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Top U.S. Tech Companies Begin to Cut Off Vital Huawei Supplies

Let me ask you a question? Whats the difference in printing 3 trillion worth of Yuan and holding 3 trillion worth of dollars? The only use is collateral, we don't need dollars to develop bhai, we pay yuan to our workers and scientist. Russia is selling us oil in yuan, Iran will too. We are the last independent power on earth, and you better pray hard we prevail because a world controlled by the Illuminati is not a great place.

damn that Viet lady holding a rifle turns me on. torture me babe...

You are so right, no one really thinks of this but China is fighting for sovereignty and independence from these attacks by the US/Zionist group.

They picked the fight with China and all US stooge like India & Japan are falling in line, it is China fighting alone against them for an independent economy
I guess it will take several years for China to normalize all the missing tech and supply.

The best way for China is to make OS environment based on open source Android running on ARM processor for PC and Mobile, to replace Windows and Android. Including the software.

It's the best if the project supported hugely by the government, but executed by the private companies for the competitiveness, it will come with many variants, but all are compatible to each others.
I guess the Americans don't need rare earth elements anymore.

Do it. Time for talking has long gone now.

Yes, like apple sales will be ban in China? How will u see apple stock?

Do it. Time for talking has long gone now.

Indeed. You haven't seen nuthin' yet! :)

Do it. Time for talking has long gone now.

Whenever there is no challenge, there is no chance.The more sanction the stronger we are. And Huawei won't be left to sink or swim. We CHinese will stick with Huawei through thick and thin.

I would recommend that to save Huawei, China should ban all other smartphone companies in China including other chinese smartphone makers. This way Huawei can use the massive chinese market to get the scale required to develop some things like an independent OS and its ecosystem that need scale to even develop.

Well, if that's the case, shouldn't we have surrendered already? Just saying the obvious. We are not that dumb. Since day 1 I told everyone here, China will not surrender easily, nobody believed me. Xi must have done a thorough assessment on our capabilities before showing Trump the middle finger.

I understand what you are saying.

I would suggest you the dictum of "escalate to deescalate."

Right now I don't think Xi is showing the middle finger, because he is yet to take any major actions.
As I said yesterday, this news hit like a bomb on Germany's No 1 IT platform and all the blame goes to Trump and secondly practically all said this is going to ruin Google in the long run.


Over 1000 comments within a few hours!

So many thread are about Germany / EU getting away from anything coming from the US.

It's a PR desaster for the US.
Aand in return Americnas borrow from us to buy our stuff? Bro, US is in a bigger mess than you think, printing dollars can't solve the problem forever. Shouldn't you be happy China will implode, why so irritated by our confidence and defiance? It's just a game my friend. Sanctions only made us stronger and more cohesive. =)
The USA is fighting all means to keep it's dollar dominance and tech dominance....
US is just too strong? So we should all bend over like Vietnam and India? Hey they raped, gassed, and killed your people, here you are cheering for them. Slaves will always be slaves, this is the difference between Chinese and Viets, we will fight even if they are stronger. Tough times create heroes, crisis creates opportunities. This had been Chinese philosophy all along. Now go buy yourself a skirt with US flag, and a pair of poms poms. hahahah

No nid to be too strong to enslave a weak and coward country like CN. See, in 1979, VN border guards equiped wt WW2 guns still made thousands "well trained" PLA surrender even when they r supported by Tank, artillery, US spy brid.

So, US also can enslave CN wt WW2 weapons,too. CN is very coward, thousands " well trained" PLA men surrenderred so fast in 1979 proved that

When CN collapse, we will use Cnese fleeing to VN to expand our nation just like we used Cnese fled to VN during Mongol-Wing invasion to expand to the South to become stronger.Then we will rape US back after unifying sub Mekong region.:cool:
The USA is fighting all means to keep it's dollar dominance and tech dominance....
Are we fighting to replace US? We are fighting for equality my dear indic friend. You can buy pom poms and cheer for US all I care. But the world is better off having another choice rather than a monopolistic hegemon. You think US allies like France and Germany don't know this?
As I said yesterday, this news hit like a bomb on Germany's No 1 IT platform and all the blame goes to Trump and secondly practically all said this is going to ruin Google in the long run.


Over 1000 comments within a few hours!

So many thread are about Germany / EU getting away from anything coming from the US.

It's a PR desaster for the US.
That is true, the ban of GMS on Huiwai's phone would work on short and middle run. Any country with soveregnty would seek out alternative way to avoid the same suitation, in case their country do not comply from the US' demand in the future. It may take some time to for the change to happen but it will be happened since the threat is real now.
Do it. Time for talking has long gone now.

Do it. Time for talking has long gone now.

Do it. Time for talking has long gone now.

I would recommend that to save Huawei, China should ban all other smartphone companies in China including other chinese smartphone makers. This way Huawei can use the massive chinese market to get the scale required to develop some things like an independent OS and its ecosystem that need scale to even develop.

I understand what you are saying.

I would suggest you the dictum of "escalate to deescalate."

Right now I don't think Xi is showing the middle finger, because he is yet to take any major actions.
Is it Do IT like how India in a moment of CHILDISH TANTRUM did a BOTCHED Bombing on Balakot, Hahaha.
Chill, China is NOT like KNEE JERK India doing FAKE surgical strikes.

China is still hoping Trump and the USA cool down from their CHILDISH TANTRUMS and see a trade war IS NOT EASY TO WIN and will climb down and do a WIN WIN deal.
Why would you wish that China emulate quarrelsome troublemaker Indian strategy of racing to the bottom with everybody but their WHITE MASTERS.

If China is so BRAINLESS like India, China would have smashed India inside out during the Donglang standoff instead of having peace and continue to earn billions off the DUMB Indians.
I have quoted a few time https://www.heise.de/ in related threads.

Many IT experts are suggesting Huawei to release its own Linux based OS, an OS that is open and transparent to all users and third party developers.

Wouldn't it be funny that of all thing a Chinese company will become the beacon of openness, fairness and freedom?

Are we fighting to replace US? We are fighting for equality my dear indic friend. You can buy pom poms and cheer for US all I care. But the world is better off having another choice rather than a monopolistic hegemon. You think US allies like France and Germany don't know this?
I ain't a cheerleader..
I always respect any nation's progress...
I wish my country to progress too.....

The problem with USA is it won't allow anyone to cross it, same applies for India too
Do it. Time for talking has long gone now.

I would recommend that to save Huawei, China should ban all other smartphone companies in China including other chinese smartphone makers. This way Huawei can use the massive chinese market to get the scale required to develop some things like an independent OS and its ecosystem that need scale to even develop.

Huawei does have its own private system however it's unwise to allocate more resources on it. The reason is simple, hard to widely accepted except in China. The best bet is still open source technology, all developing nations should actively engage into open source community since it can help to work around patent protection issue. Linux, Android, RISC-V is the right way to go.
Huawei does have its own private system however it's unwise to allocate more resources on it. The reason is simple, hard to widely accepted except in China. The best bet is still open source technology, all developing nations should actively engage into open source community since it can help to work around patent protection issue. Linux, Android, RISC-V is the right way to go.
Alibaba already has the AliOS.
As far as I know Chinese companies were working on their very own operating system.
This might be a reason to finalize it and sell with their own phones.

It seems very wise a decision by Trump. :yahoo:

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