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TOW (RF) Missiles to Saudi Arabia

No it doesn't, there are ways around it which Palestinian fighters have found.


In your dreams only. Deny the reality nothing will change the facts.

It is with this way of thinking, fundamentalist, mindless, that we arrived at such a technological delay.
In your dreams only. Deny the reality nothing will change the facts.

It is with this way of thinking, fundamentalist, mindless, that we arrived at such a technological delay.

Yes you can, with different warheads, anti-tank weapons and mortar techniques, or using cover rpg warheads for separate fire.

Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran all follow israeli military developments and try to find strategies around these new systems, as well as missile defense systems.

You're the one that makes it like we Muslims and centuries behind and cannot can't catch up therefore we should accept Israel's hegemony over the region.

You almost sound like an Israeli yourself, your country has plenty of money and capable of developing a military doctrine to combat all threats but you don't.

You only do so for Iran and your civilian population. This seems to me you really want as to accept Israel's advantages and rule over ourselves.
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Yes you can, with different warheads, anti-tank weapons and mortar techniques, or using cover rpg warheads for separate fire.


lol ^^

Nop. Great genius.

Merkava 4 Equipped with Trophy Defeats an RPG on the First Combat Engagement of an Active Protection System - Defense Update - Military Technology & Defense News

Trophy uses the Elta System’s EL/M 2133 ‘WindGuard’ radar as the primary sensor detecting missiles and RPG threats. When such threat is classified by the system as ‘acute’ (aimeing directly at the protected vehicle), the system alerts the crew and tracks the missile closing-in on the tank. As the RPG enters the system’s kill-zone, Trophy automatically activates its hard kill countermeasure (Multiple Explosive Formed Penetrators – MEFP), destroying the threat at a safe distance from the tank.

Beside its role as the Trophy’s primary sensor, detecting the threat and calculating Time-to-Impact (TTI) and plotting the optimal intercept point, the Windguard radar also localizes the firing position of the missile being tracked, enabling the IDF troops to rapidly engage active enemy positions, eliminating follow-up attacks on its armor.


With support of F-16, AH-64 Apache or MQ-1 Predator by GPS position.

lol ^^

Nop. Great genius.

With support of F-16, AH-64 Apache or MQ-1 Predator.


Saying nope is enough to refute that it can be countered with certain techniques?

Can you tell us why? You know there are specific weapons created for these weapon systems in tanks.

They shoot off a decoy confusing the system and a separate warhead to penetrate it. Both the trophy system and weapons working against it aren't perfect.

But for you to say nope you can't do anything about and just shut up and don't dare develop capabilities to counter the Israeli military threat in the region is moronic.

Are you an ally with Israel? Am I missing out on something?

You moron what relevance have your posts had in our comversation? Can you comprehend English or do I need to speak to you in Arabic?

We're speaking of the trophy system on tanks, or the explosive reactive defense system on tanks and how they can be countered with strategies and weapons designed specifically to for tanks with this explosive defense system.

And you're not making any points at all, you're apparently trying to imply its invincible.

You're the only stupid person here and seem to have a idiotic bias against me for no reason. Even if you don't like my views at least concentrate on be realistic on this discussion.
Where is the problem? I showed you the great realizations of your genius friends. Or leads unrealistic, your fanaticism, without reflection. The ‘Trophy system’ is fully functional. Even if you never would admit.

What the? Why all of this needed?

Produce the RPG and Kornet in your country.

Also don't forget to send a hundred TOW(RF) to Gaza. :rofl:
Don't worry....the Israelis send plenty of TOW's to Gaza....
Where is the problem? I showed you the great realizations of your genius friends. Or leads unrealistic, your fanaticism, without reflection. The ‘Trophy system’ is fully functional. Even if you never would admit.


What fanaticism are you talking about where do I demonstrate that? I obviously acknowledge it's functional why would make myself appear insane and say it isn't?

I said there are weapons designed to be effective against explosive reactive armor systems. Are you denying such a thing exists?

How am I being unrealistic, btw?
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