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To those who couldn't understand my numerous references to minority Muslim Tarters in Crimea.

So you admit you're clueless but you still have the gall to call someone else BS


Why exactly are they protesting? Are these the uneducated unemployed tartars that the Kiev junta is trying to use to destabilize Crimea?

From what I've read, the new Crimean government just gave the tartars more rights than the Kiev junta would or even the previous Ukrainians administrations did. Tartar is an official language, they have new top positions in the government. Is this why the Kiev junta sent the old tartar leader to crimea a few days ago?

I see distabalization really is their objective.

Every time nato or the Kiev junta sends " someone " there is bloodshed. Tartars should not fall into that trap. They aren't being persecuted thats BS.
How Azerbaijan is in a mess? Baku is much more advanced than any Russian city except for Moscow and St. Petersborg. In addition, we had such a long war with Armenia, and still our border has tensions and shootings, ... with Armenia. In over all, Azerbaijan, specially during ilham aliyev presidency, has showed a great record of success. BTW, my info about Uzbeks are limited, but still I think you are saying BS.
How Azerbaijan is in a mess? Baku is much more advanced than any Russian city except for Moscow and St. Petersborg. In addition, we had such a long war with Armenia, and still our border has tensions and shootings, ... with Armenia. In over all, Azerbaijan, specially during ilham aliyev presidency, has showed a great record of success. BTW, my info about Uzbeks are limited, but still I think you are saying BS.
List of Russian federal subjects by GDP per capita - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So you admit you're clueless but you still have the gall to call someone else BS

What are you talking about Mr. false flagger?
As a Turk, I know much more about Uzbeks than anyone of you, but, still I am not an expert about it. BTW, I am not like you trolls to spread BS about the things that you have zero idea about.

Kid, do you know what is nominal GDP and PPP? BTW, your data are for the previous decade, LOL.
Anyway, do not deliberately derail the thread. The thread is about tatar people who their freedom have been endangered by Russian arctic bears.
Can any Middle east country especially Turkey show the same results? Is the central bank chief in turkey Armenian or the defense minister Kurd?
These people you showed are not real Turkics like Kyrgiz, who have full Asian features. They were Turkified in the past by nomadic invaders.
These people you showed are not real Turkics like Kyrgiz, who have full Asian features. They were Turkified in the past by nomadic invaders.
LOL at obsessed West Afghani troll.
@haman10 please do not criticize me again for being harsh on your friends. They are always the ones who show their inferiority complex and start talking BS.
LOL at obsessed West Afghani troll.
@haman10 please do not criticize me again for being harsh on your friends. They are always the ones who show their inferiority complex and start talking BS.
You as a non Iranian should consider speaking in a respectful manner.
You resort to name calling and personal attacks so quickly. I can tell my comment rang true. So let me get this straight if I'm turkik I automatically know more about Uzbek people than anyone else?

Interesting thought process

What are you talking about Mr. false flagger?
As a Turk, I know much more about Uzbeks than anyone of you, but, still I am not an expert about it. BTW, I am not like you trolls to spread BS about the things that you have zero idea about.

Kid, do you know what is nominal GDP and PPP? BTW, your data are for the previous decade, LOL.
Anyway, do not deliberately derail the thread. The thread is about tatar people who their freedom have been endangered by Russian arctic bears.
Beware the unjustifiable Racism towards Tatars and Turkic People :o::o:

Russias richest Man = Turkic (Uzbek)


Head of Lukoil one of Russia's largest Oil companies = Turkic (Azeri)


Russias Central Bank Chief = Turkic (Tatar)


Putins secret love which he has an unofficial Child with = Turkic (Tatar)


Russias Defense Minister, who ordered the troops to take over Crimea = Turkic (Tuvan)


Can any Middle east country especially Turkey show the same results? Is the central bank chief in turkey Armenian or the defense minister Kurd?

Yes it does, despite all the conflicts we even had a Kurdish president, there are many people with different ethnic background in high positions, that doesn't proves anything because those people are just incorporated into society, they have nothing with how Turkey treats Kurds.

I heard many stories about how Russians threating Central Asians as thrash.
You as a non Iranian should consider speaking in a respectful manner.
So, if we reverse it, it means that Iranians should not be respectful? :what:
LOL, BTW you as an afghani should talk in Dari, you may make more sense in Afghani than English language.
Stop trolling and derailing the thread.

You resort to name calling and personal attacks so quickly. I can tell my comment rang true. So let me get this straight if I'm turkik I automatically know more about Uzbek people than anyone else?

Interesting thought process
Dude, I said a fact that you are a false flagger, it was not name calling.
Anyway, not necessarily, but it gives you some basic ideas.
Can any Middle east country especially Turkey show the same results? Is the central bank chief in turkey Armenian or the defense minister Kurd?
There are more Kurds in Turkish parliament than Tatars in Russian one, not to mention the Kurdish president we had...
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How Azerbaijan is in a mess? Baku is much more advanced than any Russian city except for Moscow and St. Petersborg. In addition, we had such a long war with Armenia, and still our border has tensions and shootings, ... with Armenia. In over all, Azerbaijan, specially during ilham aliyev presidency, has showed a great record of success. BTW, my info about Uzbeks are limited, but still I think you are saying BS.

Azerbaijan had probably to recover the most after its independence among CIS countries
and just 20 years later , Azerbaijan is developing faster than any other CIS country

Baku is gonna pass Moscow soon too
the city is developing so fast its crazy
Azerbaijan had probably to recover the most after its independence among CIS countries
and just 20 years later , Azerbaijan is developing faster than any other CIS country

Baku is gonna pass Moscow soon too
the city is developing so fast its crazy
Poor Azerbaijanis, you live in a mess, im so sry for you. :cry:



Russia favors Asad in Syria over the "rebels"
lets call them terrorists rather :lol:

what makes the same people in afghanistan "terrorists" but when it comes to syria , they are "rebels" ? nah !

Iran is supported by Russia who wants NATO and the West to ease up on sanctions against Iran.
look pal , ask any iranian member , we are not in love with russia !! russia has shown that it can easily betray iran in several occasions like security council vote on iran and s-300 deal .

so we are not in love with russia , but russia is acting much more responsible regarding intl. problems .

believe me , its not the "enemy of my enemy" thing either , russia is acting more properly . you have double standards and you lie too freaking much ! (US Govt.)

I don't know if Russia pays you big weekly, monthly
so you're accusing me of being a paid russian cyber warrior ? :lol:

conspiracy theories only fit 9/11 dear ...... in normal world (a world without a rouge state like US) there is no conspiracy theory .
terrorists are called terrorists no matter where they are and countries are not a part of Axis of evil :lol:

Also , my knowledge of russia and other countries doesnt make me a mold / paid cyber warrior :)

ease up on yourself buddy .

you come from a country which this lunatic maniac was ruling for 8 years :

as a persian idiom says : "mosht nemooneye kharvare" @mohsen :lol:
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u go and commit a crime , u get prosecuted .

its not racism , thus ("tartars" wont find a pleasant stay there ) is not a valid sentence .

vandalism has its own consequences , besides moscow has shown that he is very fair towards its muslim population .

muslims in russia live far better than in US .

oops :lol:
I love how you Iranians pretending to be protecter of muslim world to spread your influence but don't give a shit when same muslims get hurt by anti-American countries.Why you hate Tatars so much? Is it because they are sunni on the top of being Turkic?!? Must be so.

Can any Middle east country especially Turkey show the same results? Is the central bank chief in turkey Armenian or the defense minister Kurd?

Yes in fact we had a Kurdish president tell me did your country ever get a non-Russian president?
1. President Bush (who I voted for both terms) took office nearly 17 years ago.

2. The almost 7 years most recently we have President Obama, who I didn't vote for.

To help you refresh your memory (all of which I have prevously posted on this site) here are the facts, not your nor my opinions, the facts:

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is the organ of the United Nations charged with maintaining peaceand security among nations. While other organs of the United Nations only make recommendations to membergovernments, the Security Council has the power to make decisions which member governments are obliged to carry out under the United Nations Charter. The decisions of the Council are known as United Nations Security Council Resolutions.

There have been three major events in Iraq's history for which the UN has passed numerous resolutions: the Iran–Iraq War, the Persian Gulf War, and the Iraq disarmament crisis leading up to and following the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

Iraq related resolutions[edit]
47928 September 1980UnanimousNoted the beginning of the Iran–Iraq War.
51412 July 1982UnanimousCalled for an end to the Iran–Iraq War.
5224 October 1982UnanimousCalled for an end to the Iran–Iraq War.
54031 October 198312-0-3Condemned violations of international law in the Iran–Iraq War.
58224 February 1986Unanimous"Deplores" the use of chemical weapons in the Iran–Iraq War.
5888 October 1986UnanimousCalled for the implementation of resolution 582.
59820 July 1987UnanimousDemanded an immediate cease-fire between Iran and Iraq; requested that the UN Secretary-General start an investigation to determine how the conflict started.
6129 May 1988Condemned the use of chemical weapons in the Iran–Iraq War, but did not single out Iraq as the only side to use them. Instead, the resolution said that the Security Council, "Expects both sides to refrain from the future use of chemical weapons."
6199 August 1988Created UNIIMOG to observe the implementation of a cease-fire for the Iran–Iraq War. Extended by resolutions 631, 642, 651, 671, 676 and 685. Terminated 28 February 1991.
62026 August 1988Condemned the use of chemical weapons in the Iran–Iraq War.
6602 August 199014-0-1,YemenabstainingCondemned the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait and demanded a withdrawal of Iraqi troops. Supported by resolutions 662, 664, 665, 666, 667, 669, 670, 674, and 677.
6616 August 199013-0-2;Cuba, YemenPlaced economic sanctions on Iraq in response to the invasion of Kuwait.
67829 November 199012-2-1Authorized use of force against Iraq to "uphold and implement resolution 660 and all subsequent resolutions and to restore international peace and security in the area".
6862 March 199111-1-3Demanded Iraq's acceptance of all previous resolutions concerning the war with Kuwait.
6873 April 199112-1-2Formal ceasefire ending the Persian Gulf War, with the conditions that Iraq:
6885 April 1991Condemned the repression of Iraqi Kurds.
70715 August 1991Demands immediate, complete, full compliance with UNSCR 687.
71511 October 1991Approves United Nations Special Commission on Iraq and International Atomic Energy Agency inspection provisions.
83327 May 1993Acknowledges clarifications of Iraq-Kuwait border and United Nations Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission (UNIKOM).
8994 March 1994Compensation payments to Iraqi private citizens whose assets remained on Kuwaiti territory following the demarcation of the Iraq-Kuwait border.
94915 October 1994Condemned the Iraqi military buildup on Kuwaiti border.
98614 April 1995Created the Oil-for-Food Programme. Supported by resolution 1111.
105127 March 1996UnanimousCreated a mechanism to monitor Iraqi "dual use" import and exports.
106012 June 1996UnanimousDemands Iraq allow access to sites, weapons, transport and equipment byUnited Nations Special Commission weapons inspectors.
128417 December 199911-0-4Changed the Iraqi inspection program from UNSCOM to UNMOVIC.
14418 November 2002UnanimousGave Iraq "a final opportunity to comply with its disarmament obligations". After Hans Blix of UNMOVIC reported to the UN on 7 March 2003, the US,UK, and other members of the "coalition of the willing" declared that Iraq remained in material breach of resolution 687. Efforts aimed at a new Council resolution authorizing the invasion were aborted owing to resistance from other members of the Council including veto-wielding members. Iraq was invaded anyway, on 20 March.
148322 May 200314-0-1,SyriaabstainingRecognized the US and the UK as occupying powers under international law, with legitimate authority in Iraq. Removed economic sanctions imposed during the Gulf War.
150014 August 200314-0-1, Syria abstainingCreated the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq as a special representative of the UN Secretary General. Extended by resolutions 1557,1619, and 1700.
15468 June 2004UnanimousEndorsed the dissolution of the Coalition Provisional Authority in favor of theIraqi Interim Government as a step toward democracy.
172318 November 2006UnanimousExtended the mandate for Multinational Force Iraq until 31 December 2007.
179018 December 2007Extended the mandate for Multinational Force Iraq until 31 December 2008.
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