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Top commander fudged Kargil war records, showed bias


Apr 30, 2010
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The Armed Forces Tribunal has held that a former Army commander showed bias towards a brigadier under whose command some of the major victories were achieved in the 1999 Kargil conflict and directed that the affected officer be considered for a notional promotion.

The Tribunal has asked the Army to consider former 70 Infantry Brigade Commander Brigadier Devinder Singh for promotion to the notional rank of major general and to put the relevant records and documents pertaining to operations by his formation in Batalik sector written by Lt. Gen. Kishan Pal, then General Officer Commanding (GOC) 15 Corps, be corrected and put in the right perspective.

In its order, the Tribunal, headed by Justice A K Mathur, held that "the annual confidential reports (ACRs) were not written in an objective and unbiased manner" by Lt. Gen. Pal.

Noting that the report of a person who writes the ACRs in a biased manner could not be allowed to sustain, it observed that the then GOC was not favourably motivated towards Brigadier Singh and had attempted to tailor the report belittling his achievements.

Top commander fudged Kargil war records, showed bias
Army tribunal slams Kargil war leaders: India Today - Latest Breaking News from India, World, Business, Cricket, Sports, Bollywood.
Tribunal slams Kargil war leaders

Raising serious questions about the military leadership in the 1999 Kargil war, the Armed Forces Tribunal has indicted a former Lieutenant General for showing bias towards a Brigadier playing down his achievements and for falsifying accounts of battles.

The Tribunal, whose observation has come as an embarassment to the Army, directed that the affected officer Brigadier(Retd) Devinder Singh be considered for a notional promotion.

The matter came to light after Singh who led 70 Infantry Brigade in the Batalik sector in the Kargil war, filed a petition in the Delhi High Court complaining of wrong depiction of his battle performance. Several complaints similar to Singh are pending before the Tribunal.

The report of Lt Gen Kishan Pal, then General Officer Commanding (GOC) 15 Corps, who oversaw operations in that sector not only cost him a war medal but also deprived the Brigadier of promotion as Major-General.

"I feel vindicated," said a visibly happy Singh recounting his long battle with authorities.

"One has gone through a number of stages of non-statutory complaints, statutory complaints, legal notices and several writ petitions...Finally the order has seen the light of the day."

The Tribunal has asked the Army to consider Singh, a former 70 Infantry Brigade Commander, for promotion to the notional rank of major general and to put the relevant records and documents pertaining to operations by his formation in Batalik sector written by him to be corrected and put in the right perspective.

In its order, the Tribunal, headed by Justice A K Mathur, held that "the annual confidential reports (ACRs) were not written in an objective and unbiased manner" by Lt. Gen. Pal.

Noting that the report of a person who writes the ACRs in a biased manner could not be allowed to sustain, it observed that the then GOC was not favourably motivated towards Brigadier Singh and had attempted to tailor the report belittling his achievements.

"As per the Tribunal order, I will also be considered for promotion to the notional rank of a major general and the records about the operations by my brigade in the war will be set straight," Brig (retd) Singh said here.

In his plea, which was transferred from the Delhi High Court to the Principal Bench of the Tribunal, Brig Singh said he had contended that in the post-Kargil operations report, Lt Gen Pal had falsely shown four of his most successful battalions under a fictitious headquarters commanded by the then Deputy General Officer of 3 Infantry Division,
Brig Ashok Duggal.

"For reasons best known to Lt Gen Kishan Pal, he was favouring and giving credit to Brig Duggal and my command tenure was shown in bad light. Though it could not help him and he could not take his next rank, I had to suffer a lot because of this act,” Brig Singh
said here.
Kargil Hero Wins Landmark Case Against Army, Court Orders Govt To Correct Falsified Records, War History

He took the news quietly, and when I spoke to him over the phone on Wednesday afternoon, I couldn't figure what he was feeling. Joy? Disbelief? A bit of both I think. Wednesday was undoubtedly one of the most important days for Kargil war hero Brigadier Devinder Singh, former 70 Brigade commander who famously led the assault on Point 5203 and the Jubar Complex in Batalik Sector during the Kargil war. After a decade of battling an insidious system that made every attempt to falsify his record, deny him rightful war-time decorations and a promotion, fudge war reports and even infuse naked falsehoods into the official history of the Kargil War, Brigadier Singh has finally won his hard-fought case against the Army and the government. On Wednesday, the Armed Forces Tribunal upheld his petition, expunging several pieces of falsehood that fully misrepresented his performance during the war -- falsehoods at the behest of then 15 Corps commander Lt Gen Kishan Pal, a man who should now be on the block for lying on official documents. Brigadier Singh's victory could open a huge can of worms over the highly controversial records of the Kargil War, including its official history, which remains classified to this day. The verdict proves that a lot of other truths about the war may be lost for ever.

---------- Post added at 08:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:03 AM ----------

happy ending
kargil war real heros



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