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Top 6 Bombers In The World: Which is the best?

Not "Who is the best ?"

It should be "Which is the best ? "
B-52 is best in terms of price/efficiency. It can be used both in conventional and unconventional wars. Supersonic and stealth bombers are waste IMO. Whats the point in stealth bomber when u can launch cruise missiles from 3000 km?
Depends on what type of mission you want. So far in the world I can see three types of Bombers:

One is stealth bomber. The other is Supersonic bombers. And finally quantity/Heavy bombers. I don't know if there is a disgnation for them because this is based on my own personal opinion:

The best in Stealth has got to be the B-2 Bombers. Because I don't think others exist in this class as of yet.

The best in Supersonic bombers are BlackJacks. The Tu-160 scores higher than the B-1 lancer in my opinion due to the fact that the BlackJack has better radius and payload than the B-1 despite the B-1 being faster but the Tu-160 is more versatile.

In the Quantity/Heavy bombers the B-52 wins hands down over its Russian counterpart the Tu-95.
B-52 is best in terms of price/efficiency. It can be used both in conventional and unconventional wars. Supersonic and stealth bombers are waste IMO. Whats the point in stealth bomber when u can launch cruise missiles from 3000 km?

Bombing is whole lot cost effective than cruise missiles.
If someone is going to put B-52 there, then Tu-95 definitely should be on the list as well. Tu-95 is more than a match for B-52 if not better.
Bombing is whole lot cost effective than cruise missiles.
Risking 2 bln bomber to save some money on missiles is not very good idea. U can use bombing after suppressing air defence.

B-1 despite the B-1 being faster but the Tu-160 is more versatile.
Its the opposite. Tu-160 is faster, but B-1 is more versatile: it has wide range of conventional a/g weapons, it is stealthier, it can perform long low altitude flights.
Risking 2 bln bomber to save some money on missiles is not very good idea. U can use bombing after suppressing air defence.

Its the opposite. Tu-160 is faster, but B-1 is more versatile: it has wide range of conventional a/g weapons, it is stealthier, it can perform long low altitude flights.

No actually you are wrong. You can go and check the stats for yourself.
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