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Top Indian judges disclose assets


Nov 28, 2006
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Judges at India's Supreme Court have made public details about their financial assets and published the information on the court's website.

Twenty one judges of the country's highest court presided over by Chief Justice KG Balakrishnan have declared assets owned by them and their spouses.

The landmark move follows intense public debate about the importance of judicial accountability in India.

The decision is likely to lead to some 600 high court judges doing the same.

Leading legal experts welcomed the move by the judges to publicly declare their assets.

"It is a good step. I welcome it," said the former attorney general Soli J Sorabjee.

But others said it was not enough.

"Since it [declaration of assets] is voluntary, it is open for judges to refuse. We still need a law to make this disclosure compulsory that too on an affidavit, so that false disclosures become punishable," said Prashant Bhushan.

In August Chief Justice KG Balakrishnan said that the judges needed to arrive at a consensus on public declaration of their assets in the absence of a law.

There has been rising public demand for greater transparency on the part of judges after allegations of corruptions against some judges over the last few years.
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Top Indian judges disclose assets
This is still not enough for a tranparent politic, but anyway, we should praise such move.
This is still not enough for a tranparent politic, but anyway, we should praise such move.


Judges and Politics ? How do u relate the two and i can only speculate the status of justicein a country where judges really get linked to politics.

Judges and Politics ? How do u relate the two and i can only speculate the status of justicein a country where judges really get linked to politics.

Hei, I just wanted to praise such move, without any other intention. Stay calm please
Hei, I just wanted to praise such move, without any other intention. Stay calm please

Excuse me if i got it wrong.
Politics was the indigestible element for me.

No harm done .. cheers.
Wonderful move,

Its the first step.

Remember "great rivers start from small streams".
Ealier the Indian judges were not willing to disclose their assests, and it was realy confusing why they are reluctant to do that.
Ealier the Indian judges were not willing to disclose their assests, and it was realy confusing why they are reluctant to do that.

Well, it seems they felt insulted.

I mean, when somebody asks about your assets in such a manner, you probably think that they are accusing you for corruption. But as the days passed and discussions became mature, they understood that it was really a good move to make.

This move will not only check any probable corruption among the judges, but it will also help the judges to have a moral edge whenever they deal with cases related to corruption. Also, as the decision making element is implying it on itself, it will become easier to take all the government officials, politicians and media persons under the influence of such law. :cheers:
i think its a good move by the judges......they should be praised:cheers:
Nice move. The same way other government departments should be kept under such scrutiny, in Pakistan too.
Nice move. The same way other government departments should be kept under such scrutiny, in Pakistan too.

In Southern Africa it is becoming the trend for senior civil servants and politicians to disclose their assets and all gifts which they received. It helps in reducing corruption. India and Pakistan should go the same way and make it mandatory. And when they do find corrupt office bearers then they should treat them the same way the Chinese do and not be soft on them
A great move for India! And congratulations on India for the movement in a right direction!

On this aspect, India is way ahead of China. Who dares to dispute that?

When can people expect top Chinese leaders to disclose their assets and incomes? Chinese people are waiting and crying for the transparency for years, no, for decades! Any people with a reasonable IQ know this is good for the country and for the people. Rumor goes that a similar bill was again failed in People's Congress this year.

In another 10 years, 20 years?

I remember decades ago I had a chance to argue with a high rank PLA civil officer about the transparency of assets. I was accused of being a Western running jackal, carrying a Western plot in a vain attempt to topple the CPC government&#8230; How insane and foolish was that! :tdown: :rofl: :lol:
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