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to protect Fighter Jets from Chinese bombs,Govt approves construction of superior shelters


Sep 20, 2014
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The air force has got a go-ahead to construct 108 modern shelters to house fighter aircraft in forward areas on India’s northern borders at a time when China has ramped up activity in the Tibet Autonomous Region, which overlooks Arunachal Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Sikkim and Ladakh.

The Union Cabinet had recently allocated about Rs 5,500 crore for the project to build the Next Generation Hardened Aircraft Shelters (NGHAS), said three senior officials aware of the development who asked not to be named because they are not authorised to speak to the media.

In the past few months, there were reports of increased activity by the People’s Liberation Army (air force), which has carried out several exercises, including moving troops at a rapid rate in the Tibet Autonomous Region.

The Indian Air Force (IAF) has now spread its fighters in disparate bases in the eastern sector. “While the fighters can be scrambled as when required from different bases, it will be difficult for the enemy to target every base,” a senior IAF officer said, explaining the decision.

Majority of the hardened shelters will be designed to house the Russian made Su-30MKi jets – the mainstay of IAF’s fighters. In 2016, a parliamentary committee on defence pointed to the fact that IAF did not have protective shelters to keep the Su-30Mki. “Hardened shelters are not available for even the limited numbers of aircraft that is available with the Service,” the committee observed.

Apart from the hardened shelters, IAF has also inducted new technology to repair damaged runways in a few hours.

“The combination of the hardened shelters and capability to repair damaged runways quickly gives us an operational edge,” said a senior defence ministry official.

NGHAS are specialised structures comprising layers of reinforced concrete, sand and steel. They can protect aircraft from direct hits by a 2,000-pound bomb.

IAF bases in the western sector have “blast pens” – tunnel-shaped concrete structures covered with a layer of earth and protective walls near their openings, which are supposed to protect aircraft from the effects of blasts in case of an attack.

“However, with the change in warfare technology the blastproof pens may not be enough to protect assets,” the officer quoted above said, explaining why IAF needs NGHAS.

To underline the importance of the hardened shelters, a second defence ministry official said IAF told the Union government that during the 1965 India-Pakistan war, nearly 60% of the air force’s loses were of fighters that were on the ground. After the 1965 war, India started building blast-proof pens. “The blastproof pens ensured that fighters on the ground were safe during the Bangladesh liberation war. No aircraft on the ground was lost during the 1971 Bangladesh Liberation war,” he said, adding that IAF told the government that the need of the hour now was to upgrade to NGHAS.

Why can't any action be taken quietly ? Why broadcast it to the whole world ??

lol true.
You don't hear other countries announce this kind of things, it's usually foreign media that ends up reporting it on Pakistan for example.
But the world figures out anyway.

Besides there is no shelter that can stop bombs these days. So its kinda pointless, because if the airfield does get bombed, it will end up getting leveled any way.
The thing is to not let it get bombed in the first place...
LOL they know they cant stop chinese air force in the air, better dig holes and shelters on ground and stay hidden and safe like indians do on the border hide in tin can bunkers . safe and far away from the fight.
The air force has got a go-ahead to construct 108 modern shelters to house fighter aircraft in forward areas on India’s northern borders at a time when China has ramped up activity in the Tibet Autonomous Region, which overlooks Arunachal Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Sikkim and Ladakh.

The Union Cabinet had recently allocated about Rs 5,500 crore for the project to build the Next Generation Hardened Aircraft Shelters (NGHAS), said three senior officials aware of the development who asked not to be named because they are not authorised to speak to the media.

In the past few months, there were reports of increased activity by the People’s Liberation Army (air force), which has carried out several exercises, including moving troops at a rapid rate in the Tibet Autonomous Region.

The Indian Air Force (IAF) has now spread its fighters in disparate bases in the eastern sector. “While the fighters can be scrambled as when required from different bases, it will be difficult for the enemy to target every base,” a senior IAF officer said, explaining the decision.

Majority of the hardened shelters will be designed to house the Russian made Su-30MKi jets – the mainstay of IAF’s fighters. In 2016, a parliamentary committee on defence pointed to the fact that IAF did not have protective shelters to keep the Su-30Mki. “Hardened shelters are not available for even the limited numbers of aircraft that is available with the Service,” the committee observed.

Apart from the hardened shelters, IAF has also inducted new technology to repair damaged runways in a few hours.

“The combination of the hardened shelters and capability to repair damaged runways quickly gives us an operational edge,” said a senior defence ministry official.

NGHAS are specialised structures comprising layers of reinforced concrete, sand and steel. They can protect aircraft from direct hits by a 2,000-pound bomb.

IAF bases in the western sector have “blast pens” – tunnel-shaped concrete structures covered with a layer of earth and protective walls near their openings, which are supposed to protect aircraft from the effects of blasts in case of an attack.

“However, with the change in warfare technology the blastproof pens may not be enough to protect assets,” the officer quoted above said, explaining why IAF needs NGHAS.

To underline the importance of the hardened shelters, a second defence ministry official said IAF told the Union government that during the 1965 India-Pakistan war, nearly 60% of the air force’s loses were of fighters that were on the ground. After the 1965 war, India started building blast-proof pens. “The blastproof pens ensured that fighters on the ground were safe during the Bangladesh liberation war. No aircraft on the ground was lost during the 1971 Bangladesh Liberation war,” he said, adding that IAF told the government that the need of the hour now was to upgrade to NGHAS.

Lol.....in an age where you can put a cruise missile through a bedroom window
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Indian should be aware, there is no bunker which could survive if bombed. So this is just a Bollywood summersault and no value in real environment.
Such news/threads should only be posted/started in funny section.
~50 crore INR / shelter...
Or 71,81,500 in US dollars... Very expensive.
why cant they just fly the fighter jet in case of attack and attack Chinese, isn't that what fighter jets are for

This reminds me one of my fav stories in Pakistan. I went to Cloth market to buy something and there was this Khan Saab before me who bought a kid's Toy and its was Rs. 20, he gave shopkeeper Rs. 100 bill and shopkeeper asked for "Khula" he did not have a change. Khan saab said he doesnt have Khula so went around the market t every store for khula but you know Pakistani stores they never give khula. he returned after 30 minute and no khula, shopkeeper said sorry come back later with khula....Khan saab was double minded, i saw the pain on his face when pulled a brand new Rs. 10 bundle from his pocket and said..."Yara khula to hay magar nava nava note hay deney ko dil ke ker raha"...So is the story with India's new Rafael...nava nava hay uraney ko dil ne kerta chuppa dena jub Chinese attack karey.
I thought it allow you to defecate inside rather than needing Togo out.Even though there is still no plumbing. Just 10 inch hole in the middle of the mess hall.

don't give them this idea, this is what they did to Navy ship and it sank.
I smell a corruption in 55600 carore spending last nail in coffin of indian defence budget by modi
How can a China made jet fighter with a china made bomb can able to reach target inside india ? According to indian fekus china technology is a fake.... Lol
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