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Top Secret Indian Government documents sneaked into by Chinese hackers

look at the top programing competitions out there: ibm, google code jam, intel, topcoder, microsoft; etc...not even 1 indian in the top 20...you can't win in those contest by just doing low end coding. that pdf report is proof.....BPO /= software power. stop fooling yourself..
Well then, Ex-chairman of Infosys(Narayana Murthy) also belongs to 50 Cents, because he believes that China is far ahead of India? LOL.

This shows that u r hardly Indian,U just have learned the name of one IT icon of India.There are a dozen like him in INDia and no one has ever emphatically said that they are ahead of CHinaa or any other country.Infact I have always heard all of them calling on their fraternity to bring out the next level of innovation.

China is 20 years ahead of India in economic development as well as technical maturity of its industries.

Is this a state secret ,every child in India and his mother knows that.

So, China doesn't really need 50 cents. But Indians are actually doing a favour to China by keeping themselves stuck with 50 cents.
China may not need it ,but u definitely need it .

Its a win-win for both, 50 cents feeds silly egos of Indians and China is silently progressing ahead.

Well there is a news for u,India is the second fastest growing economy in the world.

Frankly speaking, Indians doesn't have enough courage to face the reality. So, they keep subscribing to conspiracy theories because it helps legitimize their fear of China and shows them as victims(innocents) in an effort to seek higher moral ground above China.
Show ur true nationality boy,r u ashamed to show that u r a chinese.

Even today, most Indians are embarrassed to accept that China is far ahead of India.
The words of our PM Manmohan Singh "India today sahres with China its sense of accomplishment and congratulate china."This he had said more than once .

Indians should learn tobe humble and be pragmatic towards China rather than being jealous and arrogant.

If that is a diktat from a 50 cents gang member than we will just do the opposite,but ask any chinese who has not been fed by propaganda towrads Indians ,and he will vouch for the friendly nature of Indians.
truth hurts..i know. after a very long time brainwashed..i don't think anyone can accept it just yet..

Yes sir, truth is really hurting and damaging and hence we get 60B$(Only for Indian companies revenues, Not the revenues generated by employees working in these companies and earning for India) for the healing...
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look at the top programing competitions out there: ibm, google code jam, intel, topcoder, microsoft; etc...not even 1 indian in the top 20...you can't win in those contest by just doing low end coding. that pdf report is proof.....BPO /= software power. stop fooling yourself..

Excuse me Sir... You are again living in self denial... These companies you have listed is not a competitior but recruiter for us ( I am also in one of your great listed companies).. and if you think these companies are doing great then You are actually thanking us that even for doing low cost job we are making them great... this is what softpower is not just hitting keyboard button..
If that is a diktat from a 50 cents gang member than we will just do the opposite,but ask any chinese who has not been fed by propaganda towrads Indians ,and he will vouch for the friendly nature of Indians.

I was born in China and went abroad until 20+. So by any western definition i should be a ordinary brainwashed chinese guy out there. However, at the time though brainwashed but I didn't have many negative images of India--yes i know India is a poor country but China is not rich either, in my mind, India was one of the four great ancient civilization in man history etc, indian are peaceful people they like singing and dancing(yes they enjoy singing and dancing so much that they often start singing and dancing all of a sudden and out of nowhere in a movie)...Until the day i surf'ed into BR by accident. man, that's a turning point. i never know we chinese are hated by indian so much. I then saw so many negative news about China in India's medias, many of them are fake news in my opinion. some indian like to argue that india has free media and media can publish any rubbish as they like. My question is if there isn't a big readship there like to read those China-hatred rubblish, will the media keep publishing those rubblish again and again? I might be wrong but my observation is your national sentiment is very anti-china, at least among the middle and upper class people. That's not the case in China so far but who knows what will be in future...
look at the top programing competitions out there: ibm, google code jam, intel, topcoder, microsoft; etc...not even 1 indian in the top 20...you can't win in those contest by just doing low end coding. that pdf report is proof.....BPO /= software power. stop fooling yourself..

You can't control yourself to take the pride for Chinese!!! I guess this guy is another avatar of 'Communist', who wanted to be a Chinese!!! :rofl: BTW how many Pakistanis and Chinese are there?? None!!! Do visit their websites and learn about their R&D centres in India.

truth hurts..i know. after a very long time brainwashed..i don't think anyone can accept it just yet..

Yeah!!! Thats what we are watching here!! Our IT export is $ 47.3 billion and what gave you right to talk about India!!! :rofl:
I was born in China and went abroad until 20+. So by any western definition i should be a ordinary brainwashed chinese guy out there. However, at the time though brainwashed but I didn't have many negative images of India--yes i know India is a poor country but China is not rich either, in my mind, India was one of the four great ancient civilization in man history etc, indian are peaceful people they like singing and dancing(yes they enjoy singing and dancing so much that they often start singing and dancing all of a sudden and out of nowhere in a movie)...Until the day i surf'ed into BR by accident. man, that's a turning point. i never know we chinese are hated by indian so much. I then saw so many negative news about China in India's medias, many of them are fake news in my opinion. some indian like to argue that india has free media and media can publish any rubbish as they like. My question is if there isn't a big readship there like to read those China-hatred rubblish, will the media keep publishing those rubblish again and again? I might be wrong but my observation is your national sentiment is very anti-china, at least among the middle and upper class people. That's not the case in China so far but who knows what will be in future...

Look u cant be so naive that to take a single website as a whole country's official spokesperson.There are hardliners in every country. They are sure even in China.Remember the "India will be divided onto 260 parts" report by aan official thinktank. Dont forget that we have been attacked by ur country in the past ,so our media just try to keep our politicians on tenterhooks,as they are no more than incompetent smugs at best.But dont think that an average Indian thinks of China or Chinese as enemies,infact an average Indian does'nt even think of an average pakistani as an enemy . And U should be aware that our media is 100 times more belligerent towards Pakistanis.Ask any Indian or Pakistani how warmly they are received in each other's country.:cheers:
I was born in China and went abroad until 20+. So by any western definition i should be a ordinary brainwashed chinese guy out there. However, at the time though brainwashed but I didn't have many negative images of India--yes i know India is a poor country but China is not rich either, in my mind, India was one of the four great ancient civilization in man history etc, indian are peaceful people they like singing and dancing(yes they enjoy singing and dancing so much that they often start singing and dancing all of a sudden and out of nowhere in a movie)...Until the day i surf'ed into BR by accident. man, that's a turning point. i never know we chinese are hated by indian so much. I then saw so many negative news about China in India's medias, many of them are fake news in my opinion. some indian like to argue that india has free media and media can publish any rubbish as they like. My question is if there isn't a big readship there like to read those China-hatred rubblish, will the media keep publishing those rubblish again and again? I might be wrong but my observation is your national sentiment is very anti-china, at least among the middle and upper class people. That's not the case in China so far but who knows what will be in future...

Sir you should be intelligent enough to understand that if BR would be a choice of all India/Indian's then you will not be seeing so many Indians here in this forum... Even I dont like that forum as that seems talking about one sided theory and that too in very strong conservative way...
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people knows and time will tell, so, believe what you believe, and do what you have to. it is complete,total,utterly meaningless arguing about who is better then whom. nothing will change a little bit for this endless debate.
Sir you should be intelligent enough to understand that if BR would be a choice of all India/Indian's then you will not be seeing so many Indians here in this forum... Even I dont like that forum as that seems talking about one sided theory and that too in very strong conservative way...

well, let me make it clear, i was not refering to BR only. what i meant is after i 'discovered' the china-hatred sentiments from BR i started paying attention on indian medias and the findings are not encourage at all---you should know this better than me i suppose.
why there are so many china-bashing propaganda? it's not because the media is free to publish anything but rather it's due to demand and supply:
india medias want to sell and profit so they keep feeding their readers china-bashing news due to the large demand of china-bashing readerships in india.
well, let me make it clear, i was not refering to BR only. what i meant is after i 'discovered' the china-hatred sentiments from BR i started paying attention on indian medias and the findings are not encourage at all---you should know this better than me i suppose.
why there are so many china-bashing propaganda? it's not because the media is free to publish anything but rather it's due to demand and supply:
india medias want to sell and profit so they keep feeding their readers china-bashing news due to the large demand of china-bashing readerships in india.

Sir, I understand your sentiments but can't help as in current scenario, "Hate" sells faster than "Love"... Just go through posts of this forum only.. where there is any negativity in subjects, people jump there more and simple issues are less discussed or may remain untouched....

And regarding Media, Our FM Mr Krishna assured Chinese that Media in India is separate entity and there is no governance issued for them.. hence if they hear multiple voices from GoI and Indian Media then focus on first.. as that only matters..

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