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Tourist harrassment. Whats wrong with India ?

Okay, I've wasted enough time to read and moderate stupid posts.

Stick to the topic and don't abuse a serious issue to bash India or Pakistan. Tourist harassment is a growing threat in the Sub Continent, India and Sri Lanka receive 3.5 and 1.5 million tourists respectively on year base against Pakistan's 0.7 million so the number of reported cases is higher than in Pakistan.

What's needed is harsher punishment for rape cases, be it a local or foreign girl, equal treatment for all.
More surveilliance on tourist hot spots should result in better safety aswell.

:tsk: you did not have to drag pakistan to show how open minded person you are. 60% of the skin lightening products are sold to India! and mind you 80% of the pakistanis have fair skinn color and the obsission is very limited.

and i am very suprised to know that only 3.5 million tourists visit india knowing how much they publises on TV "incredibel india" and i have to admit their is so many historical places to visit..
please tell me how many times have tourists been kidnaped or raped or blown to bits by suiside bombers in pakistan?
:tsk: you did not have to drag pakistan to show how open minded person you are.
But the thread is not about me is it?
Whenever a debate takes Pakistan vs India course all I have to say is that people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

60% of the skin lightening products are sold to India! and mind you 80% of the pakistanis have fair skinn color and the obsission is very limited.
60% compared to what % in Pakistan??
What are you trying to prove here?
I'm from a pathan family, majority of my family members has light complexion and colored eyes, still skin products and specially bleeching cremes, scrubb or face masques are quite in demand as birthday present. :rolleyes:
We're all obsessed with color.

and i am very suprised to know that only 3.5 million tourists visit india knowing how much they publises on TV "incredibel india" and i have to admit their is so many historical places to visit..
please tell me how many times have tourists been kidnaped or raped or blown to bits by suiside bombers in pakistan?
India has huge potential and infrastructure to become a major tourist destination. Just a decade ago the number of tourists was below 1 million, now it has surpassed 3.5 million. India is projecting growth to over 10 million by 2012.
^^^Such a dumb meaningless article was just waiting to be written by some hairbrained shmuck.

Stealth though I dont agree entirely with that article, however I would have to accept the point it is trying to make, last summer we were stationed at Lodhi road at Delhi and after every Saturday the staff at UN India would go to places like TGI or disc , I had accompanied them and I found that most caucassian women were often harrassed by Indian autorikshaw, taxi drivers and passers by in street, in some instances we had CRPF personell passing comments. The point is sometimes there are fellow Indians who do take undo advantage of western , especially women as they feel they shall escape without any punishment.

Stealth though I dont agree entirely with that article, however I would have to accept the point it is trying to make, last summer we were stationed at Lodhi road at Delhi and after every Saturday the staff at UN India would go to places like TGI or disc , I had accompanied them and I found that most caucassian women were often harrassed by Indian autorikshaw, taxi drivers and passers by in street, in some instances we had CRPF personell passing comments. The point is sometimes there are fellow Indians who do take undo advantage of western , especially women as they feel they shall escape without any punishment.


Dude, Delhi isn't called the "rape capital of India" without reason.

More women here are raped/harassed/molested than any other place on earth probably.

So its not surprising that foreigners undergo the same treatment.

Delhiites are also famous for their total disrespect for the law.

Perhaps that has something to do with it.

Or as I said earler, maybe Delhiites get influenced by the biggest gathering of criminals in India...i.e. the Parliament.
Development of infrastructure and security arrangements can not guarantee the safety of tourists in terms of their harassment sexual abuse and raps.

A security guard or a tourist guide whose personal details & work history records are with the hotel or agency hiring him is far less likely to do anything as such than a stranger on the street.

And in India it was also seen that foreign women tourists are raped or sexually abused by guards or even security persons.

US Marines have been regularly accused of rape.. In 2005 Dr. Shazia Khalid was raped by a senior Pak military officer. I can provide you several such instances. So does it mean that each & every one in Pak army is a sexual pervert waiting to pounce on wherever he sights a woman? One swallow doesn't make a summer.

Its simple the horny mentality can not be changed by just improving the infrastructure plus its such a pitty that Indian society is being dragged to an extreme end by those who are trying to even surpass the west in a bid to prove that India is modern What a pity they are adding to the frustration of an already frustrated lot.

Provide me the scientific data which states that Indian males are hornier than their counter parts elsewhere. If you are deducting your inference based on few news reports emanating on web then please leave the research for someone more capable. Do you even know that 4 out of 10 women in US have been sexually abused? 62% of undergraduate students in US have been sexually harassed?

Survey stacks up sexual harassment statistics - City

So please give a rest to your research on "horny" Indians. Compiling news articles on tourist harassments in India isn't going to make a iota of difference. Foreign tourist arrival in India is growing at more than 20% per annum. Guess those tourist do not have any problem with horny Indians.

A moderate way is always the best way to do anything but we can see the Indians are trying to catch up the west in short span although if you go back and study the changes took place in US or any western country, these took a long time ,a steady transformation not an abrupt change as the Indians want.

And how is Indians attempt of catching the west has anything to do with the topic being discussed. Its the internet era we are in & the world is aligning at a very quick pace. So obviously cultural exchanges are going to keep happening. But I am still at sea to understand how this leads to sexual harassments for tourists.
A security guard or a tourist guide whose personal details & work history records are with the hotel or agency hiring him is far less likely to do anything as such than a stranger on the street.

US Marines have been regularly accused of rape.. In 2005 Dr. Shazia Khalid was raped by a senior Pak military officer. I can provide you several such instances. So does it mean that each & every one in Pak army is a sexual pervert waiting to pounce on wherever he sights a woman? One swallow doesn't make a summer.

Provide me the scientific data which states that Indian males are hornier than their counter parts elsewhere. If you are deducting your inference based on few news reports emanating on web then please leave the research for someone more capable. Do you even know that 4 out of 10 women in US have been sexually abused? 62% of undergraduate students in US have been sexually harassed?

Survey stacks up sexual harassment statistics - City

So please give a rest to your research on "horny" Indians. Compiling news articles on tourist harassments in India isn't going to make a iota of difference. Foreign tourist arrival in India is growing at more than 20% per annum. Guess those tourist do not have any problem with horny Indians.

And how is Indians attempt of catching the west has anything to do with the topic being discussed. Its the internet era we are in & the world is aligning at a very quick pace. So obviously cultural exchanges are going to keep happening. But I am still at sea to understand how this leads to sexual harassments for tourists.

You are right my friend .. Being a professional journalist doesn't mean freedom from prejudices and jealousy .
:tsk: you did not have to drag pakistan to show how open minded person you are. 60% of the skin lightening products are sold to India! and mind you 80% of the pakistanis have fair skinn color and the obsission is very limited.

and i am very suprised to know that only 3.5 million tourists visit india knowing how much they publises on TV "incredibel india" and i have to admit their is so many historical places to visit..
please tell me how many times have tourists been kidnaped or raped or blown to bits by suiside bombers in pakistan?

I beg to disagree with you.

It is people like Neo who has maintained a sense of sanity here unlike the PDF.

This forum has many non Pakistani members and gives a real variety of views. It leads to better understanding, notwithstanding the weirdos of all nations!

He and his ilk are like Abou ben Adhem?

Now ask me, who is he!

23 March you are the pits if you insult Neo or Asim. I have fought with them, but I respect them! They are people I will give my right hand to!

As far as you are concerned....................

I am astounded at your audacity!!
Or what about "morality" of people marrying animals in India (eg. dogs)?

Heard about drinking camels urine authorised by none other than the Prophet?

Weird thing do happen!

But then stupid people do not understand the psychology behind all this!

and you are intelligent!
The Camel: Wholesome Food and Therapy
Mariam Alireza
Arab News
Due to research for health columns, I have learned to make better health choices; one of them drinking camel or sheep milk. In an earlier column, I wrote about different milk options (Are there Alternatives to Cow Milk? Arab News, Dec. 27, 2006). Moreover since reading the medical page of Dr. Jabber Al-Qahtani about camel products (Al-Riyadh newspaper, Nov. 26, 2007), I felt encouraged to revisit the subject in order to pass on valuable information about camel milk to those who are unaware of its benefits or reluctant to use it. So much is to be said and written about this overlooked God-given wholesome nutrition to the desert dwellers of the Arabian Peninsula and Central Asia. The milk’s high nutritional value substitutes the lack of variety of nutrients in their diet. Let us explore this miracle food.

Camel milk’s water volume is very high, preventing dehydration in baby camels and nomads. It reaches up to 91 percent during the dry period. At this point, sodium and phosphate contents increase, while calcium and magnesium decrease, with the milk becoming less palatable. On the other hand with water availability, camel’s yield becomes more concentrated in calcium and magnesium, and its water diminishes to 84 percent. Lactose and sodium contents of the milk depend on the quantity of water the she camel drinks; the stage of her milk production; and the type of fodder or shrubs she feeds on. When lactose reaches 5.8 percent, it acquires a sweeter taste.

Unlike fat in cow milk, fat in camel milk is not only low, but also healthy unsaturated fatty acids and linolenic acids (LA). Its fat molecules are much smaller, making the milk more digestible and more cardiovascular friendly and nutrients more bio-available.

Vitamin C in camel milk is three times that of cow milk. To make up for unavailability of vegetable and fruit nutrients, the milk offers higher vitamins B1 and B2 than others.

Casein, protein, in camel’s milk reaches 70 percent, improving its digestibility as well as absorption. The milk has other important amino acids along with albumin and globulin.

Contrary to belief that it gives diarrhea, camel milk contains antibacterial and antifungal agents that boost immunity to fight bacterial and yeast infections. How do we check that? Leave freshly-milked camel and cow milks separately at room temperature. Camel milk remains fresh for over 48 hours, whereas its counterpart only lasts 12 hours. Antibacterial and antifungal compounds slow it from turning sour.

Camel milk colostrums are of superior nutritional value, making them potent immune boosters for convalescing patients and sufferers of nutrient deficiencies and bone loss.

Bedouins treat many diseases and disorders with camel milk. These range from osteoporosis, rickets, hepatitis, digestive ulcers and disorders, spleen problems, tuberculosis, asthma, flu, and other respiratory diseases to controlling heartbeat, hypertension and diabetes. Omani studies support such therapies. While a Sudanese control study on diabetics found the milk to lower blood sugar levels significantly, a recent Indian study showed it to lower insulin dependence in diabetics.

King Abdul Aziz University in Jeddah ran experiments on carcinogen-fed rats. One group was treated with chemotherapy; another with camel milk only; and the third with both. The group treated with the milk was cured almost as well as the group that received chemotherapy; while the third group treated with both gave superior results.

Young camel meat is favored for its medicinal properties to cure lumbago, chronic shoulder pains, and urinary tract infections.

Hold your breath! Young camel urine is used as an antibiotic therapy for bacterial and yeast infections, allergies, and liver cirrhosis and as an antiseptic for wounds, skin infections, burns, and acne. Young she-camel urine is known to heal eye infections, too.

Research supports the above claims. Should you have inquiries, address them to Dr. Jabber Al-Qahtani of King Saud University in Riyadh, jqahtani@alriyadh.com. He is the expert on the subject.

Arab View: The Camel: Wholesome Food and Therapy
Heard about drinking camels urine authorised by none other than the Prophet?

complete nonsense, pathetic, justify ur claim for wut u just said, n respect other religions dont show to the rest of the world wut u r:crazy:

this is not BR where u can throw out all the racial, extremist comments abut Islam or any other religion, better watch wut u say:what:
India: Rape victim British journalist feel harassment

Ch. Narendra 4/5/2008 11:21:37 AM(IST)

A British journalist who was raped in a guesthouse at Udaipur, Rajasthan in December last year has said that her four-month legal battle in India was marked by intimidation and harassment.

The 40-year-old freelance journalist, who did not want to be identified, accused defence lawyers of intimidating, mocking and manhandling her in court, and her own lawyers of verbally abusing and even sexually harassing her, according to a report.

Her rapist, Parbhat Singh, 32, the owner of the Pardeshi guesthouse in Udaipur, was sentenced to 21 years in prison for forcing his way into her room and then raping her on the night of December 23.

In a scathing indictment of the Indian legal system, she told the London Times: "Of course, I am happy that the man who raped me is behind bars... But I only won because I could spend £25,000, take four months off work and resist all the harassment and intimidation. An Indian woman would not stand a chance."

She also accused the British high commission in New Delhi of providing "woefully inadequate" information and support. "While I was appealing for help, Gordon Brown was in Delhi meeting a women’s empowerment group, and yet I was unable to get support from my own government," she said.

The high commission, which sent a representative to Udaipur twice at the start of the trial, said that it had provided consular assistance to an extremely high standard.

After the rape, when she went to the police, she was forced to write a statement while her rapist sat beside her. She underwent a medical examination in a maternity ward and the ward head called her a whore because she was unmarried but not a virgin. "That was almost as traumatic as the rape itself," she said.

She said defence lawyers surrounded her repeatedly, laughed at her and pushed her around. One junior member from her own legal team asked her about oral sex repeatedly, and offered to come to her hotel room.

Throughout the trial, local people approached her almost daily to threaten and cajole her into dropping the charges, she claimed.

Several local hotels refused to allow her to stay. "The community appeared to be prepared to go to any lengths. They just thought, ‘You’re white, you’re a tourist, you’ll be gone in two weeks’," she said.

She said she believed that a conviction could be secured in the case because of an honest judge and a sympathetic police chief.
^^^Wow. that's shocking. I"ll say that these locals seriously have an attitude problem.

Kudos to the judge and local police though....and for the victim for her courage.
Mother of drowned British teen to testify in India: lawyer

PANAJI: The mother of a British teenager who was found drowned in the Indian resort state of Goa is to give evidence this week against two men on trial over her death, her lawyer said on Monday. Advocate Vikram Varma said Fiona MacKeown would be a prosecution witness on Friday at the children’s court in the state capital of the former Portuguese colony, Panaji, and “give all the information she has.” Two men – Samson D’Souza and Placido Carvalho – are on trial after the bruised and half-naked body of MacKeown’s 15-year-old daughter, Scarlett Keeling, was found at the popular Anjuna Beach resort in February 2008. MacKeown was instrumental in forcing local police to conduct a murder investigation after they initially dismissed the teenager’s death as accidental. She sharply criticised officers for allegedly trying to cover-up the wide availability of drugs in the tourist hotspot to protect dealers and has criticised a decision not to charge D’Souza and Carvalho with rape and murder. The defendants, both beach bar workers, are accused of culpable homicide not amounting to murder, using force with intent to outrage a woman’s modesty and administering a drug with intent to harm. MacKeown had been due to appear as a witness soon after the trial opened in April but was delayed by the volcanic ash cloud that grounded flights in Europe and a court case in Britain in which she was accused of falsely claiming state benefits. afp

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