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Top US commander: Burning Quran endangers troops


Dec 5, 2009
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Petraeus: Burn a Quran Day 'Could Endanger Troops'

'Burn a Quran Day' Sparks Protests in Afghanistan

KABUL, Afghanistan, Sept. 6, 2010

A Florida pastor's plan to burn Qurans at his church on Sept. 11 ignited a protest today by hundreds of Afghans, who burned American flags and shouted "Death to America," and drew a comment from the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan that the preacher could be increasing the threat to his troops.

The crowd in downtown Kabul reached nearly 500 today, with Afghan protesters chanting "Long live Islam " and "Long live the Quran," and burning an effigy of Terry Jones, senior pastor from the Dove World Outreach Center in Florida who is planning the event.

The protesters were well aware of the pastor's inflammatory comments, such as the "Islam is an evil religion," since they have been spread wide on the Internet. Jones has also authored a book, "Islam Is of the Devil."

The protesters' anger wasn't limited to Jones, however. Chants of "Death to America" echoed through the crowd, and U.S. flags were set ablaze alongside the effigy of Jones.

America cannot eliminate Muslims from the world," one Afghan man told ABC News.

The angry crowd pelted a passing U.S. military convoy with rocks.

Gen. David Petraeus said he is outraged by the pastor's decision to burn the Quran, which he said could "endanger troops and it could endanger the overall effort here."

Former Vice Chief of Staff of the Army Gen. Jack Keane, an adviser to Petraeus, called it "outrageous" and "insulting to Muslims."

"It's also insulting to our soldiers in terms of what they stand for and what their commitment is to this country and to the Muslims in this country," Keane told ABC News.

But late today, Jones vowed he would go ahead with the Quran burning, even knowing the concerns of Petraeus and Keane for the safety of U.S. troops.

"What we are doing is long overdue. We are revealing the violence of Islam that is much, much deeper than we'd like to admit," Jones said in an interview with ABC News.

A Facebook page dedicated to the day, entitled "International Burn A Koran Day" has more than 8,000 fans.

"On September 11th, 2010, from 6pm - 9pm, we will burn the Koran on the property of Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, FL in remembrance of the fallen victims of 9/11 and to stand against the evil of Islam. Islam is of the devil!" the page declares.

Over a hundred other pages have sprung up for and against the event on Sept. 11, incidentally the same day as a Muslim holiday called Eid, celebrating the last day of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting.

Some Muslims fear that images of celebration could fuel further tensions with Americans that day. But in the meantime, in Kabul, there is word that a protest planned for Tuesday could be even larger than the one today.

I totally love freedom of speech and expression but this is way too much.

P.S There is a facebook page similar to Drawing page of May 20th
This so-called, non-seminary trained "pastor" is a nut case, pure and simple!

Freedom of speech and freedom of opinion are at issue here.

We in the West have put up with bad lambasting and wild false accustations by the pro-Taliban and pro-al Qaida folks in SW Asia. We don't riot over such false abuse.

Lack of understanding of the democratic process, free speech by all points of view, is difficult to deal with as extremist Muslims do not believe in nor want democracy there or anywhere else in the world.

My personal apologies as a Methodist style Christian who respects all faith systems which are peaceful and allow other faith systems freedom to practice whatever religion others may believe in.

Perhaps this crazy Florida fool will now shut up!

I respect all peaceful Muslims who are faithful to Islam and the peaceful teachings of your Holy Quaran.
1) This pastor probably wants to generate some free publicity for his congregation so that he can increase his revenue (tax free all of it).

2) Burning of books is deplorable, be it Quran or Satanic Verses.
Those who don't know there religion do such acts
This nut job pastor is gonna get people killed.So was the cartoonist.Anyone with a little brain can realise hurting muslim sentiments apart from being wrong, is gonna result in rioting and killing innocents in many part of the world.
Few Crazy SOBs are found in every community make sure we dont generalize it as Americans or Christians just like we dont want to generalize Muslims as terrorist. Let them do it. They want us to react to get more attention. But staying calm will benefit the masses..........
This so-called, non-seminary trained "pastor" is a nut case, pure and simple!

Freedom of speech and freedom of opinion are at issue here.

We in the West have put up with bad lambasting and wild false accustations by the pro-Taliban and pro-al Qaida folks in SW Asia. We don't riot over such false abuse.

Lack of understanding of the democratic process, free speech by all points of view, is difficult to deal with as extremist Muslims do not believe in nor want democracy there or anywhere else in the world.

My personal apologies as a Methodist style Christian who respects all faith systems which are peaceful and allow other faith systems freedom to practice whatever religion others may believe in.

Perhaps this crazy Florida fool will now shut up!

I respect all peaceful Muslims who are faithful to Islam and the peaceful teachings of your Holy Quaran.
I have to echo AE's sentiments here. Burning the Quran feels bad to us, but technically its their right to do so in a secular and free environment just as much as its our right to show them the finger in return. If we curb their freedom to be assholes to us, they will curb our freedom to speak up against them as well. Freedom is more valuable for us than it is for Americans.

We also are not obliged to be understanding in return and discern between the Americans that are nice and respectful and the ones that are assholes.

They are taking upon the risk that their overseas their soldiers and expats would feel alienated and make their jobs harder. Also this further makes the Muslim mind wonder that the ones that are nice, are they nice because they are genuinely respectful or are they pretending to be nice since they have a job to do amongst us.

Their irresponsibility will just open up a can of worms for themselves, good judgement should come along the freedoms that are granted to you.

Just like freedom is often praised, self-restraint should also be commended sometimes as well.
This time we went a bit far.

There is no correlation between two examples; however, the fundamental right should be given in both cases.

Denying Holocaust is also freedom of speech, no?

Personally, I think that the Holocaust did happen. The case here is not about Holocaust rather the basic right human beings have. Moreover, humanity saw tens of holocausts, genocides every now and than.
This nut job pastor is gonna get people killed.So was the cartoonist.Anyone with a little brain can realise hurting muslim sentiments apart from being wrong, is gonna result in rioting and killing innocents in many part of the world.

Because we face a double standard in this world. When Muslim cartoonists made a comic about Jews in order to test the justice system in Denmark, they were punished. What happened to the cartoonist who made that offensive cartoon about Prophet Muhammad? Nothing- Muslims world over demanded only an apology. We did not get that.
Because we face a double standard in this world. When Muslim cartoonists made a comic about Jews in order to test the justice system in Denmark, they were punished. What happened to the cartoonist who made that offensive cartoon about Prophet Muhammad? Nothing- Muslims world over demanded only an apology. We did not get that.

Can you provide the link for that incident please
What happened to the cartoonist who made that offensive cartoon about Prophet Muhammad? Nothing- Muslims world over demanded only an apology. We did not get that.

Okay first thing.

The Govt cannot apologize for the acts of a pvt agency. The pvt agency is WELL within its rights to make fun of Jesus/Muhammad/Krishna/Buddha... whomever. The Govt. simply cannot apologize ... period.

I've seen underwear with pictures of Jesus and Durga on them! Yes, I have. So you want Obama to apologize to all Christians and Hindus now?

Jesus Underwear | Buy Jesus Panties for Men, Women, & Kids| Funny & Sexy - CafePress
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The "comics" about Jews ... was it about a Jewish religious figure, was it against Judaism or was it hate-speech [like kill all Jews] or [support holocaust v2].

Remember, to say something like "Kill all Jews/Muslims/Christians/Hindus" that's not within my "freedom of speech". Thats called hate-speech.

But saying something like "Muhammad was a terrorist", "Jesus was hallucinating" or "Krishna was a womanizer" .... that's WELL within my freedom of speech. To use Quran, Torah or Bible for toilet-paper? Sure... within my freedom. To burn the said books? Within my freedom. Advocating discrimination against any group, that's not within my freedom.

I am not saying that things are right here. All I am saying is that, as the laws stand.... the Govt. cannot apologize for actions of a non-state entity.
For what it's worth, I might burn a copy of Qu'ran, Bible and any other religious scripture I can get for cheap here :P

If someone ask me forcefully do such thing, then I might download pdf, open then close the pdf and hit delete and empty the recycle bin too.. :P

how much sacrilege is my act?
If someone ask me forcefully do such thing, then I might download pdf, open then close the pdf and hit delete and empty the recycle bin too.. :P

how much sacrilege is my act?

You deserve a virus that is gonna make your computer crash:partay:

@mods: i know i have digressed..... please delete
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