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Top US 'Republican' delegation meets, leaders of Terrorist outfits from Balochistan province.

Darth Vader

Jun 19, 2011
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United Kingdom
LONDON: A delegation of the US Congressmen accompanied by top official from the US State Department met two exiled Baloch leaders and assured them of the open and clandestine help in their activities in Balochistan and abroad. Khan of Kalat Mir Suleman Khan Dawood and Hyrbyair Marri held talks with a delegation of US congressmen at a central London location.

Sources have told The News that officials linked with America’s State Department were also present in the meeting where the situation in Balochistan was extensively discussed and the two asked the US officials to step up support for their efforts.

US Rep. Steve King, Rep. Louie Gohmert, and Rep. Dana Tyrone Rohrabacher were confirmed present in the meeting but a source said that two other senators were also part of the meeting. Some of these representatives have been meeting the Baloch exiled leaders for many months now but the presence of some US government officials have provoked interest in this meeting. The meeting will be viewed with interest in Pakistan where a great level of suspicion at the official level exists that elements of the US establishment are deeply involved in Balochistan and have been helping some armed Baloch groups, directly and indirectly.

Rep. Louie Gohmert told the Baloch nationalist leaders that he would do his best to highlight their movement. For several years, Hyrbyair Marri and Khan of Kalat have been living in exile in London. Both have been given asylum status by the British government. Mehran Marri, Khair Bux Marri’s youngest son and Balochistan’s unofficial representative at the United Nation Human Rights Council, has also held several meetings in recent days with ambassadors of European countries in Geneva. A source told that a delegation of the US administration met Marri in Brussels a few days ago.

Mehran Marri and Brahumdagh Bugti, who have been given asylum by the Swiss government, work closely at the European level US Representatives have assured the Baloch leaders that they would continue to work on their behalf to speak against Pakistan. The issue of the discovery of the alleged mass graves in Balochistan was also discussed in the London meeting. Some US congressmen have been showing increasing interest in Balochistan in recent months and have taken it upon themselves to talk about the issue.

Balochistan and human rights officials say several bodies have been uncovered recently in Balochistan but Pakistani officials put the number at just over a dozen and its hoped that a judicial inquiry would be held into these allegations. Although US politicians and the government figures deny supporting the Baloch nationalist political movement or the armed insurgency but such meetings will only strengthen the view of those in Pakistan who believe that the US continues to grow interest in the resource rich province, which is also of huge strategic importance in the region.

Top US delegation meets exiled Baloch leaders - thenews.com.pk

US Congressman Gohmert backs an Independent Balochistan
They can take them to USA and let them feed off American resources!
America is hurting because of its failure in Afghanistan , all along it has blamed Pakistan for its own failures so now it wants to hurt Pakistan by supporting sellout sardars
America is hurting because of its failure in Afghanistan , all along it has blamed Pakistan for its own failures so now it wants to hurt Pakistan by supporting sellout sardars
Its Not About Supporting Some Sardars Balochistan is Filled With Minerals If Pakistan is divided and baloch becomes a different Country US will repeat the same story of KSA in balochistan . They Will use it as their own small Colony
We should perhaps start to focus on the Mexican America border ,

America is from the enemy camp that's for sure
Its Not About Supporting Some Sardars Balochistan is Filled With Minerals If Pakistan is divided and baloch becomes a different Country US will repeat the same story of KSA in balochistan . They Will use it as their own small Colony
Sadly still leads to sellouts! I wish people were much cleverer than that!
Sadly still leads to sellouts! I wish people were much cleverer than that!
My Friend All these people Care about Money and thats where story end
Even RIght now whats happening TTP is stalling PAK GOV AND Pak army into Peace Talks While they regroup our dear gov is doing nothing we need a different kind of breed to Solve our problems need a different kind of nation who can do any thing to save their country 1st country than any thing else

TTP they are not humans and they shoudnt be treated as one. Pak army should make a example of them Do even worse what they do your soldiers Put the fear of God in them, But they deserve it, Terrorist should be taught a lesson it should be that much horrible Ke urdu me bolte hai na On ki rooh tak kapn othe :D
There is multiple levels of foreign involvement in Baluchistan

Iran has it's involvement to counter Gawader , UAE has it's involvement for the same purpose , India is backing terrorists the same way it did in East Pakistan , Afghanistan is also party to it

The BLA originally was formed by the Soviet Union to punish Pakistan for it support to the anti soviet fighters in Afghanistan , they have their links in Baluchistan even today

All in all it's a multi level insurgency
There is multiple levels of foreign involvement in Baluchistan

Iran has it's involvement to counter Gawader , UAE has it's involvement for the same purpose , India is backing terrorists the same way it did in East Pakistan , Afghanistan is also party to it

The BLA originally was formed by the Soviet Union to punish Pakistan for it support to the anti soviet fighters in Afghanistan , they have their links in Baluchistan even today

All in all it's a multi level insurgency
Pakistan Army is trapped into many places 1st they are doing the police job 2 protecting Dear Leaders 3 Defending Borders
4 Fighting a war In NWFP 5 Also in Balochistan
What more they can do the best option is any one who talks against Pakistan Just hang him Best option these people deserve this
Little birdies trembling with fear just because some $hithole paid money and met some congressman (s)
3 of them are evangelical Christian extremists linked to AIPAC. No one takes any of them seriously.

Chances of a republican govt are zero.
Chances of a democrat govt jumping on the republican bandwagon are below zero.

These congressmen get paid to say whatever their donors ask them to say in the congress, obiously someone is paying them. We need not worry about these 3 idiots who are seen as clowns in the US, we ought to worry about who's paying them. Find them and kick them in the balls, these morons will get the message indirectly.
Little birdies trembling with fear just because some $hithole paid money and met some congressman (s)

Rep. Steve King Says Latino Immigrants Are From A ‘Violent Civilization,’ Will Bring ‘More Violence’ To America

Steve King: Muslim Groups, Unions 'Calling The Shots At The Justice Department'

'Just before Christmas, GOP Reps. Michele Bachmann (Minn.), Steve King (Iowa) and Louie Gohmert (Texas) wrapped up a largely secretive week-long congressional delegation or CODEL trip that included stops in Egypt, Lebanon, Libya, and Israel.'
Enjoy this | A Delegation of Congressional Christian Zionists to Israel | Informed Comment



Did i say Louie Gohmert the clown?

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3 of them are evangelical Christian extremists linked to AIPAC. No one takes any of them seriously.

Chances of a republican govt are zero.
Chances of a democrat govt jumping on the republican bandwagon are below zero.

These congressmen get paid to say whatever their donors ask them to say in the congress, obiously someone is paying them. We need not worry about these 3 idiots who are seen as clowns in the US, we ought to worry about who's paying them. Find them and kick them in the balls, these morons will get the message indirectly.


Thanks aero bro

you obviously have lot more current info than any of the "air-bags" posting on this forum (including me).

What I know for sure is that a wealthy doctor/businessman can legally arrange a "fun-raiser" for a Congressman and invite him/her to home/restaurant etc.

It is part of Americana, the democratic republic, the operations of political systems

So let the baluch leaders meet congress man/woman xyz

Instead of discussing some constipated conspiracy theories, find the ones who are not meeting Balochis

Then do fund raiser

Why to cry and tremble on the internet

If you are in America make sure you spend your hard earned money and meet the congressmen

Assure them Pakistan's cooperation

Then let's see how many Balochi separatists get even 1/10th of what you can get .

Hope this helps.
Rep. Louie Gohmert: I’m no prophet but Netanyahu could be the next King David | The Raw Story
WATCH: Jon Stewart Slays Louie Gohmert's 'Plumbing Lesson' Remark | Advocate.com
Louie Gohmert: Let's Blow All Iran Nuclear Sites Up | Washington Free Beacon


#Louie Gohmert is a bonafide Islamophobe.

Here are a few more gems.

Rep. Gohmert: US owes Israel an apology | Fox News

Dana Rohrabacher's corrupt practices.

How Dana Rohrabacher's Triplets Helped Him Secretly Raise $33,000 - Page 1 - News - Orange County - OC Weekly


He's getting a visit from Pakistani ambassador. ;)

Ambassador Jilani meets US Congressman Dana Rohrabacher

Rohrabacher the clown #3

Dana Rohrabacher: Chairman of the Trolling Caucus - NationalJournal.com
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