But you are partly right, I cannot decide who are "normal Chinese", but WE can. Look at those references, take a look of the articles of the professionals. Read the laws of the PRC. What I have been writing and referencing are following the "popular will" and the law. WE can surely decide who are the traitors and who are the "normal Chinese".

You people don't critique that guy who insult Qipao and other ethnics at the very beiging page, but critque me who has been trying to protect our country nad our people? What's wrong with you.

So that racist who wished to "wipe out qipao which is a [symbol of colonialism]" and "calling me 蟎蟲 (insulting word to Manchurian [and I'm not even Manchu people]) is find to you, hmm?
@mods, @Aeronaut

Please don't listen to that guy. What I have been doing is try to protect our people from some of these racists. Some of them insult Qipao and other ethnics, spreading wrong concepts and even personal attack me (called me a bug and "former Portuguese"). For China's and his people's sake, leave these comments.
Don't be fooled by these beautiful pictures and videos, since lots of racists take Hanfu as an advantages to spread rumors/concepts and insult our people.
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1. 人身攻擊的不是我,引起謾罵的也不是我;
2. 我說的話都有根有據, 依據國法與史實, 這是事實, 賊與警之間的衝突下不要搞中立說服不說服;
3. 不是我強迫他人接受任何事, 相反是他強迫他人接受他的種族主義思想;
Although I agree with all that you said about Hanfu being just one of the superficial relic of Chinese culture. Chinese culture is much more than that.
But you seem like someone with an axe to grind.
That 皇漢 simply stated his opinion, I do not think he did any personal attack.
It is ironic that your second point sound a bit like 汉贼不两立.
I think you should listen to princess and tone down your language.
Although I agree with all that you said about Hanfu being just one of the superficial relic of Chinese culture. Chinese culture is much more than that.
But you seem like someone with an axe to grind.
That 皇漢 simply stated his opinion, I do not think he did any personal attack.
It is ironic that your second point sound a bit like 汉贼不两立.
I think you should listen to princess and tone down your language.

Please read #26


Are theses really not personal attack?

And indeed it is "汉贼不两立", since he is already against the law of PRC by saying the word [螨蟲]. Moral and law are surely on my side.

Also I think princess doesn't really know the serious trouble they are facing with.
In these several years the government has been keep over watching the "Hanfu Party". Some people said that they were forbid from entrancing World Expo and some activities of Olympic because they were wearing Hanfu. I do believe that, because, as you can see every time you search "Hanfu" on the internet, there are always rumors and racist (just take a look of my references and some awful comments here, and 皇漢 is even in pdf) with this keyword.

That's why I leave the advice at the second page with Chinese. If Hanfu is still being friend with rumors and racist, sooner or later the government will take actions. And I don't really wanna see that coming.

But guess what, that 皇漢 wrote sth improper but only rcrmj and I tried to fix that. Everyone either accept or ignore it. And all I have gotten are territorial aggression and insults.
Please read #26


Are theses really not personal attack?

And indeed it is "汉贼不两立", since he is already against the law of PRC by saying the word [螨蟲]. Moral and law are surely on my side.

Also I think princess doesn't really know the serious trouble they are facing with.
In these several years the government has been keep over watching the "Hanfu Party". Some people said that they were forbid from entrancing World Expo and some activities of Olympic because they were wearing Hanfu. I do believe that, because, as you can see every time you search "Hanfu" on the internet, there are always rumors and racist (just take a look of my references and some awful comments here, and 皇漢 is even in pdf) with this keyword.

That's why I leave the advice at the second page with Chinese. If Hanfu is still being friend with rumors and racist, sooner or later the government will take actions. And I don't really wanna see that coming.

But guess what, that 皇漢 wrote sth improper but only rcrmj and I tried to fix that. Everyone either accept or ignore it. And all I have gotten are territorial aggression and insults.
Ok, I did not notice the "螨蟲" part.

Hanfu belong to all Chinese people. If what you said is true, then that will be all the more reason that the Chinese people should not let a fringe group hijacking Hanfu. If more ordinary Chinese people are wearing them, then 皇漢 would not be able to use it as a political symbol.

You can find 皇漢 in pdf because they cannot survive in general Chinese forum. I found occasionally that there are racist remark that are far more milder used in Chinese forum, and even those would get a shout down from other forum members. So I think 皇漢 is just a very small minority. Not really something that is worthy for you to get so work out with.
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