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Tougher Moderation Policies

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I am always reporting people left and right but the trolling is too quick for my reporting. :undecided:

Sometimes I get frustrated and troll a bit back at them I will admit that. :coffee:
In the years I've been on this forum, it's been degrading at an alarming rate. Good, intellectual debate is getting harder and harder. Rather than rambling on rhetorically, here's what I propose:

1. Tougher moderation. Get rid of the 'lax' feel, if a post isn't related to the topic, it's off-topic. Infract and delete (in the case it is a developed post, create a new thread for it).

2. Under-mods; group of people that are active, reasonably logical but are allowed -- most importantly -- to report posts with a minimum seconds delay (if at all). Would stream line mods' job - a report from this group can be seen as more genuine and mods would have to stop lurking around so much in threads looking for violations.

3. Cut down on Sticky Threads. The JF-17 section alone has 5/6 threads all labelled 'JF17 Discussion [Number]'; it bloats up the section.

4. Change infractions-to-bans. Let me rephrase that - with three infractions you're banned from posting for 3 days, and on probation for 2 weeks - violating this probation means a no-post ban for 3 weeks, and so on.

The last point might seem a bummer for freedom of speech, but the truth is, a lot of threads here are getting out of hand and derailing into childish gibberish.

Totallt agree with Kashmiri on this specially point #3. There are sticky's on U-214 deal, which was cancelled ages ago , JF-17 only the currently active should be sticky, there are many many more which can be unstuck to reduce the clutter.
Totallt agree with Kashmiri on this specially point #3. There are sticky's on U-214 deal, which was cancelled ages ago , JF-17 only the currently active should be sticky, there are many many more which can be unstuck to reduce the clutter.

I will let ANTIBODY work on that. ;)
In the years I've been on this forum, it's been degrading at an alarming rate. Good, intellectual debate is getting harder and harder. Rather than rambling on rhetorically, here's what I propose:

1. Tougher moderation. Get rid of the 'lax' feel, if a post isn't related to the topic, it's off-topic. Infract and delete (in the case it is a developed post, create a new thread for it).

2. Under-mods; group of people that are active, reasonably logical but are allowed -- most importantly -- to report posts with a minimum seconds delay (if at all). Would stream line mods' job - a report from this group can be seen as more genuine and mods would have to stop lurking around so much in threads looking for violations.

3. Cut down on Sticky Threads. The JF-17 section alone has 5/6 threads all labelled 'JF17 Discussion [Number]'; it bloats up the section.

4. Change infractions-to-bans. Let me rephrase that - with three infractions you're banned from posting for 3 days, and on probation for 2 weeks - violating this probation means a no-post ban for 3 weeks, and so on.

The last point might seem a bummer for freedom of speech, but the truth is, a lot of threads here are getting out of hand and derailing into childish gibberish.

Excellent post!

It's extremely annoying and mind numbing that you go into a thread about a topic say "India GDP growth increases" you go to the second page and the conversation has turned into something completely irrelevant and offtopic like "cats"

The mods do not do a single thing about it.

Another problem is the countless blog posts that are posted as "News" any old blog writer can write a stupid blog post and then people post it on here acting as if it is factual. Webmaster said this isn't allowed but they don't do anything about it?

The best way to fix the whole Pakistan VS India bias in modding is to appoint impartial, unbiased mods not from these 2 countries or any country connected to these 2 countries. For example; someone from Australia(like me) Someone from Saudi Arabia etc etc.

This suggestion as always has fallen on deaf ears.
India defence section which is the 2nd highest visited section has become a troll section people from literally every nationality r trolling there...

Even Senior members like Atjr n Sinochallenger spoil 70% of threads by repeated trolling n never get permanently banned....

We know there might be some complications in providing an Indian MOD for that section but atleast u can provided dedicated neutral MOD to that section from any other nationality like VCheng(Pak Member) or any some unbiased Chinese member

But do provide us a dedicated MOD n plz don't provide silly excusses like despite being the largest no. of member from a specific country n having many Elite, Senior, JrThinktanks, Professinals from India u guys r not able to find a suitable member for this job....:undecided:
Many posts reported are actually ok -- some might criticize pakistan's condition however we can not turn a blind eye to the facts as long as its discussed in civilized manner

Reporting every thing increases our job

Reporting the 3 pages of outbursts rather than reporting the post starting the fire [even if its from your countrymen] wastes our time

Please link the link of old thread with similar title rather than just saying duplicate thread

MODs cant be online every moment and when they are online , most of their time is used up in such jobs --- Be the responsible member and point out the culprit even if it belongs to your country

Learn to present your case with substance -- dont troll , derail or report every thing if you cant counter argue -dont take the bait , dont counter troll - Sadly this quality is absent in many senior members which is making our job harder to find good, active members to delegate the job to

We have been brainstorming for some months and we will be introducing some new powers for highly respected members

The formation of airforce/navy/army/star members sections is a way to encourage our members to post maturely

An indian mod is a practical thing to do however I dont think the audience is sadly mature enough to have an Indian mod -- remember how much outburst we had in the irani/saudi decision ? multiply that outrage by x100 in this case

ANTIBODY: actually i like so many jft threads on top --- it indicates how popular this forum is -- the wealth of so many stickies containing so many posts is a thing to boast of , not shove under the carpet
ANTIBODY: there are 2 airshow threads stuck in jft section , one dubai airshow thread in the multimedia section ---- all of these can be unstuck and moved to the normal jft section
ANTIBODY: ive linked many jft posts in the info pool -- dont know if we merge the 3 old threads into one old jft thread , we might lose the info pool links
I think transparency has to go with moderation. If users are being banned and threads have to be deleted, there should be a separate sub-forum where moderators will post a brief rationale of their decisions, which will be viewable to everyone. Banning users and deleting threads without providing a rationale only raises suspicion.
i may be the odd ball here..
But i think all is well at the moment and trolling,no value , off topic posts have gone down to a tolerable level.
But thats just my opinion.

I agree, IMO too many people on here think a contrasting opinion = trolling. Someone not agreeing with you does not equate to trolling. Stricter modding does not decrease the amount of trolling, it simply increases the amount of "members" that do a run and gun drive by troll. The best way to solve trolling is to simply ignore that person. If you think someone is trolling, don't give them the satisfaction of an angry response. That is what a troll thrives on, if you starve them of food, they will go somewhere else.

I think there should be only Pakistani moderators.

The international moderators will never command the same level of neutral respect.

With the Pakistanis at least the equation is prety clear and in-character, and what we get is usually pretty balanced.

I am not in favor of banning anyone. It serves zero purpose. And just increases the workload of the moderators.

A forum like this is a leaky dam. You plug one leak with a finger, only to have 5 more spring forth.

The truth of the matter is that respect begets respect. And you will never have enough fingers.

I know mods get a rough rap usually, so may be my opinion would be a change from the norm. I actually believe that moderating has become much better over the last year. Whether it is because of different mods or overall more relaxed views on moderation in general, I have seen mods do a much better & definitely a much fairer job than before. With the exception of the odd time when an agitated mod both participates vigorously & moderates equally vigorously (not always a good idea & not handled well by all mods equally), mods have generally been doing a fair, decent job. Sure there are complaints but mods are only human (for the most part atleast:P) and their failings are not unusual in the circumstances.
I know mods get a rough rap usually, so may be my opinion would be a change from the norm. I actually believe that moderating has become much better over the last year. Whether it is because of different mods or overall more relaxed views on moderation in general, I have seen mods do a much better & definitely a much fairer job than before. With the exception of the odd time when an agitated mod both participates vigorously & moderates equally vigorously (not always a good idea & not handled well by all mods equally), mods have generally been doing a fair, decent job. Sure there are complaints but mods are only human (for the most part atleast:P) and their failings are not unusual in the circumstances.

Agreed, But I believe feedback is good and should not be taken as a negative criticism of moderation. We all appreciate it and hence we are here. Hope that is clearly understood.

India defence is under-moderated and maoists and khalistanis are sneaking into every damn thread using flimsy excuses. I think that is a genuine concern I've been raising.
Just like most thanked, there should be a view for most reported member as well... That will be a nice little deterrent as well against trolling.. Also, there are people who just report posts that do not agree with their Point of view. There should be warning / infractions for repeated trend of misreports too..
We don't want to weaponise Report Post Button.

Report everything. Everything is read and if needed action is taken.

One thing is there, that could help. The guys who have spent more than a year here, they should get to know whats okay and whats not here. Try to be a positive force in that regard, grow up and bring some maturity to your posts.

Our think tank is a good example. You'll not see any shoday baazi from say Fatman or Icarus... They debate topics to their very end and respectfully agree/disagree on points.

Its a real turn off for the mature crowd to see the shoda posts.

Try to take your world domination agendas off this forum, come here to talk, like you would talk to someone in real life, remember you manners and ettiquettes.

Of late the troublesome thing I've noticed is simply a lot of seniors behaving in an unacceptable way, especially from them.
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