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Top cops divided on Love Jihad "campaign has struck a chord with several senior police officers"

I am certain that mujahind is a Hindu. He is just being sarcastic and trolling. Though he is not very good in what he is doing.

I don't doubt him. That is the mistake we often commit. Some things look so improbable that we refuse to believe it could be true. Mujahidind is what he says he is.
Both you and Mujhaidind are Mullahs. I disproved your lies on our last encounter about Mohammed being the first feminist or giver of rights to women, still you continue with your lies. That makes you a mullah. Only a much more loonier version than Mujhaidind.

Oh that must make 1.2 billion people minus you Hindutvavadi because literally all Indians believe in Indian nationhood.

Gaddafi may have been good for Libya, may be not, but yeah any govt will look better than the war zone ME is right now. So I sympathize with those Libyan ladies.

The Russians, Europeans, Africans, West Asians, South Asians, and Americans though did not give a fig about Gaddafi when he was alive and nor do they do so now that he is dead and gone. For a country rich in oil wealth, he seems to have squandered much of that wealth rather than build a strong nation.

Hinduism has produced million times more leaders than the ones you mention, far superior ones.

In this very thread we have had Mullah Mujahidind complaining about how Hindu women are too liberal and too individualistic. Given both of you are Mullahs, at least his view is closer to reality whereas you are completely spaced out.

@jamahir is an islamic socialist ,follower of Ghaddafi 'third way'

Under Ghaddafi ,Libya was the richest nation in Africa. So, much for squandered oil wealth claim.

Under Mr. Gaddafi, education was a human right and it was free for all Libyans. If a Libyan was unable to find employment after graduation the State would pay that person the average salary of their profession.

For millions of Americans health care is also increasingly becoming a privilege not a right. A recent study by Harvard Medical School estimates that lack of health insurance causes 44,789 excess deaths annually in America . Under Mr. Gaddafi, health care was a human right and it was free for all Libyans. Thus, with regards to health care, education and economic justice, is America in any position to export democracy to Libya or should America have taken a leaf out of Libya 's book?

Muammar Gaddafi inherited one of the poorest nations in Africa . However, by the time he was assassinated, Libya was unquestionably Africa 's most prosperous nation. Libya had the highest GDP per capita and life expectancy in Africa and less people lived below the poverty line than in the Netherlands . Libyans did not only enjoy free health care and free education, they also enjoyed free electricity and interest free loans. The price of petrol was around $0.14 per liter and 40 loaves of bread cost just $0.15. Consequently, the UN designated Libya the 53rd highest in the world in human development.

The fundamental difference between western democratic systems and the Jamahiriya's direct democracy is that in Libya citizens were given the chance to contribute directly to the decision-making process, not merely through elected representatives. Hence, all Libyans were allowed to voice their views directly – not in one parliament of only a few hundred elite politicians – but in hundreds of committees attended by tens of thousands of ordinary citizens. Far from being a military dictatorship, Libya under Mr. Gaddafi was Africa 's most prospero us democracy.

Achievements of Colonel Khaddafi: was he mad?

Gaddafi's Libya Was Africa 's Most Prosperous Democracy By Garikai Chengu

Celebrating The Great Achievments Of Muammar Gaddafi | Libya 360° Archive
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But it is all about Girls common sense and literacy .If girls are that dumb to trust some words in FB ,Then it always will be their fault .Not others.
common sense is ok..literacy???
may be true in the case of UP or Bihar..but in south India the victims were either +2 or college goers...
Most of the Malayali victims were nursing/engg students,who were studying outside,specially in Mangalore and Bangalore...Misuse of freedom,i think...

I don't doubt him. That is the mistake we often commit. Some things look so improbable that we refuse to believe it could be true. Mujahidind is what he says he is.
If he is a Muslim,then me too...
He is that troll shivajibhosle,Shiva sena nut...
so i am a hardcore socialist yet a mullah?? a lover of ladies yet a priest?? you are so contradictory.

Since when did Mullahs have to be celibate. We also did agree that Islam maps socialism/communism. You are both an Islamist and a socialist/communist.

and you could not disprove my statement that hazrat muhammad was the first feminist... in fact, you had started desperately insulting me because i told you of irani moralistic-ness and the anti-female ways of hinduism.

Cmon, I am not going through the argument all over again. Mohammed was no feminist. Iranians were far more advanced with plenty of women rights and freedom. So was pre-Islamic Arabia. So was/is Hinduism.

do you really?? did you hear the absolute love that the libyan lady had for muammar??

That is nothing but reminiscing of the definitely better days than what Libya is facing now.

did you even know of muammar gaddafi before bbc and times of india told you in 2011??
that man for 40 years supported every bloody freedom movement and every revolutionary through out the world... from eta to african national congress... nasser called him "his son"... from hugo chavez to carlos ( the jackal ) to nelson mandela were his comrades... his daughter, ayesha, was defense lawyer for president saddam hussain in the fake court set up to murder saddam... the soviets loved him... many many more things about him... please don't insult such a man.

Yes I knew of Gaddafi before 2011. He had a 5 billion dollar deal with Europe to not let African refugees get on the boat to Europe. He was supportive of Pakistan over India on Kashmir. Many more which you are well aware of. He was a terrorist.

muammar may be dead and gone but his jamahiriya idea also lives on in yet another socialist nation, venezuela... and the libyans want the jamahiriya back. and in 2011, there were some people, especially russians, who wanted to fight in libya alongside the jamahiri green forces and against the invading nato forces ( including al-gay-da and talibitches and indian navy ).
you don't know much about me... and you are not at all learning from my previous posts... have you decided to stay ignorant??

Socialism is dead. Venezuela is on the brink of a civil war like situation. So much oil it has and yet devastating poverty. Absence of essential supplies. The Libyans may hanker after Gaddafi's time, but as I stated before it was because it was better than war torn Libya.

ten names at least, please.

Dr. Subramanian Swamy. Mr. Narendra Modi. S Gurumurthy. Prof. Vaidyanathan. Ashok Khemka. Balasaheb Thackeray. Tukaram Ommble. Rajiv Malhotra. Veer Savarkar. Nathuram Godse.

I have just taken a few contemporary names. The list of historic figures is rather long.

indrani, are you proud of that above statement by wolfschanzze?? is he the the proud bearer of the old slogan "garv se kaho hum hindu hain"??

What a question!!!!! Of course, I am very proud of the statement by Wolfschanzze. He is a proud Hindu and so am I. Garv se keheti hun mein Hindu hoon.

and that liberality ( somewhat ) is present because of muslims dominating the bombay film industry after 1947. some of them were committed communists... and some non-muslim ones too ( like balraj sahni ).
if india was to have been exclusively hindu, you ( a female ) would have been killed on birth, mostly... or would have been married off to some gay lord.
so be thankful to real muslims, christians and communists.

Utter rubbish. The Hindi film industry was started by a Maharashtrian with the first Indian heroine being Devika Rani. The entire Industry was dominated by Hindus with just a mere sprinkling of Muslims here and there. Go and find me a parallel successful movie industry of that kind anywhere in the Muslimdom. You guys cannot create anything.

Enough of your rubbish on women's rights in Hinduism. There are more Hindu warrior queens and saints and business women in every era than your entire Islamic history put together.

whose reality?? he is as hindu as pramod mutalik.

He is a Muslim and he speaks the reality of Indian Muslims.

i don't know what that means. can you tell that ( whatever that means ) to the syrian arab army protecting socialist syria?? or to the iraqi baath fighters still active?? or to the libyan green fighters still fighting nato puppets??

What have they got to do with a delusional commie in India?

and my offer still stands... you can repartee with me over tea if you are really a lady...

Oh, I am a lady, but there is a problem here. I just cannot stand socialists/communists. So I will have to decline your gracious offer.
common sense is ok..literacy???
may be true in the case of UP or Bihar..but in south India the victims were either +2 or college goers...
Most of the Malayali victims were nursing/engg students,who were studying outside,specially in Mangalore and Bangalore...Misuse of freedom,i think...

If he is a Muslim,then me too...
He is that troll shivajibhosle,Shiva sena nut...

Education dont give you common wisdom.
Some ladies can sense the sincierity of man instantly.Dome others cant.
@jamahir is an islamic socialist ,follower of Ghaddafi 'third way'

Under Ghaddafi ,Libya was the richest nation in Africa. So, much for squandered oil wealth claim.

Under Mr. Gaddafi, education was a human right and it was free for all Libyans. If a Libyan was unable to find employment after graduation the State would pay that person the average salary of their profession.

For millions of Americans health care is also increasingly becoming a privilege not a right. A recent study by Harvard Medical School estimates that lack of health insurance causes 44,789 excess deaths annually in America . Under Mr. Gaddafi, health care was a human right and it was free for all Libyans. Thus, with regards to health care, education and economic justice, is America in any position to export democracy to Libya or should America have taken a leaf out of Libya 's book?

Muammar Gaddafi inherited one of the poorest nations in Africa . However, by the time he was assassinated, Libya was unquestionably Africa 's most prosperous nation. Libya had the highest GDP per capita and life expectancy in Africa and less people lived below the poverty line than in the Netherlands . Libyans did not only enjoy free health care and free education, they also enjoyed free electricity and interest free loans. The price of petrol was around $0.14 per liter and 40 loaves of bread cost just $0.15. Consequently, the UN designated Libya the 53rd highest in the world in human development.

The fundamental difference between western democratic systems and the Jamahiriya's direct democracy is that in Libya citizens were given the chance to contribute directly to the decision-making process, not merely through elected representatives. Hence, all Libyans were allowed to voice their views directly – not in one parliament of only a few hundred elite politicians – but in hundreds of committees attended by tens of thousands of ordinary citizens. Far from being a military dictatorship, Libya under Mr. Gaddafi was Africa 's most prospero us democracy.

Achievements of Colonel Khaddafi: was he mad?

Gaddafi's Libya Was Africa 's Most Prosperous Democracy By Garikai Chengu

Celebrating The Great Achievments Of Muammar Gaddafi | Libya 360° Archive

My my my my. What a great leader Gaddafi was. Gaddafi inherited a poor country which struck oil and became rich. An oil rich country of 6 million people and was it any different than other oil rich countries? Nope. Was it known for advanced technology? Nope. So why do you not shove it.

If he is a Muslim,then me too...
He is that troll shivajibhosle,Shiva sena nut...

Nope. Shivaji Bhosale is a Hindutvavadi and pretty direct at that. Not the one to carry out elaborate charades.
If Muhammed was a "feminist" then maybe they can explain why he killed the Jewish husband of 17 year old jewish girl called Safiyya of the Banu Nadir tribe and made her his slave.

Women slaves were distributed after the massacre and this 17 year old wife of the jewish chief was "gifted" to Dihya ibn Khalifa. Muhammed then gave a better deal to Dihya but exchanging Safiyya for two other slave girls from his collection or seven cows as another story goes.

She was later given the "choice" of being a slave or converting to islam and becoming one of feminist muhameds "wife".

I can quote more but it will just get me banned :P ...... so I hope no more "feminist" stories are spread.

My my my my. What a great leader Gaddafi was. Gaddafi inherited a poor country which struck oil and became rich. An oil rich country of 6 million people and was it any different than other oil rich countries? Nope. Was it known for advanced technology? Nope. So why do you not shove it.

Gaddafi was a feminist too :P ....... after all he had female body guards. Equal opportunity and all that.
Seriously talks of preaching peace and of being pro feminists, does not suit some.. Do they really think people are blind to what they have been doing since ages?

Captured girls being sold out in open market like animals, made tawayafs in kothas.. All that indeed shows how pro-feminists people were they!!!
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If Muhammed was a "feminist" then maybe they can explain why he killed the Jewish husband of 17 year old jewish girl called Safiyya of the Banu Nadir tribe and made her his slave.

Women slaves were distributed after the massacre and this 17 year old wife of the jewish chief was "gifted" to Dihya ibn Khalifa. Muhammed then gave a better deal to Dihya but exchanging Safiyya for two other slave girls from his collection or seven cows as another story goes.

She was later given the "choice" of being a slave or converting to islam and becoming one of feminist muhameds "wife".

I can quote more but it will just get me banned :P ...... so I hope no more "feminist" stories are spread.

Gaddafi was a feminist too :P ....... after all he had female body guards. Equal opportunity and all that.

Yup, I had argued about Mohammed's first wife, Khadija. He was her third husband and 15 years or more younger to her. She had her own business she had inherited from her ex-husbands. Plus she had girls from her earlier marriage too who were thriving. All in all seems like a very independent woman of means. Mohammed is supposed to have brought feminism to her. :P
Education dont give you common wisdom.
Some ladies can sense the sincierity of man instantly.Dome others cant.
yea..its our own fault..Parents should think twice about their children,specially who are studying/working outside...Have you ever been to Lal bagh,Bangalore??...it has now became an open brothel house....Victims are mostly IT/software enggs and students...some of them are doing it for Pocket money but many are trapped..Authorities seems encouraging and turning blind eye on these activities..
yea..its our own fault..Parents should think twice about their children,specially who are studying/working outside...Have you ever been to Lal bagh,Bangalore??...it has now became an open brothel house....Victims are mostly IT/software enggs and students...some of them are doing it for Pocket money but many are trapped..Authorities seems encouraging and turning blind eye on these activities..

Oh in their eyes that is an American style.Govt cant involve in that so called freedom.
If Muhammed was a "feminist" then maybe they can explain why he killed the Jewish husband of 17 year old jewish girl called Safiyya of the Banu Nadir tribe and made her his slave.

Women slaves were distributed after the massacre and this 17 year old wife of the jewish chief was "gifted" to Dihya ibn Khalifa. Muhammed then gave a better deal to Dihya but exchanging Safiyya for two other slave girls from his collection or seven cows as another story goes.

She was later given the "choice" of being a slave or converting to islam and becoming one of feminist muhameds "wife".

I can quote more but it will just get me banned :P ...... so I hope no more "feminist" stories are spread.

Gaddafi was a feminist too :P ....... after all he had female body guards. Equal opportunity and all that.

@Chak Bamu @Oscar @WebMaster @Jungibaaz kindly warn the above posters not to discuss our Prophet- he is unnecessary dragging his name where it does not belong- thats highly provocative -
thank you, sir... and you know, i am part of world socialism and fantastic in designing technology ( computers and other things ) and good at co-ordinating with governments, good at affecting national economies... so within a year, i will affect you, your family and your jogeshwari mosque... remember...
and are you also part of that biriyani-belly mullah gathering, raza academy?? it will help me more easily find you.
though i have not put my real name in this forum, you will hear of it within india... not too long from now.
Looking forward to it. Your a misguided fool like Sharukh and Salman, just don't call yourself Muslim.
the fake "love jihad" conspiracy is another wonderful way for indians to control the life of ladies and remove their already miniscule freedoms. india is the most gay of places... with absolute hatred for the lady... and this comes from hinduism, which so-called muslims like @mujhaidind have adopted.
Stop thinking from your @ss. If India is a gay place, pack your bag and get the fvck out. Feeding like parasites on this nation and shamelessly point your fingers at it. What education do you have regarding hinduism to say it has hatred against ladies? It is hinduiosm which preached ardha-naree tatwa. We see them as equals and pray them along with male deities. Such is the respect we got for women. STFU if you dont know anything.
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