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Tory leadership race for new PM all posts.

The Indian Midget, Rishie Rich, will be the destruction of the Conservative Party if they select him as their next leader. They will lose millions of votes, I mean literally millions hahahaha
Bit boring bro and I don't think she is very gusty. I like Penny more and she's hot....

Yep it's the white majority Tories who keep on brining up his links to India and his wife's family being close to Modi.

Bro to be fair Priti has been decent to our community, she's more down with the Asian community even though she's married to a white dude. I remember coming round during Brexit and after and she good links.

They are ALL anti-Pakistani/Muslim racist scumbags. Rumour is that priti patel hates indian men which is why she married a white man. However ALL indians are the enemies of Pakistan and the Pakistani people.
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Have people not gotten sick of the Tories? If yes then why are people not voting for the Labour Party?

The new labour leader is a hard core Blairite.. and the party is largely compromised by the latter.. Labour had it's best chances under Corbyn, but he was sabotaged within the party covertly and openly (similar to what they did to Tony Benn many decades prior), and the mainstream media made sure he would not be PM, they carried propaganda pieces relentlessly. They also split the vote during brexit fiasco UKIP 'strategically' only put candidates against labour strong holds, conservatives (Tories) were spared, oh and let's not forget the 'tactical' voting campaign when this shoddy campaign made people vote for other parties under the pretext of voting conservatives out, yet somehow favored the Tories i.e. in situations where it made sense to vote labour in their own stronghold/ runners up, they made people vote for lesser parties like lib dems, and the site had millions of hits on election day, with all these variables against Corbyn, it's no wonder he lost.
20 votes needed to be on the ballot.

The candidates for you;

Have people not gotten sick of the Tories? If yes then why are people not voting for the Labour Party?
And imagine,the conservatives had most of the corrupt,pervert,idiotic politicians. Conservative MP who grabbed men's asses....
Have people not gotten sick of the Tories? If yes then why are people not voting for the Labour Party?

Unfortunately as life long Labour supporter, I won't be voting for Labour. They are closet Tories. Kier Starmer is an immoral snake, and so are the people who have formed his inner circle and shadow cabinet. Labour has swung wildly to the right and the current leadership is just terrible. This labour leadership has not backed the workers rights to strike, during an era with the highest inflation in 40 years. What kind of Labour party is that?!

I was a massive supporter of Jeremy Corbyn - that man was my political home. I didn't agree with him 100% but he would have been wonderful for Britain.

20 votes needed to be on the ballot.

The candidates for you;

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What an ugly bunch. All no-hopers too. I think the Tories expect to be defeated at the next GE, hence putting up a patsy for PM. All the ambitious ones probably don't want to touch the poisoned chalice of post Brexit Britain.

Sajid Javid and Jeremy Hunt join Conservative Party leadership race​

By Adam Durbin & Charley Adams
BBC News

  • Published
    7 hours ago
Jeremy Hunt and Sajid Javid
Two former health secretaries - Sajid Javid and Jeremy Hunt - have joined the race to replace Boris Johnson.
Both declared their plans in the Sunday Telegraph - with Mr Hunt emphasising he was the "only major candidate" who did not serve in Mr Johnson's government.
Tax has emerged as a central issue in the race - with contenders setting out whether they favour lower rates.
Mr Javid and Mr Hunt called for tax cuts, with Mr Javid pledging to scrap an increase in National Insurance.
Joining them in the race are Chancellor Nadhim Zahawi and Transport Secretary Grant Shapps - both of whom promised to lower taxes.
Former chancellor Rishi Sunak, who has been criticised for increasing taxes, and Attorney General Suella Braverman, who called for a low-tax state, have also launched campaigns.
Allies of Foreign Secretary Liz Truss have said she will also throw her hat in the ring to replace the prime minister with a pledge to reverse Mr Sunak's health tax levy, according to the Mail on Sunday.
Former equalities minister Kemi Badenoch and chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee Tom Tugendhat are also in the running.
But earlier, Defence Secretary Ben Wallace, who was widely tipped to have the most support among party members, said he would not run for leader.
Attempting to set himself apart from his fellow contenders, Mr Hunt championed the fact he remained on the backbench during Mr Johnson's administration, saying this meant he had not "been defending the indefensible".
Mr Hunt, 55, told the Sunday Telegraph he was the "only major candidate" who had not worked in the outgoing prime minister's government and had "called out what was going wrong long before any of the other major contenders".
The runner-up to Mr Johnson in the 2019 ballot revealed plans to scrap business rates for the most deprived parts of the country for five years and slash corporation tax to 15%, from its current level of 19%.
Despite backing remain during the 2016 EU referendum, Mr Hunt said he would be tempted to vote to leave if he could decide again.
Mr Hunt also criticised Mr Johnson's levelling-up agenda for being "far too New Labour".


Meanwhile, in an apparent criticism of Mr Sunak, Mr Javid told the paper he was not sure if he would have introduced the rise in National Insurance.
But the 52-year-old said he had been "focused" on his own job while in government and was "not trying to do other people's jobs for them".
Mr Javid also said he would cut corporation tax - levied on business profits - by 1% per year to reach 15%.
He said he would implement an additional temporary cut in fuel duty as part of measures to help ease the cost of living crisis.
Mr Javid added: "Whether it's the cost of living or it's low levels of growth, for me, that's our most immediate challenge... You need someone with an economic plan from day one."
Chart showing bookmakers' odds on Conservative Party leadership candidates' odds on Conservative Party leadership candidates

Mr Hunt served as health secretary under prime ministers David Cameron and Theresa May between 2012 and 2018, moving on to become foreign secretary for a year in 2018 and 2019.
Mr Javid was health secretary in Boris Johnson's government from June 2021 until last week, when he resigned over the PM's handling of the handling of the Chris Pincher and Partygate scandals - minutes before Mr Sunak.
He also served as chancellor under Mr Johnson between July 2019 and February 2020, when he quit the cabinet over planned reforms to the operations of the Treasury and Downing Street.
Earlier, Mr Shapps launched his own leadership bid - pledging to cut personal tax for the poorest people and give state support to businesses with high levels of energy consumption. He ruled out an early general election.
Mr Zahawi - who was education secretary before being appointed chancellor last Wednesday after Mr Sunak's resignation - said he planned to "steady the ship and to stabilise the economy".
He also said he would lower taxes, boost defence spending, and continue with the education reforms he had devised.
How the Conservative Party elects a new leader (short)

Yes, Postal vote can be the final surprise, as it always did.

We now think of Tory elites as cosmopolitan, and deeply Desified, but mainstream Tory is completely opposite, with a lot of plain bigots, xenophobes, and "will not vote a non-white unless he's a prod"

Sajid Javid is right. Sunak taxed the country to death whilst helping his wife to avoid paying millions of pounds of tax by claiming she was non-domiciled in the UK. Clearly a lie, as they have lived together long-term in the UK. Sunak is the worst candidate

I read that first Indians to move to UK, and join the British high society were children of tax collectors from Hyderabad.
They are ALL anti-Pakistani/Muslim racist scumbags. Rumour is that priti patel hates indian men which is why she married a white man. However ALL indians are the enemies of Pakistan and the Pakistani people.

Patel is not Indian, she is from Uganda
Have people not gotten sick of the Tories? If yes then why are people not voting for the Labour Party?

Labour Party is different under Keir Starmer. Jeremy corbyn was the socialist leader, he had the full support of the trade unions but leaders like Keir Starmer conspired against him to remove Jeremy. I dont see much difference between Tories and the new Labour leadership. Yes Labour has a big chance to come back in power due to certain reasons whilst Jeremy was attacked by the media for many years, always making up stuff to make him look bad and evil, plus he was anti war and the globalist hated him.
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