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Top 10 Armed Forces in the World

yes bro if you read the letters of the indian soldiers or world war era.. they describe them as cowards.
Obviously their attitudes towards the German enemy were much different. Where the French and English are described as being the exact same except for their language, the Germans are the cultural and moral other. Not surprisingly, they were spoken of with contempt, in straightforward terms. Letters often denote a sense of contempt. One man regarded the Germans as cowards, illustrating that there were some discordances among the letters due to personal perception. What does remain throughout the letters is the sense that the Germans were marked by brutality and moral inferiority.

Much is also said of their role in starting the war. One letter states, “May God… annihilate the mad German who has upset the whole world,” while others describe them as a “race of savages.” As morally inferior, they are seen as setting the standard for warfare. As one soldier put it, “… what is to be done? When things are done with such malevolence, our British Government must follow their example.” These sentiments are not surprising, and probably not much different from those of other allied soldiers with a better understanding of the circumstances of the war

Australia is located in Oceania, not Southeast Asia and is well out of Chinas military reach. Lets look at this simply, China v Australia. Australia has a sizable modern fleet of ~14 destroyers and frigates, ~80 - 90 operational fighter aircraft and 30,000 highly trained soldiers. In an emergency after mobilizing reserves Australia could have a anywhere between 50 - 60,000 soldiers armed and ready with the vast majority of its air and naval equipment operational and on high alert. China is simply not capable of defeating such a force so far from home. Why? Because China doesn't have the ability to deploy its armed forces overseas far from home for sustained periods of time.

"Without help from others providing refueling capabilities, the RAF and French Air Force is essentially limited to Western Europe and North Africa, a block of land much smaller than Southeast Asia."

The RAF and French Air Force both operate their own independent fleets of aerial refueling tankers, strategic transports, AEW&C aircraft and battlefield surveillance aircraft... the RAF for example has deployed as far as the Falklands Islands utilizing their own refueling tankers... thats 8,000 miles away from the UK. Most certainly not limited to Western Europe and North Africa. The RAF also have several air bases in the South Atlantic (Ascension Island, Falkland Islands etc), Air bases in Gibraltar and Cyprus, Air bases in the Indian Ocean, Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia. Essentially the RAF thanks to a global network of RAF bases and the RAFs own fleet of aerial refueling tankers has the ability to operate anywhere from India to the middle east to eastern and western europe, north africa, central east and west africa, south africa and north and south america.

Power projection is not just dependent of aircraft carriers. Its about deploying land, air and sea power anywhere in the world and sustaining those forces for an extended period of time. How do you think the Americans are able to keep 100,000 soldiers in Afghanistan? They have a long and extensive supply chain in place supporting those soldiers.... comprising auxiliary vessels, tactical and strategic transport aircraft, aerial refueling aircraft, cargo aircraft etc China as it stands does not have such a network in place, nor does it have the experience, knowledge or equipment to do so.

Quite simply, your delusion is apalling.

60000 armed well trained soldiers vs 2.5 million armed well trained soldiers, yes the advantage in your mind must surely be with the Australians!!

14 destroyers and frigates and 90 operational aircraft vs approx 150 combat ships, nuclear submarines, nuclear ballistic missile submarines that can reach any corner of the globe, DF 5 ICBMs that can deliver warheads over 15000 kms (the chinese dont even have to leave their shores!!), 120 satellites (I think), 570 Naval combat aircraft (which is larger than the Australian navy and airforce combined), over 2000 combat aircraft AND all that with the latest 5th generation fighter jets, AWACS etc etc etc. Yes the advantage in your mind must surely rest with Australia, just because they use F18s!!

Add to that manpower, industrial capability, foreign reserves (China's is over 3 trillion USD, almost 3 times more than Australia's GDP!!), SURELY the advantage must lie with Australia!!

Dude, get real and wake up. For Christs sakes. All of those toys you mentioned is with China, India and the rest of the countries. And in more numbers. That is what you fail to understand. Pffft.


Australia is a fly, that China will crush. You cant even compare China with India, we think there is a HUGE gap, and you are comparing some nonsensical country with 20 million people to China. Is it because they are white people with a higher HDI? :lol:
J-20 does not use any Russian engine, you have to keep track about the fact instead watching the propaganda from Russia Today.

We produce much superior engine compared to any Russian engine, why we would use the inferior Russian engine?
Quite simply, your delusion is apalling.

60000 armed well trained soldiers vs 2.5 million armed well trained soldiers, yes the advantage in your mind must surely be with the Australians!!

14 destroyers and frigates and 90 operational aircraft vs approx 150 combat ships, nuclear submarines, nuclear ballistic missile submarines that can reach any corner of the globe, DF 5 ICBMs that can deliver warheads over 15000 kms (the chinese dont even have to leave their shores!!), 120 satellites (I think), 570 Naval combat aircraft (which is larger than the Australian navy and airforce combined), over 2000 combat aircraft AND all that with the latest 5th generation fighter jets, AWACS etc etc etc. Yes the advantage in your mind must surely rest with Australia, just because they use F18s!!

Add to that manpower, industrial capability, foreign reserves (China's is over 3 trillion USD, almost 3 times more than Australia's GDP!!), SURELY the advantage must lie with Australia!!

Dude, get real and wake up. For Christs sakes. All of those toys you mentioned is with China, India and the rest of the countries. And in more numbers. That is what you fail to understand. Pffft.


Australia is a fly, that China will crush. You cant even compare China with India, we think there is a HUGE gap, and you are comparing some nonsensical country with 20 million people to China. Is it because they are white people with a higher HDI? :lol:

You sir are deluded! I never once said Australia is more powerful than China. I only said that China lacks the power projection needed to deploy its armed forces overseas and fight wars. Therefore, while China could literally crush ANY nation in Southeast Asia (India etc) China would not be able to go to war with an enemy far over seas like Australia or Japan etc.

It doesn't matter how many fighter aircraft China has, if they cannot get them to Australia, they cannot fight Australia!! Australia is over 1,500 miles away from the southern coasts of China. China doesn't have enough aerial refueling aircraft in its air force to escort even a medium sized air assault on Australia.. According to the IISS China had around 16 aerial refueling aircraft in its air force. Even if all 16 aircraft were available at one time (very unlikely) they would only carry enough fuel to escort around 60 - 80 combat aircraft the 4,000 mile trip to and back from Australia. That is simply NOT ENOUGH to gain air superiority over the Australians... realistically if we assume that not all 16 aerial refueling aircraft are available then that leaves China with the ability to deploy even fewer combat aircraft.

Unless China can teleport its aircraft into Australian airspace then China currently cannot successfully defeat Australia in a war. Now for arguments sake, lets say Australia was located right next door to China... then China would have no problem crushing Australia.

So please tell me you understand the concept of power projection? The ability to deploy significant military forces far from home overseas?
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