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Top Republican Denies Association With Banned Hindu Supremacist [Modi]


May 7, 2011
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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

In 2005, the U.S. State Department banned the controversial Indian politician Narendra Modi from coming to the United States for his bigoted viewsand his role in riots that claimed over 2,000 lives. Earlier this fall, Modi was invited to participate in a Capitol Hill event anyway.

A flyer for the event displayed the official seal of the House of Representatives and identified "the House Republican Conference" as the host. The top congressional Republican in charge of that conference, Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA), says the flyer is a fraud drafted without the permission of Republicans. But correspondence between the congresswoman and Modi suggests the two politicians had a recent falling out after anti-genocide groups protested Modi's participation.

Scheduled for this Tuesday, the event billed as "India Day on Capitol Hill" boasted the attendance of House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH), House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) McMorris Rodgers and other top Republicans. The flyer was created by the National Indian American Public Policy Institute (NIAPPI), which also sponsored the event as a way of bringing more Indian-Americans into the Republican fold. The flyer noted that Modi, now a leading prime ministerial candidate, would attend "via Satellite video."

After The Cable obtained a copy of the flyer, it raised the issue with representatives for McMorris Rodgers. Despite repeated requests, no one from her office was willing to speak on-record. One aide familiar with the situation denied the congresswoman's involvement in the event. "She did not invite him to participate in any activity that took place today," said the aide. "[Modi and McMorris Rodgers] don't have a relationship."

The fact that McMorris Rodgers is now distancing herself from Modi is, perhaps, unsurprising. Currently the chief minister of Gujarat, a region in India's northwest, Modi was banned from the United States for his role in the 2002 communal riots there that claimed over 2,000 lives. The Hindu nationalist was accused of stoking ethnic tensions and failing to protect Gujarat's Muslim residents -- hundreds of whom were massacred in the streets. The State Department revoked his visa under Section 212 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, which makes any foreign official who was responsible or "directly carried out, at any time, particularly severe violations of religious freedom" ineligible for a visa.

The State Department decision precipitated a resolution by the House of Representatives to condemn a range of Modi's actions, including promoting Nazi ideology. The sponsor, Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) said the State Department "has discussed the role of Modi and his government in promoting attitudes of racial supremacy, racial hatred, and the legacy of Nazism through his government's support of school textbooks in which Nazism is glorified." The resolution said Modi revised school textbooks, which mentioned the "charismatic personality of Hitler the Supremo" and failed to acknowledge the horrors of the Holocaust.

It's unclear why it took McMorris Rodgers so long to discover Modi's controversial past, but it may be a reflection of her relationship with Shalli Kumar, a Chicago-based Modi supporter and founder of NIAPPI, the group that was sponsoring the Capitol Hill event. As recently as this fall, the congresswoman presented herself as an emphatic supporter of Modi and appeared supportive of his participation in the Capitol Hill event.

"First of all, I want to congratulate you on winning the nomination of the BJP for Prime Minister of India," she wrote to Modi this fall, in aletter obtained by The Cable. "I tried to reach you by telephone right after your win, but was unable to connect."

She went on to discuss a meet-up between Indians and U.S. lawmakers on the same date listed on Kumar's flyer. "As we have discussed, we are planning on a Bharat (India) day on Capitol Hill. This will take place on November 19, 2013," she wrote in the letter. "As you know, our good friend Mr. Shalli Kumar is the Chairman of my Advisory Council on Indian American Outreach. You should have also received an invitation to a tribute rally he [is]arranging on Bharat Day, which he welcomed you to address the Indian American community, and the Congressional leaders who are present, through satellite video."

McMorris Rodgers's strong support of Modi didn't begin there. According to congressional disclosure records, the congresswoman travelled to Gujarat on a March 2013 trip financed by Kumar. The total expense for her and her husband was almost $15,000.

Top Republican Denies Association With Banned Hindu Supremacist | The Cable
Protect India’s religious minorities, says U.S. House resolution

November 20, 2013

A bipartisan resolution introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives this week has praised the U.S. government for holding firm to its 2005 decision to deny Gujarat Chief Minister and the BJP’s prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi a visa to enter the U.S.

Introduced on Monday evening, House Resolution 417 urged the government of India to “to publicly oppose the exploitation of religious differences and denounce harassment and violence against religious minorities, especially in the run-up to India’s general elections in 2014.”

Marking what appeared to be stronger support within the U.S. Congress for religious minorities’ rights in India, the resolution noted, “Contrary to the tolerant and pluralistic traditions of the Hindu faith, strands of the Hindu nationalist movements have advanced a divisive and violent agenda that has harmed the social fabric of India.”

In this context, the resolution called for religious freedom and related human rights to be included in the U.S.-India Strategic Dialogue, which is a key mechanism for progress in bilateral cooperation in recent years. The resolution also suggested that such issues ought to be raised “directly with federal and state Indian government officials when appropriate.”

The resolution, sponsored by Representative Joseph Pitts, Republican of Pennsylvania, was co-sponsored by 14 other Congressmen from both parties, including Democrats Keith Ellison and John Conyers, and Republican Steve Chabot, Chair of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific.

While the resolution referenced the February 2002 incident in Godhra in which “58 Hindus were burnt alive in a train coach fire,” it also emphasised that the U.S.’ International Religious Freedom Report of 2003 and subsequent years quoted the State Department finding that “In Gujarat the worst religious violence directed against Muslims by Hindus took place in February and March 2002, leaving an estimated 2,000 dead and 100,000 displaced into refugee camps.”

Commenting on the resolution Representative Pitts said, “The Indian government cannot expect to make greater strides on religious freedom and human rights in the future while countless thousands have not seen justice for their lost loved ones.”

Welcoming the resolution, Kannan Srinivasan, spokesperson for the Coalition Against Genocide, a broad alliance fighting for justice for victims of the 2002 Gujarat pogrom said, “It is a sad day for all Indians, that a man whose complicity in mass violence and suppression of minorities is acknowledged internationally, happens to be the prime ministerial candidate of a major political party in India.”

‘Hindu nationalist movements have advanced a divisive and violent agenda’

Protect India’s religious minorities, says U.S. House resolution - The Hindu
It is interesting as to how so many American Indians spend so much money to get Modi acceptable in the United States.
It is interesting as to how so many American Indians spend so much money to get Modi acceptable in the United States.

Yes they have, so they will - if they want to for they are the highest earning diaspora in the US.....

modi is a terrorist & he must be declared terrorist by US govt & UN.

We certainly don't know whats their take on Modi but they have already declared Hafiz Saeed a terrorist ~~~ I wonder where this excitement goes when it comes to your very "own" terrorist groups~~~

If Modi is to be regarded as a terrorist then the entire Pakistani establishment is to be considered the same - ethnic cleansing of the Minorities especially Hindus truing it down from 22% to 1.7% of the entire population is much an act of terrorism than any other excuse you give....

#You know what - the more you guys express your insecurity towards Modi - the more I am motivated to promote him at my level.....
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Yes they have, so they will - if they want to for they are the highest earning diaspora in the US.....

We certainly don't know whats their take on Modi but they have already declared Hafiz Saeed a terrorist ~~~ I wonder where this excitement goes when it comes to your very "own" terrorist groups~~~

If Modi is to be regarded as a terrorist then the entire Pakistani establishment is to be considered the same - ethnic cleansing of the Minorities especially Hindus truing it down from 22% to 1.7% of the entire population is much an act of terrorism than any other excuse you give....

#You know what - the more you guys express your insecurity towards Modi - the more I am motivated to promote him at my level.....

Oh as 38 per cent of doctors in US are Indians, as are 36 per cent of NASA scientists and 34 per cent of Microsoft employees and of-course the highest earning Diaspora.

India rising in US: Govt falls victim to net hoax - Times Of India

I sincerely hope that Modi wins and becomes the Prime Minister of India. This will the beginning of the second division of India after 1947. After all he can not eliminate hundreds of millions of minorities living in India and neither can bring them all under the fold of Hindutva - further division is the only logical result.
Oh as 38 per cent of doctors in US are Indians, as are 36 per cent of NASA scientists and 34 per cent of Microsoft employees and of-course the highest earning Diaspora.

India rising in US: Govt falls victim to net hoax - Times Of India

I sincerely hope that Modi wins and becomes the Prime Minister of India. This will the beginning of the second division of India after 1947. After all he can not eliminate hundreds of millions of minorities living in India and neither can bring them all under the fold of Hindutva - further division is the only logical result.
they can go to their already allotted holy lands of east/west pakistan. Modi won't tolerate any kind of division.
Oh as 38 per cent of doctors in US are Indians, as are 36 per cent of NASA scientists and 34 per cent of Microsoft employees and of-course the highest earning Diaspora.

India rising in US: Govt falls victim to net hoax - Times Of India

I sincerely hope that Modi wins and becomes the Prime Minister of India. This will the beginning of the second division of India after 1947. After all he can not eliminate hundreds of millions of minorities living in India and neither can bring them all under the fold of Hindutva - further division is the only logical result.

We'll forcefully convert them all to Hindutva and send those who resist to gas chambers :lol:. Did you read the news recently? Some sources say that Namo recently received blueprints for Auschwitz gas chambers from a RAW/RSS/VHP spy based in Germany. I'm keeping my fingers crossed , so should you :rofl:
Indian Terrorists lol - In the eyes of a nation with a terrorist outlook - every thing seems to be the same.....

Yes we are in the process of the same~~Like Modi is considered a terrorist in Pakistan then likewise the World considers Pakistan as a Terrorism Hotspot whose establishment promoting the same. Quite evident by the fact that Osama had no safer place all across the globe except Pakistan to hide himself....

Terrorist outlook? More like a media propaganda without any proofs. Unlike indian involvement in terrorism against it's neighbour e.g...71 mutki terrorists supported by india, 85 to 2009 LTTE terrorists supported by india, 2002 terrorism against indian Muslims, terrorism in IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir by india & soon indian terrorism against Pakistan via BLA & TTP will be proved just like US caught Afghan govt supporting TTP terrorists.

#And yes your insecurity is quite evident by this fact only that how some brainless creatures judge him as a "terrorist" as per their own convenience. Go one; who cares about those pathological lairs; we all know where the so called "terrorist" is to strike first when he comes to power........Keep crying....

If Pakistan never felt insecure by 7lakh indian terrorist on Pakistani borders then who the hell is terrorists modi...you seems like you have start worshipping modi the terrorist.
We'll forcefully convert them all to Hindutva and send those who resist to gas chambers :lol:. Did you read the news recently? Some sources say that Namo recently received blueprints for Auschwitz gas chambers from a RAW/RSS/VHP spy based in Germany. I'm keeping my fingers crossed , so should you :rofl:

What you are saying is that Indians will gas over 2-300 million Indian minorities like the Jewish Holocaust. Good lord. Haven't seen such a horrific display of racist outburst even in the worst of places. If this is freedom of speech, it is outlandish to the extreme.

they can go to their already allotted holy lands of east/west pakistan. Modi won't tolerate any kind of division.

Pakistan was not created for all the Muslims of sub-continent.
What you are saying is that Indians will gas over 2-300 million Indian minorities like the Jewish Holocaust. Good lord. Haven't seen such a horrific display of racist outburst even in the worst of places. If this is freedom of speech, it is outlandish to the extreme.

Pakistan was not created for all the Muslims of sub-continent.
i know, but it was created for indian muslims.
India protects its religious minorities but muslims are terrorist, they kill our innocent unarmed civilians. thats the best what they can do. minorities me a**

Out of 140 or so armed secessionist groups operating inside India, only around 32 are Muslim groups. The biggest militant/terrorist organization in India are the Naxals and they are majority Hindus. Therefore, it is the Indian Hindus who have more number of terrorists in India than any other religious entity.

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