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TPP failure would cost the US trade dominance

Imagine Vietnam and Malaysia backing off :cheesy:
The TPP would just be an enlarged version of NAFTA without these two :dance3:
I hear the Vietnamese big boss is coming to visit China next week :devil:
Don’t just blame the stalling on US-Japan agricultural hurdles.

The US and China seemed inking the climate change initiatives,and some Japanese analysts suspect the big two also have a plan on trade or through WTO next rounds. Besides, the recent AIIB has shown foreseeable trend in the multilateral efforts, and the Philippines just quit TPP talk. What do you opinion on this developing story.

Abe should stop wasteing time and resources on the meaningless discussion before trapping in another deflation nightmare.

The TPP: Doomed to fail? | Embassy - Canada's Foreign Policy Newspaper

We have to be pragmatic, my friend. Continue with these TPP talks, while at the same time expedite the Japan-China-SK FTA. :)

There's no reason why we can't grow rice and go fishing at the same time.
The World wants to do business with China because they deliver real goods and not junk Dollars the US can inflate whenever they please by printing more of them. TPP is just a thinly veiled attack at China's trade ties with other Asian economies but the US in its arrogance doesn't fully appreciate how much these economies rely on China as a supplier and as an exponentially growing market for their goods. Sure they will hear US out but they are never gonna do anything that could lead to severing economic ties with China or incurring the wrath of China.
The World wants to do business with China because they deliver real goods and not junk Dollars the US can inflate whenever they please by printing more of them. TPP is just a thinly veiled attack at China's trade ties with other Asian economies but the US in its arrogance doesn't fully appreciate how much these economies rely on China as a supplier and as an exponentially growing market for their goods. Sure they will hear US out but they are never gonna do anything that could lead to severing economic ties with China.

Think about it this way, my friend. The Age of European Exploration --- what was its catalyst? To find a way by sea rout to Cathay (China) and the Indies. Yes? The abundance of wealth was the very reason why European Powers deigned to find a route to China --- in the process finding North & South America accidentally --- nevertheless --- the original goal was China and the Spice Islands.

China has ever been the driver of Western explorative and economic mechanics. China will continue to be that said driver. She is the heart of East Asia, the progenitor of East Asian Civilization and Culture. And with a population of over 1.4 Billion --- she is the dream market for any and all businesses. :)
Imagine Vietnam and Malaysia backing off :cheesy:
The TPP would just be an enlarged version of NAFTA without these two :dance3:
I hear the Vietnamese big boss is coming to visit China next week :devil:
lol @ big boss.
Imagine Vietnam and Malaysia backing off :cheesy:
The TPP would just be an enlarged version of NAFTA without these two :dance3:
I hear the Vietnamese big boss is coming to visit China next week :devil:
I think we will join both of them
same as yours i guess, they pay the bill, no?

I don't have a commie boss. Harper is close to it though. But we're going to vote him out. Can you vote out Xi Jinping? or no?
I don't have a commie boss. Harper is close to it though. But we're going to vote him out. Can you vote out Xi Jinping? or no?
yeah he‘s been PM long enough ..and still can be re-elected? looks likeCA and US are different
I am not sure i want to cast a vote even there is an election in china,maybe just too lazy.
watching the last US election tho,is quite entertaining 

I think we will join both of them
Oh no plz dont abandon us:D
yeah he‘s been PM long enough ..and still can be re-elected? looks likeCA and US are different
I am not sure i want to cast a vote even there is an election in china,maybe just too lazy.
watching the last US election tho,is quite entertaining 

Oh no plz dont abandon us:D

CA and US is very different. Capitalist is not quite the same as Mixed economy as Canada is.
General Secretary of the Communist Party not like a boss. I live in Vietnam and I like General Secretary of the Vietnamese Communist Party.
Very funny when have some "intelligent, honorable, strong and free" chinese people, live in china, like current china's "perfect social", but not like General Secretary of the Communist Party and call him as "commie boss".

TPP is only one in many trade agreements, which Vietnam will join. Vietnam have low level economic, so can survive in every trade agreements, of course at begin will be low in the supply chain.
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I don't have a commie boss. Harper is close to it though. But we're going to vote him out. Can you vote out Xi Jinping? or no?

Who is "we"? Can "you" personally vote Harper out? No? What difference does it make? What's the big whopping deal?

Let me know when you can "vote" your real boss out. Yes, your real boss, the one who pays you.

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