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Today is the day for Pakistan to decide, you want enmity or friendship - Afghanistan President.

lots of nations have been liberated from foreign occupation and dictators like this. Iraq, Libya, and what not. currently they are trying to liberate Syria. do you seriously not think that maybe Afghanistan and many other countries would have been in a better place if foreigners stopped trying to liberate them?
Riggghhhhhht. We're not USA on some imperial expedition. We fought the soviets in Afghanistan so we didn't have to fight them in Pakistan. It's all very simple really. Try to keep up.
Look at the language . This language and intentions are in the Public then think what they did to Pakistan in recent years by not accepting that they did it . I think he has lost it after USA told him something .

ok good luck! 🍀

Can we deport all Afghans from Pakistan?
on some imperial expedition.
when you say things like "Afghanistan" is Pakistan's backyard, than it makes it hard for me to believe that. how much larger is Pakistan? India is 7× larger but I doubt any Indian can guy Pakistan is it's "backyard". Large countries like China and USA talk like that about Vietnam and Mexico like the respectively. you don't have to be an empire to be have imperialist tendencies.
so we didn't have to fight them in Pakistan.
well, it was for your own interests. and this little adventure with the help of imperialist USA (which had been and was on many other anti-Soviet trips like that) led to a chaotic civil war in Afghanistan ending with a pro-Pakistan regime in Kabul. and then came the WoT when Pakistan again for it's own self interests let America go into Afghanistan once again and **** it up. and then it continued to fund Taliban prolonging the war, for it's own interest.

Everything Pakistan did was for it's own interests, at the detriment of Afghan interests.
when you say things like "Afghanistan" is Pakistan's backyard, than it makes it hard for me to believe that. how much larger is Pakistan? India is 7× larger but I doubt any Indian can guy Pakistan is it's "backyard". Large countries like China and USA talk like that about Vietnam and Mexico like the respectively. you don't have to be an empire to be have imperialist tendencies.

well, it was for your own interests. and this little adventure with the help of imperialist USA (which had been and was on many other anti-Soviet trips like that) led to a chaotic civil war in Afghanistan ending with a pro-Pakistan regime in Kabul. and then came the WoT when Pakistan again for it's own self interests let America go into Afghanistan once again and **** it up. and then it continued to fund Taliban prolonging the war, for it's own interest.

Everything Pakistan did was for it's own interests, at the detriment of Afghan interests.
You need to review your history. Afghanistan descended into complete lawless anarchy after the communist's gov fell. Ruthless warlords brutalized common Afghans. Women and young boys were not safe to walk the streets. Pakistan's support for the Taliban brought order and peace in Afghanistan. They followed a mix of Sharia and Pashtun codes so had limits (unlike the warlords). Most rural Afghans prefer Taliban rule to the current government in Kabul. They were the only faction in Afghanistan that managed to end most opium production. Not even the USA could do it. Even Zalmay Khalilizdad has mentioned that he initially supported the Taliban when they came to power....because they brought order. Your assumptions are based on fake news.
You Mr. bald *** are not in a position to ask this question. It's you who has to decide whether you want some *** whooping by Taliban when your mom's friends leave for America or do you want to tag along?

Look at the language . This language and intentions are in the Public then think what they did to Pakistan in recent years by not accepting that they did it . I think he has lost it after USA told him something .

Your assumptions are based on fake news.
I did not make any such assumption. simply stated Taliban came and went as Pakistan allowed US entry for it's own interests.
I did not make any such assumption. simply stated Taliban came and went as Pakistan allowed US entry for it's own interests.
What you're talking about? Pakistan allowed US in Afghanistan to de-stabilize itself???
Look at the language . This language and intentions are in the Public then think what they did to Pakistan in recent years by not accepting that they did it . I think he has lost it after USA told him something .

so says the mayor of two city blocks in kabul...:lol:
He is speaking to his audience so the message is one way. And he is right, a unstable Afghanistan will have an impact on Pakistan as well.
As for the point on the NATO and American forces leaving, of course Afghanistan will still stand, but who will be in power is a different question. What he is trying to set groundwork (unsuccessfully) is that when his government is overthrown by the Taliban, he wants to paint Pakistan as a contributing factor. Its not really gonna fly and once nations are out of this place, they are not coming back in.
Riggghhhhhht. We're not USA on some imperial expedition. We fought the soviets in Afghanistan so we didn't have to fight them in Pakistan. It's all very simple really. Try to keep up.

you fought for america , because you got billions of dollars , arms , but in return your own mujahidin became terrorists hurting your own country . pakistan is still suffering .

best policy is you should keep your hand away from afghanistan.
you fought for america , because you got billions of dollars , arms , but in return your own mujahidin became terrorists hurting your own country . pakistan is still suffering .

best policy is you should keep your hand away from afghanistan.
who are you teach us, and you are in Afghanistan to brainwashed innocent Afghanis make them terrorists and send them to Pakistan to bomb blast, who you're Mr?
who are you teach us, and you are in Afghanistan to brainwashed innocent Afghanis make them terrorists and send them to Pakistan to bomb blast, who you're Mr?

we are investing billions of dollars for reconstruction of afghanistan , we are doing infrastructure, schools, hospitals , university projects for afghan people . you invested in taliban the destructive elements .

parliament building built by india .

we are investing billions of dollars for reconstruction of afghanistan , we are doing infrastructure, schools, hospitals , university projects for afghan people . you invested in taliban the destructive elements .
Trump remembered that very well
Trump remembered that very well

how he remembered you ? remember his tweets ?
though he was an idiot :D
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