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Tourist harrassment. Whats wrong with India ?

Rape of foreign tourists shames the nation!
M. S. Verma, 15 January 2008, Tuesday
Views:: 1571 Comments: 2
Not only women tourists from abroad, our own women are not safe in our country. As a Lucknow girl rightly puts it, “Women are not safe anywhere-in the womb, in their homes, with family, with in-laws, in prison, on the streets or public places”.

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“UK JOURNALIST raped by a guesthouse owner; US tourist molested at Pushkar, Rajasthan; Japanese student molested; Swiss tourist raped”, scream out the headlines in the national and local press. What is happening to India after all? The scriptures declare ‘Atithi Devo Bhava’ or ‘the guest is God’. The foreign tourists are our guests. But the ground reality tells a different story. Foreigners are no longer treated as guests. They are an easy prey to human predators. What puzzles me is the scant concern shown to these shameful almost-daily occurrences by those whose duty is to guard the tourists against such things: the government, tourism department, hoteliers, guest-house owners, taxi drivers, parking lot attendants, the moralists, temple priests, the socialites - in short, everybody is indifferent to this important issue. Recently a British tourist was raped in Goa. But the government explained that it was just an isolated incident. Well, it could be so, but how many such incidents would awaken us to the gravity of this serious issue? Molesting, ill-treating, harassing, humiliating, insulting, violating the modesty, stealing the purse and documents, cheating, deceiving and fooling tourists, exploiting their trust and vulnerability, murdering them, etc, constitute a dangerous trend that sends negative signals to the outside world.

I was in Kabul, Afghanistan, in the 1970’s and my room-mate was a beautiful, young American girl. She was also a teacher in Kabul University. During the winter vacation (as summer vacation there is not that long or important), she visited Pakistan. The previous year she had been to Kashmir. On her return, she told me plaintively that although she enjoyed her visit to the country, she felt very bad when ogled and leered at. Eve teasing, she observed, was worse in Pakistan than in India. But I don’t feel proud when I recall her words now. Then why confine ourselves to foreigners alone? The Indian women are treated no better. Rape of grown up women or small girls, oral sex or any act of perverted mentality has been on the rise and is being highlighted in the media. The lines from a letter to the editor of a newspaper by one Deepti of Lucknow, aptly expresses the genuine anguish of a woman; it speaks for all Indian women: “Women are not safe anywhere- in the womb, in their homes, with family, with in-laws, in prison, on the streets or public places.” All of us understand this and nobody is so inane as not to see this, realise its consequence; the writing is on the wall. But what do we do next? Are we serious enough to face this scourge or would we prefer to look the other way?

Of course we prefer to look the other way and pretend that nothing has happened. The law will take its own course, we argue. Why should we bother? After all it is not our doing; not our responsibility. But this cannot go on for a long time. This attitude of the Indian society will take its toll. The county will lose its fine cultural image and the foundation of its excellent ancient traditions will erode. In the long run, tourism will suffer and the country will lose revenue. The efforts of the ministry concerned to promote tourism will be negated. It will not be able to promote India as a country inhabited by a hospitable and friendly people. Indians abroad will be looked down upon by the people of the host country and labelled barbarians, boors and bullies. Indians won’t be able to hold their head high abroad with national pride because of the crime committed by a few of their fellow countrymen back home in India against foreign tourists. It is high time punishment for crime against foreigner tourists was reviewed and made more stringent. The punishment should be severe enough to instil fear into the perpetrators of these shameful acts. Some poster campaign or some steps for educating the people generally involved in such shameful acts against the foreign tourists should be undertaken. There is no dearth of means when there is an end in view. There are resources but only the will to act is absent. But things are being delayed which naturally causes concern in the minds of the right-thinking people.

Rape of foreign tourists shames the nation!

Jus dont put a 2004 article in reply to the recent harrasements in India:what:

looks odd that u couldn't find anythin recent against PAK, surprisin to me!!!!!!!

Jus dont put a 2004 article in reply to the recent harrasements in India:what:

looks odd that u couldn't find anythin recent against PAK, surprisin to me!!!!!!!

Does not matter if its 2004, just to highlight " It also happens in Pakistan"
Dont ask him the question. Obssession for white skinned women among Indian men is not hidden.

Poor souls the complexion complex still go on

Are you sure your compatriots are any better?

The complexion complex is much more in Pakistanis. On the one hand they claim that Islam teaches them equality of human beings and on the other hand they are some of the biggest racists in the world.

You do a disservice to all that you claim to represent!
Are you sure your compatriots are any better?

The complexion complex is much more in Pakistanis. On the one hand they claim that Islam teaches them equality of human beings and on the other hand they are some of the biggest racists in the world.

You do a disservice to all that you claim to represent!

atlest we are not horny perverts running around stalking goriz..
we are not the ones lookin to "lighten up our dark skin color"
I'm south indian and have very dark complexion. My skin color is medium brown. I want to lighten it up my skin colot to a light color just like white people. is this possible? is there medicine or pills that would do such things. Can i get a very light skin. If it is possible what products should i consider?

Are Indian people trying to look white when they use skin lightening?
products.. is that the ultimate aim? The whole thing just seems really bizarre to me... I understand that Indian people buy over 60% of skin lightening products such as Fair and Lovely so my question is a reasonable one...
1 year ago
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1 year ago

Yes but no matter how white you look youwill still have the features typical of your race unless you then go and have plastic surgery.Michael Jackson is an example of this. His skin is white but he does not actually look like a white man to me.
1 year ago

I am referring to Indians from India and NOT Native American Indians who do not use skin lightening priducts and who are proud of their heritage..

Since you know all about skin lightening, it speaks volumes!!

And I am referring to you and not Timiur Lame!!
Are white female tourists targeted in India?
R. Venkatesan Iyengar, 11 March 2008, Tuesday
Views:: 1304 Comments: 4

The reasons for the rising crime rate against white women can be traced to Indian men's obsession with white skin. ‘Fair-complexioned’ is easily the most widely used word in almost all the matrimonial ads seeking brides.

THERE IS a sudden spurt in crimes committed against white female tourists in India. The reasons for the crimes can be traced to Indian men’s obsession with fair complexion and their erroneous notion that white women have no morals.

In the latest diabolic saga of crimes against white female tourists in India, an Israeli woman tourist, on her way to Kanyakumari from Thiruvananthapuram, was allegedly harassed by the conductor of the Kerala State Road Transport Corporation bus by which she was travelling on the night of March 5, 2008. The 25-year-old woman, in her complaint, has said that the conductor started making passes at her right from the start of the journey. As the bus became almost empty when it was on its last lap from Nagercoil, the bus conductor became bolder and sat near the woman and started making obscene gestures and vulgar comments. Acting on the complaint, the police have arrested the bus conductor.

Not long ago, a 15-year-old British teenager, Scarlett Keeling, was found dead on a beach in Goa. Though Scarlett’s semi-clad and battered body was found on the beach under suspicious circumstances, the police tried to hush up the matter claiming that it could be a case of death by drowning. It was only after her mother took up the case with the authorities, saying that her daughter could have been murdered, a fresh probe and a second post-mortem were ordered.

These two incidents – the latest in the spate of crimes in which touring white women have been targeted by local men – strengthen the generally held view that crime against white women has been markedly on the rise in India in recent years.

The reasons for the rising crime rate against white women can be traced to Indian men’s obsession with white skin. "fair-complexioned" is easily the most widely used word in almost all the matrimonial ads seeking brides for prospective Indian grooms. Indian men may be divided by caste, creed, language and culture. But if there is something that is common to a majority of these men, it has to be their deeply shared predilection for ’fair’ complexioned women.

Why do Indian men consider white or lighter skin more attractive? Perhaps, due to colonial history and western influence, these men associate white complexion with power, wealth and sophistication and the dark skin with the lower strata of society, slavery and labour. These men cannot bleach their skin and become as fair as their western counterparts; so they try to boost their ego by going for a lighter skinned woman – a trophy wife.
The Indian movies too reinforce this belief. The hero could be a dark-skinned son-of-the-soil; however, the heroine has to be fair and beautiful. :P

This deeply ingrained predisposition in the Indian male psyche towards fair complexion could be one of the reasons for the increase in the number of crimes against white female tourists in India.

It also explains why the African female visitors to India do not encounter the problems that their white counterparts face. :lol:

Also, it is not a mere coincidence that the rise in crimes against white women concurs with the rise in the Internet accessibility in India. The Internet has made western pornography accessible to all sorts of Indian males – rich and poor, educated and uneducated, adults and school-going children – living in almost every nook and corner of the country. **** websites and sleazy English movies, which normally feature white women, may have unwittingly served to reinforce the wrong impression among a section of men in this part of the world that western (read: white) women are liberal and decadent and hence ’easily available’.

Since these prejudices and wrong notions are deep-rooted and prevalent among a section of Indian men, the state and central tourism departments have to correctly brief the tourists in general and the female tourists in particular as to how to conduct themselves while in India. The tourists should be instructed to provide in advance the particulars about their inland travelling plans, place and duration of their stay, and other such details to the authorities concerned. They should be told not to trust strangers and preferably travel with a companion. It is incumbent upon the state and central governments to provide the necessary security to female tourists and take every step to prevent a few perverted Indian men from tarnishing the image of this hoary nation that believes in the adage ‘Atithi Devo Bhava’.

Are white female tourists targeted in India?
^^^Such a dumb meaningless article was just waiting to be written by some hairbrained shmuck.

the truth hurts..

Yeah, and now in the same fashion, I'm going to prove that Americans have an obsession with becoming African, and Arabs are genetically predisposed to blowing themselves up in public spaces.

OH and lets see,...the article conveniently forgets to mention that the number of tourists in India has skyrocketed in recent years,

Just admit it! India has more Sectarian issues than Pakistan! More Rape Cases! More inter-ethnic/religious clashs! Don't believe me, you can go back and look at the previous threads!

Salim, should we even start talking about the prostitute brothels in Delhi and Pune? Or how about the conditions of Dalits? What about the Pro-Maoists in Bihar and Orissa. Hows their voice in government? Stop fooling yourself!

Or what about "morality" of people marrying animals in India (eg. dogs)?

Just admit it! India has more Sectarian issues than Pakistan! More Rape Cases! More inter-ethnic/religious clashs! Don't believe me, you can go back and look at the previous threads!

Salim, should we even start talking about the prostitute brothels in Delhi and Pune? Or how about the conditions of Dalits? What about the Pro-Maoists in Bihar and Orissa. Hows their voice in government? Stop fooling yourself!

Or what about "morality" of people marrying animals in India (eg. dogs)?

Well, India has more people. So expect more of everything.
Okay, I've wasted enough time to read and moderate stupid posts.

Stick to the topic and don't abuse a serious issue to bash India or Pakistan. Tourist harassment is a growing threat in the Sub Continent, India and Sri Lanka receive 3.5 and 1.5 million tourists respectively on year base against Pakistan's 0.7 million so the number of reported cases is higher than in Pakistan.

What's needed is harsher punishment for rape cases, be it a local or foreign girl, equal treatment for all.
More surveilliance on tourist hot spots should result in better safety aswell.

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