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Top LeT man Sajid Mir quietly held, jailed in terror financing case

What will you do with 500 million Hindutvadis ? :what:
We will beat sense in Hindutvadis here in Pakistan while same will happen to our Jihadists in India. A win win situation for both countries in the long run.

LeT is doing jihad in Kashmir which was started by Quaid e Azam and people calling me Indian for supporting it
Jinnah wanted Canada-US like relations between India and Pakistan. He didn't fight so hard to establish Pakistan, only to turn it into a security state for Pakistan army's disposal
So which part of the Pakistani state works? The political system? The educational system? The economic and industrial system? The military?

You are running out of institutions that you think work.
Motorway Police is pretty decent in Pakistan. Heard very few complaints of their service to Pakistanis 😎
But the victim is Pakistan and criminal is india
We are each entitled to our delusions. It is a peculiar delusion that thinks of organised terrorism as a mark of distinction and honour, and thinks that the rest of the world agrees with it.
Only one or two comments have focused on the other side of the equation, which is to hold India accountable for its terrorism on Pakistan: that is where the focus should be.

Of course, India is protected by the West which holds itself to a different standard. In another thread, people discussed how Sweden harbors leaders of organizations deemed terrorists by the US and EU, but nobody puts Sweden in the FATF grey list. And if London isn't the favorite destination of the world's money launderers, then I don't know what is.

So the West will continue to protect India, but China has every reason to expose India. Pakistan's focus should be on exposing Indian terrorism to such an extent in the popular media that it becomes harder for Western governments to protect it.
People have a right to resist “colonial domination and alien occupation and racist regimes in the exercise of their right of self-determination as enshrined in the Charter of the UN” and/or to resist illegal practices of the occupier according to Article 1(4) of Protocol 1 of the Geneva Conventions
We have no colonies. Our administration is not alien, it is in conformity with the precise same legislation that allowed the nation of Pakistan to be established, a nation that had less founding than the nation of India, about whose existence every intelligent Pakistani has an argument with which to disprove it. Nor are we racist.
None of these apply, except to serve as crutches for the bad intentions and malicious activities of a section of the population.

So legally all Kashmiri mujahid groups sponsored by Pakistan or not, are legally allowed to resist foreign occupation.
You will not find a single intelligent person to support these wild statements.

Every person fighting Indian occupation of Kashmir is legally allowed to do so.
Nobody outside the circles we have already identified thinks so. It would appear that your vision of the law is unique and proprietary.

The local kashmiri population were not extremist, their struggle for freedom was their right.
I'm afraid there are two errors here, and a third one consisting of the fanciful number that exceeds the total manpower of the Indian Army. Arguments lack fibre and substance when accompanied by wild flights of fancy.

However we now live in a world where money, economy, progress is everything, Kashmir fighting has died down. India just needs to remove the special powers given to the security forces, let the kashmiri police handle the locals, move the army to the borders.

I regret that the diminution of violence and rhetoric causes such pain amongst some of our neighbours.

However we now live in a world where money, economy, progress is everything, Kashmir fighting has died down. India just needs to remove the special powers given to the security forces, let the kashmiri police handle the locals, move the army to the borders.

I regret that the diminution of violence and rhetoric causes such pain amongst some of our neighbours.
Pakistan military leadership is already busy making deals on kashmir, cowards, so the future on peace in Kashmir looks positive.
Perhaps true; you would know better.

Considering the centrality of the military to the existence of your nation, it does not seem that you have much choice, once it has made up its mind on a course of action. IF it has indeed made up its mind on such a course of action.
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Yet again cleanshave, English medium "educated" abcd taking it lying down from the enemy but hey its fault of jahil mullahs,their halwa was at stake!
I would like you, in particular, representing decent and level-headed Pakistani opinion, to know that nobody in India who is rational supports the unnatural state of affairs in J&K. It is calm and peaceful today, and there are incursions and attacks only in the fevered imagination of those who spend hours behind keyboards dreaming of an unreal world (the mirror images, as you astutely stingingly pointed out, of our own Sanghi 'fringe elements'). But this is not the calm and peace that I would wish on other Indian citizens; indeed, this is not what I would wish for any Indian citizen.
I hope that the present administration does not last too long, and that a succeeding administration restores to the affected people, all over India, the self-respect and freedoms that have been abraded over eight years.
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That is your custodian of your military secret? A random blogger? Really?

You can ask the serving soldier who is a member of our forum what he knows of the incident; he has already commented on it. I daresay a Pakistani field officer has a greater credibility except with the addled fringe fanboys.

Every citizen in Pakistan knows how to treat the Indians. Not convinced yet? You can check with your Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman.

Every citizen in Pakistan knows how to treat the Indians. Not convinced yet? You can check with your Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman.

Oh yes, he says that his captors matched our current political leadership in every respect. Excellent at making tea. The similarities are stellar.
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