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Tracing Arya Samaj in Karachi

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Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Tracing Arya Samaj in Karachi
AKHTAR BALOUCH — UPDATED about 7 hours ago

This piece was orginally published on March 16, 2015

It was no surprise that the 1992 Babri Mosque episode in India had repercussions in Pakistan; in fact, the reaction was inevitable.

In the Kyamarri region of Karachi (Kemari is a misnomer, since Kya is the name, while marri is for building), an angry mob that could not find a temple to tear down headed for the Christian missionary-administered Sacred Heart School.

The mob was rapidly advancing toward the school when suddenly, an old man stood before the crowd and yelled in Pashto:

"Da Kristaan baanday, Hinduan na dey. O Babri Jama’at Hinduan hamla karrey da."

[These are Christians, not Hindus, and the Babri Masjid was attacked by Hindus.]

What happened next, I will share with you shortly.

My journalist friend Anwar Khan was the one who narrated this incident to me. One day, I asked him, “I’ve heard there was an Arya Samaj Organisation active in Karachi and it had its own temples as well.”

Anwar told me there was a building in his area Kyamarri, which had an inscription in Urdu that said 'Arya Samaj Compound'. I asked him to take me there.

Two weeks later, on a Sunday afternoon, Anwar Khan, my photojournalist friends Majid Butt and Akhtar Soomro, and I went to the place. Walking in and out of various streets, we finally reached an old building.

But there was no plaque. I gave Anwar Khan a look of discontentment.

"Yaar the plaque was here some time ago!" he exclaimed.

Majid pointed to some plaques on the left, but they were all in Hindi.

A friend of Anwar Khan’s, Muhammad Ali Soomro, who was a local of Kyamarri, pointed in the direction of a kindergarten school, saying, "Here’s the place where once there was a temple."


Anwar Khan and Muhammad Ali Soomro took us to another old building nearby, which could easily have been mistaken for a temple if not for the plaque announcing that it was yet another kindergarten school.

We needed someone to translate the Hindi plaques for us now. In fact, even before that, we had to know that if the Arya Samaj did indeed exist in Karachi and elsewhere in Sindh, what exactly were its activities?

The founder of Arya Samaj

Renowned historian Usman Damohi writes in his book Karachi Taareekh Kay Aaeenay Main:

"A few Hindu extremists were of the mind that the Aryans ruled the whole world in ancient times, and thus they should take back what was theirs. And since they are the greatest nation, therefore a sense of superiority should also be encouraged among Hindus; followers of other religious should either be exiled, or torched as dry wood is for fuel.

"Arya Samaj is an old Hindu organisation which came into being even before the Hindu Maha Sabha. Its founder was a fanatic Hindu named Munshi Ram. He was an educated man and had also remained an employee of the Punjab Police. Later, he quit the police job and became a lawyer. A few years later, according to his claims, he left everything as it was and adopted a life of meditation.

"Finally, from Munshi Ram he became Shradhanand. This organisation had backdoor connections with the British government. It was with their help that the organisation established branches in various parts of India in order to end the interfaith harmony among Hindus and Muslims."

Swami Shradhanand Jee was assassinated in 1926. Diwan Singh Maftoon, who was a renowned journalist of his day and published a newspaper by the name of Riyasat, wrote of how and why Swami Jee was murdered in his book Naaqaabil-e-Faraamosh.

He says it was one of Swami Jee's employees, who had previously shown signs of religious extremism, who killed Swami Jee on religious grounds.

Arya Samaj in Sindh

In his book Uhay Ddeenh Uhay Sheenh, Pir Ali Muhammad Shah Rashidi writes that after the 1920 reforms, three Hindu organisations emerged in India almost simultaneously; the Shudhi Sangathan, the Arya Samaj and the Hindu Maha Sabha.

He claims that the organisations were spearheaded by the old Congress – the party that otherwise claimed to be a representative of both Hindu and Muslim interests in India.

Regarding Arya Samaj activities in Sindh, Rashidi writes:

"On March 29, 1928, Hindu-Muslim communal riots erupted first in Larkana because of a matter related to a Muslim woman. The woman, Kariman, a wife and mother of three, was from a village near the city. She eloped with a Hindu man and came to Larkana, where she forced her children to convert to Hinduism along with her. It was the Arya Samaj people (who were running the Shudhi – literally meaning ‘purity’ – movement) who took care of the conversion and accommodated the woman and her children.

"Muslim elders of the city approached the courts to bring the children back home, but the case never proceeded. They then approached the district administration for the children’s custody. Meanwhile, Hindus had hidden Kariman and the children somewhere unknown. The collector, whom the delegation had approached for a solution, did not respond positively. The delegation, which by now had turned into an overwhelming mob, then went to Late Haji Ameer Ali Khan but again, to no avail.

"On its way back, a few members of the mob looted a few Hindu shops and roughed up a couple of Hindu young men. Later, riots erupted on a larger scale. Hindu shops were burnt and as a result, their businesses suffered. Although the riots were religiously fuelled, no Hindu was killed or injured badly.

"That the shops were looted was also proved a lie, in the courts. The Hindus themselves could not prove that the Muslims had attacked their shops. British judges disregarded all Hindu witnesses as liars.

"Hindus would not let the episode be forgotten. They then filed baseless police cases against the Muslims. Muslim activists were being targeted specifically. Khan Bahadur Ayub Khoro, who was an elected member of the Bombay Council, was also named in police cases only because he was elected by Muslims."

Presently, in Karachi or elsewhere in Sindh, Arya Samaj is non-existent.

Its only remnants are the plaques in Hindi that can be seen at the Arya Samaj Compound in Kyamarri. My friends Hassan Mansoor, Hafeez Chachar and Ajmal Kamal helped me read the plaques. They said:

Arya Samaj Kyamarri

Yeh aadhar sheela Shri Acharya Ram Dev (Gurukul Kangri) nay 15-9-1929 ko rakhha.

[The foundation stone was laid by Shri Acharya Ram Dev (of) (Gurukul Kangri) on 15-9-1929.]

Om Shri Swami Sevak Anand Jee kay adyog say yeh mandir banaaya gaya.

[The temple was constructed with help of Om Shri Swam Sevak Anand.]


Both the Kyamarri temples now host kindergarten schools. As far my knowledge goes, the Arya Samaj, too, was interested in engaging with the Hindu youth, introducing them in detail to the greatness that lies in the ancient Hindu history. They considered it as a means of redemption.

You will only see Muslims in Arya Samaj Compound now. The schools in the temples are imparting modern knowledge to children. I wonder if the Arya Samaj had not disappeared, would these academies still be open for Muslims? And, if there was no Arya Samaj building, who would take time out to build schools in Kyamarri?

Anyway, here is the end to the story I was narrating above:

The old man shouted to the crowd about how it was Hindus who had demolished the mosque and not Christians.

Soon after, an even louder voice from the crowd shouted back: "They are all infidels!"

What happened next is what has been happening to this day.

At that time, the school was surrounded by a boundary wall only four feet high. The wall is now almost twice the height of the tallest man in that mob.

—Photos by author

Translated by Ayaz Laghari from the original in Urdu here.


Akhtar Balouch is a senior journalist, writer and researcher. He is currently a council member of the HRCP. Sociology is his primary domain of expertise, on which he has published several books.

The views expressed by this writer and commenters below do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Dawn Media Group.
These days the Arya Samaj is known for being a very orthodox puritan branch. They discourage too many rituals and focus on the purer aspects of Hinduism. They believe in one supreme being and reject all other forms and deities.
They believe in one supreme being and reject all other forms and deities.

That is wrong
The arya samaj basically follows vedas and vedas accept one supreme being and subsequent to that do not reject any deity or forms.

The rigveda itself starts with praise hymn of Agni a deity beginning with a sound of Aum.

The fact you need to know that for Hindus the sound of Aum(Om) is the manifestation of creator which has been described in Mundkaya Upanishad. There fore every hymn/mantra/ritual starts with the sound Aum(Om)

You have basically no idea what Hinduism is.
I really feel sad whenever I see temples of Pakistan, condition of the temples and the deities (Most temples there don't even have idols, they use pictures mostly) speak a lot about the condition of the people who worship them,:( hardly anyone cares about them in India due the fear of being branded communal
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That is wrong
The arya samaj basically follows vedas and vedas accept one supreme being and subsequent to that do not reject any deity or forms.

The rigveda itself starts with praise hymn of Agni a deity beginning with a sound of Aum.

The fact you need to know that for Hindus the sound of Aum(Om) is the manifestation of creator which has been described in Mundkaya Upanishad. There fore every hymn/mantra/ritual starts with the sound Aum(Om)

You have basically no idea what Hinduism is.
Considering that I work closely with someone who is part of Arya samaj setup in my city and regularly attends it. I would think you know nothing of Arya Samaj.

Rejecting a Deity's supremacy is not rejecting the deity itself. The Samaj focuses on core worship of the supreme being.
The rest is your usual Indian myopia and I have no pennies for it.
Considering that I work closely with someone who is part of Arya samaj setup in my city and regularly attends it. I would think you know nothing of Arya Samaj.

Rejecting a Deity's supremacy is not rejecting the deity itself. The Samaj focuses on core worship of the supreme being.
The rest is your usual Indian myopia and I have no pennies for it.
Rejecting a deity itself means he has no existence.

This is not Islam.

That guy is basically not learned then. And is building superficial community to run his kitchen or sabotage arya samaj.

No where the founder ever mentioned it who was dayanand saraswati that it's about worship only. The arya samaj is based on hymns as mentioned in Advaita Vedanta which formed out of Vedas. And I have already quoted one Veda for you.

You cannot argue with me buddy, leave it. :)
Rejecting a deity itself means he has no existence.

This is not Islam.

That guy is basically not learned then. And is building superficial community to run his kitchen or sabotage arya samaj.

No where the founder ever mentioned it who was dayanand saraswati that it's about worship only. The arya samaj is based on hymns as mentioned in Advaita Vedanta which formed out of Vedas. And I have already quoted one Veda for you.

You cannot argue with me buddy, leave it. :)
Leave it man, they will never understand, you will end up getting banned,

One can not understand Hinduism through Abrahamic lenses, and this forum is not a suitable platform to discuss theology.
Leave it man, they will never understand, you will end up getting banned,

One can not understand Hinduism through Abrahamic lenses, and this forum is not a suitable platform to discuss theology.

I guess you are correct
He is intentionally trying to say that Arya Samaj has nothing to do with rituals and deities!
Keywords: Arya Samaj, Aryaveers, Shuddhi Movement, Reconversion of Muslims, Arya Samaj activity in Pakistan (Punjab), Arya Samaj activity in Pakistan ( Sindh), Arya Samaj activity in India ( reconversion of Indian Muslims).
Attention Mods: @krash @waz @The Eagle :
Only if you permit, I would like to revive this thread (or start a new thread), in response to our guests from India (below) and provide them a forum to voice their opinion on the key topics as above.
These guests repeatedly attempt to derail other threads with their assertions, and troll posts that Indian and Pakistani Muslims were earlier "Hindus" ( Sanatanis) and hence must convert back to "Hinduism" ( Sanatan Dharma) . Since the Arya Samaj movement in Pakistan and India espouses exactly such a theory this thread might be an appropriate place on this forum to discuss this topic, even though this thread discusses temples rather than the Arya Samaj reconversion movement.This was the closest thread I could find on the topic.
Would it be appropriate to rename this thread:

"Arya Samaj, the reconversion movement in Pakistan & India"

It is not intended to make this thread into a flame bait or troll dump but to restrict the discussion solely to the topic of the success (or otherwise ) of the Arya Samaj movement in Pakistan which was established in Lahore on 24 June 1877. The movement had started in India in Bombay in 1869 but it moved from a regional movement to a global effort after it was reformed and reorganized in Lahore. Given the fact that the Arya Samaj movement started in Pakistan and with the rise of Hindutva in India revisiting this trend is important since it has implications for Pakistan's security. The earlier attempts to reconvert Sindhi peasants and Rangar Muslims in Punjab were not very successful and reconversion activity declined after 1948. The current effort seems to be aimed at the secular or agnostic section of our urban educated society.

The thread is also intended to gather data provided by the Indian members here on how successful the movement has been in India and now that is joined with the Hindutva movement. The shuddhi movement started in Sindh and Punjab ( Pakistan) has now morphed into the gharwapasi movement in post-Independent India.

The discussions here may lead to ideological or religious topics which would be discussed without malice or insult solely on the basis of available knowledge with a strict adherence to forum rules.
As moderators would request you to closely monitor thus thread with the usual warnings and censures for forum rule violations. If the discussions get too volatile, the thread could be locked, though this is not likely because our Pakistani members would like to keep the tone of the discussion strictly academic.

@achhu @Surya 1 @Bambi @MilSpec @Juggernaut_Flat_Plane_V8
The posts from different threads are copied below:

yes Lalu Yadav is Scythian but his eyes turned brown.
yes we are actively working for gharwapsi program .

I don't want any muslim of Pakistan in my country ,
I am concerned about my hindu brothers who were forced to leave dharma . all Indian muslims with hindu DNA will return to fold of their ancestors .

They will convert to arya dharma sanatan dharma .
All Hindustani Muslims when they will return to Hindu fold will become ARYA vir .

My next post on this thread will be on the resistance to the Arya Samaj movement in Pakistan by the Ahmediyya community and a brief history till partition.
Would like inputs from @masterchief_mirza , @Cliftonite and others on this topic.
Keywords: Arya Samaj, Aryaveers, Shuddhi Movement, Reconversion of Muslims, Arya Samaj activity in Pakistan (Punjab), Arya Samaj activity in Pakistan ( Sindh), Arya Samaj activity in India ( reconversion of Indian Muslims).
Attention Mods: @krash @waz @The Eagle :
Only if you permit, I would like to revive this thread (or start a new thread), in response to our guests from India (below) and provide them a forum to voice their opinion on the key topics as above.
These guests repeatedly attempt to derail other threads with their assertions, and troll posts that Indian and Pakistani Muslims were earlier "Hindus" ( Sanatanis) and hence must convert back to "Hinduism" ( Sanatan Dharma) . Since the Arya Samaj movement in Pakistan and India espouses exactly such a theory this thread might be an appropriate place on this forum to discuss this topic, even though this thread discusses temples rather than the Arya Samaj reconversion movement.This was the closest thread I could find on the topic.
Would it be appropriate to rename this thread:

"Arya Samaj, the reconversion movement in Pakistan & India"

It is not intended to make this thread into a flame bait or troll dump but to restrict the discussion solely to the topic of the success (or otherwise ) of the Arya Samaj movement in Pakistan which was established in Lahore on 24 June 1877. The movement had started in India in Bombay in 1869 but it moved from a regional movement to a global effort after it was reformed and reorganized in Lahore. Given the fact that the Arya Samaj movement started in Pakistan and with the rise of Hindutva in India revisiting this trend is important since it has implications for Pakistan's security. The earlier attempts to reconvert Sindhi peasants and Rangar Muslims in Punjab were not very successful and reconversion activity declined after 1948. The current effort seems to be aimed at the secular or agnostic section of our urban educated society.

The thread is also intended to gather data provided by the Indian members here on how successful the movement has been in India and now that is joined with the Hindutva movement. The shuddhi movement started in Sindh and Punjab ( Pakistan) has now morphed into the gharwapasi movement in post-Independent India.

The discussions here may lead to ideological or religious topics which would be discussed without malice or insult solely on the basis of available knowledge with a strict adherence to forum rules.
As moderators would request you to closely monitor thus thread with the usual warnings and censures for forum rule violations. If the discussions get too volatile, the thread could be locked, though this is not likely because our Pakistani members would like to keep the tone of the discussion strictly academic.

@achhu @Surya 1 @Bambi @MilSpec @Juggernaut_Flat_Plane_V8
The posts from different threads are copied below:

My next post on this thread will be on the resistance to the Arya Samaj movement in Pakistan by the Ahmediyya community and a brief history till partition.
Would like inputs from @masterchief_mirza , @Cliftonite and others on this topic.
How ironic. Brahmo Samaj started in Bengal. Arya Samaj started in Punjab. Both areas were lost to Muslims.

Two from the Lal Bal Pal trio were from Punjab and Bengal. Ironic.

Though an argument can be made that the Muslim equivalents of the Shuddi movement like the Mewati Tablighi Jamat and the Deoband and Barelvi revivalist movements are a shadow of their former self in their places of origin.
Keywords: Arya Samaj, Aryaveers, Shuddhi Movement, Reconversion of Muslims, Arya Samaj activity in Pakistan (Punjab), Arya Samaj activity in Pakistan ( Sindh), Arya Samaj activity in India ( reconversion of Indian Muslims).
Attention Mods: @krash @waz @The Eagle :
Only if you permit, I would like to revive this thread (or start a new thread), in response to our guests from India (below) and provide them a forum to voice their opinion on the key topics as above.
These guests repeatedly attempt to derail other threads with their assertions, and troll posts that Indian and Pakistani Muslims were earlier "Hindus" ( Sanatanis) and hence must convert back to "Hinduism" ( Sanatan Dharma) . Since the Arya Samaj movement in Pakistan and India espouses exactly such a theory this thread might be an appropriate place on this forum to discuss this topic, even though this thread discusses temples rather than the Arya Samaj reconversion movement.This was the closest thread I could find on the topic.
Would it be appropriate to rename this thread:

"Arya Samaj, the reconversion movement in Pakistan & India"

It is not intended to make this thread into a flame bait or troll dump but to restrict the discussion solely to the topic of the success (or otherwise ) of the Arya Samaj movement in Pakistan which was established in Lahore on 24 June 1877. The movement had started in India in Bombay in 1869 but it moved from a regional movement to a global effort after it was reformed and reorganized in Lahore. Given the fact that the Arya Samaj movement started in Pakistan and with the rise of Hindutva in India revisiting this trend is important since it has implications for Pakistan's security. The earlier attempts to reconvert Sindhi peasants and Rangar Muslims in Punjab were not very successful and reconversion activity declined after 1948. The current effort seems to be aimed at the secular or agnostic section of our urban educated society.

The thread is also intended to gather data provided by the Indian members here on how successful the movement has been in India and now that is joined with the Hindutva movement. The shuddhi movement started in Sindh and Punjab ( Pakistan) has now morphed into the gharwapasi movement in post-Independent India.

The discussions here may lead to ideological or religious topics which would be discussed without malice or insult solely on the basis of available knowledge with a strict adherence to forum rules.
As moderators would request you to closely monitor thus thread with the usual warnings and censures for forum rule violations. If the discussions get too volatile, the thread could be locked, though this is not likely because our Pakistani members would like to keep the tone of the discussion strictly academic.

@achhu @Surya 1 @Bambi @MilSpec @Juggernaut_Flat_Plane_V8
The posts from different threads are copied below:

My next post on this thread will be on the resistance to the Arya Samaj movement in Pakistan by the Ahmediyya community and a brief history till partition.
Would like inputs from @masterchief_mirza , @Cliftonite and others on this topic.

All hindus should return to INDIA. We have simplified citizenship rules for all non-Muslim of Pakistan .
How ironic. Brahmo Samaj started in Bengal. Arya Samaj started in Punjab. Both areas were lost to Muslims.

Two from the Lal Bal Pal trio were from Punjab and Bengal. Ironic.

Though an argument can be made that the Muslim equivalents of the Shuddi movement like the Mewati Tablighi Jamat and the Deoband and Barelvi revivalist movements are a shadow of their former self in their places of origin.

Jawahar LAL nehru khan of Muslim congress league party brought Muslim rule again in INDIA with help of angrej and Muslims. Hindus kept fighting Muslim rule of Congress for the last 70 years. Finally we have started towards achieving Hindu rashtra .
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How ironic. Brahmo Samaj started in Bengal. Arya Samaj started in Punjab. Both areas were lost to Muslims.

Two from the Lal Bal Pal trio were from Punjab and Bengal. Ironic.

Though an argument can be made that the Muslim equivalents of the Shuddi movement like the Mewati Tablighi Jamat and the Deoband and Barelvi revivalist movements are a shadow of their former self in their places of origin.
For consistency in this discussion we may want to put @achhu ( is that a sneeze) on the ignore list. Because of a limited education and limited English language skills which forces the use of Hindi words ( "angrej", notice the "j" instead of "z" 😊) the posts from this member are not very interesting. I would highly recommend that you put @achhu on your ignore list.

To return to the topic:
You made an excellent point. Both the Arya Samaj and Brahmo Samaj failed. The majority of Punjab and Bengal was lost to Muslim self -determination. The fate of the Brahmo Samaj in East Bengal would be an interesting topic for inputs from our Bangladeshi guests here and perhaps we could get them to participate.

What is interesting is that the Arya Samaj effort in Pakistan continued well into 1948 which is post partition. Will write on this some more in my later post.
I asked Mr.Fact Check @Bambi for statistics on how many Muslims converted to the Sanatana Dharma as part of reconversion efforts, and the response I got was a lament on how the Indian Muslim population had increased from 9% to 14.1 % and another lament on the "persecution" of Hindus and Sikhs in Pakistan. @Bambi is on my ignore list so I am unable to read further posts. As trolls they can't stick to the topic. Could you invite some intellectually honest Indian Hindus to this discussion? We may not agree with the objective of conversion of Muslims, but it would be interesting to know their views.

So the questions out there:

1. How many Muslims converted as part of the shuddhi movement in Pakistan prior to 1948 ( a break up of Sindh and Punjab)?

2. Was there a shuddhi movement in Baluchistan and KPK?

3. If there were conversions of Punjabi and Sindhi Muslims what caste did they convert to?
( Note. I asked this question to @achhu but the response I got was that they were "aryavirs". I may be wrong but I couldn't find aryavirs as a listed caste or varna in the online Government of India scheduled list.I am researching online for more information that the Arya Samajis wanted a minority status.

Searched unsuccessfully on line for the reconversion data. There are books I intend to order from Amazon but we can discuss those later.

Subsequently we can discuss the gharwapasi movement in India and maybe @xeuss would like to give an input.
Awaiting more participation from our Indian guests-
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For consistency in this discussion we may want to put @achhu ( is that a sneeze) on the ignore list. Because of a limited education and limited English language skills which forces the use of Hindi words ( "angrej", notice the "j" instead of "z" 😊) the posts from this member are not very interesting. I would highly recommend that you put @achhu on your ignore list.

To return to the topic:
You made an excellent point. Both the Arya Samaj and Brahmo Samaj failed. The majority of Punjab and Bengal was lost to Muslim self -determination. The fate of the Brahmo Samaj in East Bengal would be an interesting topic for inputs from our Bangladeshi guests here and perhaps we could get them to participate.

What is interesting is that the Arya Samaj effort in Pakistan continued well into 1948 which is post partition. Will write on this some more in my later post.
I asked Mr.Fact Check @Bambi for statistics on how many Muslims converted to the Sanatana Dharma as part of reconversion efforts, and the response I got was a lament on how the Indian Muslim population had increased from 9% to 14.1 % and another lament on the "persecution" of Hindus and Sikhs in Pakistan. @Bambi is on my ignore list so I am unable to read further posts. As trolls they can't stick to the topic. Could you invite some intellectually honest Indian Hindus to this discussion? We may not agree with the objective of conversion of Muslims, but it would be interesting to know their views.

So the questions out there:

1. How many Muslims converted as part of the shuddhi movement in Pakistan prior to 1948 ( a break up of Sindh and Punjab)?

2. Was there a shuddhi movement in Baluchistan and KPK?

3. If there were conversions of Punjabi and Sindhi Muslims what caste did they convert to?
( Note. I asked this question to @achhu but the response I got was that they were "aryavirs". I may be wrong but I couldn't find aryavirs as a listed caste or varna in the online Government of India scheduled list.I am researching online for more information that the Arya Samajis wanted a minority status.

Searched unsuccessfully on line for the reconversion data. There are books I intend to order from Amazon but we can discuss those later.

Subsequently we can discuss the gharwapasi movement in India and maybe @xeuss would like to give an input.
Awaiting more participation from our Indian guests-
Gharwapsi, shuddhi, whatever- it's all a farce . It can perharps only find audience in the Ganges belt shithole.

Hindus can't even convert the Christian ricebags of the Northeast back to their Tanatan dharma. Weirdos.
Gharwapsi, shuddhi, whatever- it's all a farce . It can perhaps only find audience in the Ganges belt...

Hindus can't even convert the Christian ricebags of the Northeast back to their Sanatan dharma. Weirdos.
Point well taken:
The Santana Dharma on its own attracts few converts and even a forced conversion though a media event is mostly temporary. The main reason is caste or varna ( to be discussed later).

But we are primarily discussing Arya Samaj here. We will discuss the Hindutva clone later.

The Arya Samaj phenomenon is uniquely different and far more attractive to conversions because of the following reasons:
1. There is no caste within the Arya Samaj sect.
2. The Arya Samaji's don't worship idols.
3. ( Not sure) Arya Samaji's do believe in a single Supreme Being.

They are essentially going back to the pure Vedic ideology.

Which is why their success however limited and largely amongst neo-Buddhists and tribals is far more than the aggressive Hindutva clone we see today.
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