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Top Ten Muslim Militaries

bangladesh will be a major force inshallah...
and i read a post about riots in bangladesh over relegion...
as far as i know bangladesh never had any conflicts to do with relegions, we mostly have conflicts over politics
Examine the following Militaries

NONE OF THE COUNTRIES HAVE NAVY , only something moderately considered a navy:whistle:

Indonesia 2/10
Lot of People, Soldiers – only 7-8 modern fighters. Any advantage the army will have the weak air force will nullify that advantage in battle.

No navy so cannot effect global politics.

Egypt 5.5/10
195 F16 planes give the Egyptians a decent Airforce

They also have other support aricrafts from China/France/USA/Russia
I guess they don't fully trust anyone , but how can you when Israel humiliated you in 7 days and took out all your fighters.

The egyptians are also suppose to get hawk eyes awacs from USA in future

Egypt has used Spy Settelites, and it also has 300,000 soldiers -400,000 soliders

Egyptian army lacked behind other armies with their tanks , and no appropriate missile program. After the Gulf war they tried to change their tanks , and upgraded some but their main battle tanks are still not worthy enough or in numbers.

Also the lack alot of other fancy technology that other armies enjoy like Pakistan/Turkey. They also have not produced anything of their own

Saudi Arabia 6.2/10

They do have alot of fun toys just don't have people who know how to run these well

They have 50/60 F-15, which looks great, they also have some tornadoes
They have tactical five E-3 Awacs which is a great advantage in battles.

Now they have recently purchased 150, Mi-17 and Mi-35 from Russia. They also might get more fighters from Russia as well at that point they will be technologically cable as Israel.

They are officially supposed to also get, 70 Euro fighters.

Their main problem is lack of battle experience, and also low skill level. During the gulf war, they needed US help to fight against Iraq.

Their Amy is decent about 700 Abram Tanks, and decent hardware.

Saudi Army’s main problem is lack, skilled technicians, and Army personnel. They do have potential to become a force in region. But unless their force is diversified, with non –us technology and , capable soldiers the hardware alone does not builds armies

No Navy

Libya 2.5/10
Libya has no air force, so it cannot protect its armies. In real battle the modern adversary would knock out their army ruthlessly in 6-7 days

They are suppose to get 44 new fighters (Russian/Euro/French) , and also suppose to get 30 or so helicopters , which would improve the sorry state of this military

They do have money to burn and its possible they could get 100-200 new generation planes with in 10 years in their inventory but they are extremely behind egypt has got all american love and they were left with nothing

Iran 6/10

Majority of Iran Air force is from 1960-1970’s as such their planes are out dated.
They have recently acquired Su 30 crafts from Russia according to unofficial reports , 150 are on order,
People have reported seeing 12-14 of these flying in Iranian air. They are examining

But they are trying to get 24 J10 , and JF17 and also Su 30 crafts.

They have their own Saeqah fighter plane 8-9 of these.
They have ordered S-300 Air defence system, which can allow them to engage 20-30 enemy crafts in air. They have no tactical AWACS. Their army and soldiers are well trained and they have experience of 7 years, they were at war with Iraq. Also they have experience to be in war involving WMD (Chemical Weapons)

They have huge stash of Missiles and while they lack in ability to protect their air space properly but they can launch 100-300 missiles on their enemies.

They have about 1200+ battle tanks, and also they

They have Tor Air Defence system so they can engage 3-4 crafts and bring them down, with missiles at time, but they are trying to get S300 system from Russia , which can allow their city defences to track and destroy 20-25 aircrafts in air which would be a great improvement.

Their Nuclear Ambitions are unknown but they should be able to put up a dirty nuclear weapon if they wanted. Iran already have knowledge of chemical weapons

They had 1 AWAC but it was destroyed (Allegedly)

They claim to develop air-to –surface missile that can strike up to 110 km distance specially ships

Iran posses genuinely talented group of researcher engineers and its their biggest strength.

Turkey 7.5/10

They have a good airforce 200 F16 fighters

They will get 50+ new F16 planes more
They will geF-35A , they will get 116 of these babies from USA

After that they can be considered as a top Muslim Airforce.

They have 150 or so old 60/70’s planes in back up roles

They have 3000-3500 air to air missiles
They also have 3000-3500 air to ground missile

The sheer number of these missiles allows the Turkish air force to take out a lot of air planes in a battle
They have 1 lakh soldiers second largest in Europe.

They are doing all F16 Upgrades and Developing new ones

Pakistan 8.5/10:pakistan::pakistan:

Pakistan is Nuclear Nation.
Pakistan produces its own Tanks 1200+ tanks.
Pakistan has its own WMD program, Missile Delivery Systems.
Pakistan is supposed to get 8 AWACS.
Pakistan has the largest of man powers in term of Man Power

Pakistan maintains a small Navy, which is sufficient to protect its interest it lacks a Air Craft carrier
Pakistan can be considered closest in all Muslim countries capable of producing a capable Navy

Pakistan does have ample Submarines, Navy boats so it can play an active role in seas, but it has to improve by 40% or more

Now, Pakistan has 50 or so F16, and will get more F16 from USA, but Pakistan should have another 16 4.5 generation JF17 Thunders to operate end of 2008. These are their main front line planes.

But Pakistan also have upgraded planes 300+ Mirages which can operate day/night. These alone are enough for Pakistan’s needs. But Pakistan also have slightly older Chinese planes which although cannot do well vs newer planes but they can still damage advancing army tanks.

Pakistan also has a huge stash of AIR-AIR missiles , BVR Missiles, cruise missiles

Pakistan has 700,000 Active soldiers, and 580,000 soldiers in reserve that a big number. Sixth largest in world

With 300+ JF17 Thunder, 36 J1-0 would be 9/10 Pakistan

What Pakistan lacks, at present
a) Stealth fighter (Could be attained from Iran/China)
b) Pakistan own Air to Air Missile (This is doable by pakistan)
c) City Defence System like S-300 or TOR like ones Iran has (Need research)

Pakistan is a Super Power in term of Muslim Nations, what it lacks now is Navy Carrier be a leading super power

Future direction are Turkey + Pakistan are involved in Joint Space program initiative with China. Mean while Iran is persuing their own Nuclear ambitions.

The Gas Pipeline from Iran to Pakistan will definitly be mutually beneficial for Pakistan and Iran perhaps down the road there could be joint development projects between two nations. So lots of room for growth.

For Pakistan , an important issue is economy development as important as army

NOTE : USA/CHINA/Russia would probbly rate a 20/18/20 on this scale
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someone made a large portion of error afaik in analyzing other countries' armed forces:

1-indonesia:like pakistan,they also had suffered arms embargo in the nineties due to east timor conflict.currently under modernization,they progressively under rearmament,although considering their size,the pace may took years to complete.

the army already acquired some locally made APC to replace old(and i mean OLD) soviet one.the navy already commissioned new class of corvette from nedherlands,4 new LST ships from south korea(which is very useful to them considering their geographic as archipelago and since they have marine element within their armed force) and possibly new submarine from south korea.their airforce are composed of mix of F-16A/B and F-5.history taught them never to rely solely on the US and are acquiring russian flanker as well(although are inferior to malaysian MKM)

2-egypt:they have M1A1,one of the most capable MBT around.and they also has grown considerably after numerous conflict with israel

3-libya:they do have air force lol,and are decent very by african standard.they are also possible rafaLE customer.

4-iran:their biggest problem is air force.while their self-produce aircraft is decent enough to give point defence/limited air defence,everyone know they are no match for much superior fighter aircraft operated by israel.i foresee iran as JF-17 and J-10 operator(since pakistan and china are willing to sell it to them).it is also possible that they might acquire the famous flanker series in the future(although a baseline Su-27SK/Su-30MK version)

i wouldn't rated them simply because it is subjective
mon classement
1-le Pakistan
2-la Turquie
7-la Syrie/la Jordanie
8-le Maroc/le Bangladesh
les autres pays arabe sont tous "assister" et ne peuvent rien foutre seule!!même piloter un avion comme il se doit!

j'ai remarqué que peu d'entre vous ont parlés d'Algérie...sûrement par ignorance et non négligence!
je vous invite à visiter un forum "militaire" Algérien..
Iran 6/10[/qoute]

That is harsh, i will rate it 7.5/10, since they have their own settelite program which no nation have so far.. and next generation would be dependent on that...

The one golden item Iran has is S300 air defence systems

Which mean they can , engage 100 bogies in air , and can neutralize 12 of these at a time -

Which means that Israel/US will have to launch air raid of 400-500 airplanes to neutralize the S300 units.

Other then that the whole Iran Air is at mercey of Advancing armies.

Perhaps once they aquire teh SU-30 Russian fighters or J10 or JF17 may be they can keep the battle for air supremicy for 12-14 days. Long enough for them to launch some of theor own counter strikes

But their air force is not that good their planes are relatively old

Chavez stated 2-3 years ago he will donate 24 F16 to iran or sell them its not sure that he sent those F16 to Iran :coffee:
Je peux francais aussi. Mais pourquoi est-ce que vous prenez l'algerie dans cette table?
and now let's have a general review about malaysian armed forces,written by malaysian : D

1-army:the army have already begun transformation to become a credible conventional force.one of the step is by reducing manpower while increasing firepower(while troops number is decreased from 120000 in 80'/early 90' to 80000 currently,the firepower is increased by at least threefold).
major strategic procurement such as 36 ASTROS II MLRS(which has max range of 80km+),40 PT-91M mbt(which is the most advanced in south east asia until singapore bought leopard 2A4),and new mortar carrier(120mm being carried by turkish ACV300 AIFV) give significant boost to malaysian army capability.
future acquisition are new replacement of APC(favoubly a wheeled 6x6 or 8x8) and may include self propelled artillery (south korea K9 and french ceaser is the main option) and possibly mid range SAM system (main choice are either chinese KS-1A or russian BUK-M1)

2-navy.the navy is number two in term of capabilities behind republic of singapore navy,but are also growing in firepower.
procurement of 2 scorpene SSK from france and possibly another two
27 new NGPV(new generation patrol vessel);six of them are based on MEKO A-100 corvette/light frigate design and are armed with exocet MM40 mkII.
and since our LST,KD inderapura already being written off due to fire(for me it is a blessing in disguise lol),the government have plans to replace them with new LPD/LHD,of which two will be bought.among them LHD/LPD that have been offered are;south korean dokdo,french mistral and chinese Type 071(personally i prefer dokdo,it is more versatile than Type 071 and cheaper than its french counterpart) .
second batch of frigate is also possible(either a new one or nakhoda ragam class from brunei,which has never being commisioned.)

3-air force.rosoboronexport(or whatever people called them) have offered a trade-in of 15 MiG-29N for 6 new Su-30MKM.i,for one,actually support such decision since flanker is much more capable than fulcrum : D (and since it will ease the burden to guys in logistic section,up to some degree).the trade-in is similar to USA who offered trade in of our F/A-18D for brand new F/A-18F,although we prefer to have both of them hornets.if the trade-in is materialized.we will have either:
I-24 Su-30MKM,8 F/A-18D and 18F/A-18F


II-42 Su-30MKM and 8 F/A-18D

but right now urgent replacement of helicopter is needed(since we operate the old one for more than 40-darn-years).while EC-725 already being considered(for CSAR/hot and high ops),i think a more modest one should be bought,EN MASSE.russian Mi-171 should be considered,since it is dirt cheap(less than USD10mil a piece),reliable,simple airframe and can carry quite a large load(comparable to our S-61).up to 40 should be acquired(since we originally have around 40+ in service)
malaysia are also interested in acquiring AEW system.while the AEW system is most likely will be erieye from sweden,the government is still split about the aircraft(i think CN-235 will be the most possible option,because we already got a dozen of them and indonesia are selling them cheap lol)
Je peux francais aussi. Mais pourquoi est-ce que vous prenez l'algerie dans cette table?
je ne crois pas que j'ai bien compris votre message mais je pense que vous faites allusion au classement!?
eh bien l'Algérie y a la place qu'elle mérite !avec :

air defense systems
10 --S-300PMU1
S-300 PMU2 sous commande and more:azn:...

3 Frégates de classe Koni (modernisation en cours)
Rais Korfou
Rais Kellich
Mourad Rais

2 sous-marins de classe Kilo project 877EKM
El Hadj Slimane
Rais Hadj Mubarek

3 Corvettes de Classe Nanuchka 2 (modernisation en cours)
Rais Hamidou
Salah Rais
Rais Ali

3 Corvettes de Classe Djebel Chenoua
Djebel Chenoua
El Chihab
El Kirch

9 Patrouilleurs de Classe Kebir
El Yadekh
El Mourakeb
El Kechef
El Moutarid
El Rassed
El Djari
El Saher
El Moukadem
El Mayher

8 Patrouilleurs de Classe Osa II

2 Navires de débarquement de Classe Kalaat Beni
Kalaat Beni Hammad
Kalaat Beni Rached

1 Navire de débarquement de Classe Polnochny
1 Navire école

En commande:

2 sous-marins de classe Kilo project 636

20 patrouilleurs Ocea type FPB-98

En négociation:
4 Frégates multimissions

6-8 Corvettes

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