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To Err is human ..So err is swine .. that goes right for indian defence


Nov 27, 2011
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India has been fumbling in Pakistan on numerous grounds, especially in Baluchistan to disintegrate the country, causing further unrest in order to flourish the ground for further insurgencies and to trigger a civil war for the west to jump in who is the so-called saviour of humanitarian laws. India did the idiotic act of Mumbai Attacks 26/11 and on top of that, later the Indian Army General challenged not only Pakistan but its faithful ally China too.
Pakistan’s missile program is far more sophisticated and operational than India’s missile program, despite India investing billions of dollars into its defence budget which is USD 40.44 billion for 2012-13 and Pakistan with only USD 5.82 billion.
Pakistan is several times smaller than India having the 5th largest army while India stands 2nd, but has always given India a hard time also considering the past three wars. Furthermore, India has a considerable number of missile test fails which are an absolute embarrassment to their nation marking a big question mark on the qualification of the 2nd largest pool of scientists and engineers in the world. The following bitter facts for India were discovered when analyzing their missile program.

Indian Failures

· The MBT project was launched in 1974. But the tank has failed to meet service requirement tests. It is reportedly too heavy and undependable to be used in combat operations. The Indian Army prefers imported Russian tanks over the MBTs and says it will use the MBTs for training, not operations.

· The nuclear submarine project, launched 31 years ago, is not yet finished despite the almost USD 1 billion spent on it. The LCA project, launched in 1983, is still in the doldrums: the DRDO has failed to develop the right engine for it. Even with an imported engine, the plane is unlikely to enter service anytime soon.

· Trishul has been tested over 80 times so far without coming anywhere near becoming operational. It was, in fact, virtually given up for dead in 2003 after around Rs 300 crore was spent on it, before being revived yet again. Trishul’s repeated failure, in fact, forced the Navy to go in for nine Israeli Barak anti-missile defence systems for its frontline warships, along with 200 Barak missiles, at a cost of Rs 1,510 crore during the 1999 Kargil conflict. The Navy is now inducting even more Barak systems due to Trishul’s continued failure, reported by IRNA.

· Hours after the USD 50 million geosynchronous satellite launch vehicle (GSLV) with a communications satellite on board was ordered to self-destruct – as it veered off course soon after lift-off.

· Agni III on July 9, 2006 crashed into the Bay of Bengal just after a few seconds before reaching its target but DRDO shamelessly maintained that the test was a success partially and the problem arose only subsequently. It was to be tested in 2003-04 but was delayed due to technical faults.

· BrahMos LACM test from Pokhran field failed in January 2009, it embarrassingly fell back to the ground after launch.

· Maiden test launch of Agni II+ failed on May 17, 2009 as it dropped off into the sea a few seconds after it was launched from Wheeler Island.

· In March 2010, India’s home grown interceptor defence shield developed to detect and destroy incoming ballistic missiles failed. The test was abandoned when the radars following the target lost track of it and the interceptor did not launched.

· Agni II failed again in a second test in November 2009.

· Agni II+ failed the missile test in September 2010.

· Test fire of Prithvi II failed after heavy smoke covered the launch pad on September 24, 2010. The test was conducted by Strategic Forces Command. Was last tested on June 18, 2010 for a shorter range.

· India decided to go for the USZ Javeline missile as Nag is not worth it and is taking a long time to be developed.

· Missile test of Akash, the third time in five days failed on May 28, 2012 and after launch off the Odisha coast as it fell down immediately after taking off. After several years of testing has been shelved for reasons best known to the Indians.
Taking the typically devastating history of DRDO into account, one can’t be sure of the level of success attained in India’s missile tests like it overwhelmingly exaggerates.
48 % of Indian Navy’s submarines are dysfunctional and 50 % are in the condition to hit the heap in the junkyard. Our 86-F Sabres have taken down Indian Air force’s MiG 21s in air to air combat beautifully.

When Pakistan tested the first series of Hatf it was considered as a mere firecracker by the Indian generals. However, over the years the firecracker has earned the reputation of being called the Safron Slayer and Bombay Blasters. Perhaps, the most highly classified missile project underway is Taimur.
By the Grace of Allah, Pakistan has carried out successful missile tests and maintains a white sheet to this day.

Pakistan has constantly been fingers pointed at by USZ, India and other Islamophobic countries. Apparently, they have denied to have the honesty pill as they rather blatantly throw dirt silently and systematically in the eyes of the rest of the world, ripping facts into western mumbo jumbo.

India’s unsafe nukes
India's past record presents a number of security lapses in accordance to its nuclear plants and sensitive radioactive material showing that this is part of their regular feature, not to mention USZ shows a similar trend but right now we'll be dealing with our unbelievably friendly neighbour, a.k.a India.
• On July 14, 2010, a chlorine gas leakage surrounded the city of Mumbai in panic and alarm causing over 80 people to be taken to hospitals in critical condition. Caused by leakage of chlorine gas cylinders that were to be part of a consignment to be transported to chemical industries to manufacture biological and chemical weapons.
• In the end of November 2009, more than 90 Indian workers suffered radiation due to contamination of drinking water at the Kaiga Atomic Power Station in Karnata.
• In December 2006, a container packed with radioactive material had been stolen from Indian fortified research atomic facility near Mumbai.
• In December 2005, USZ imposed sanctions on two Indian firms for selling missile goods and chemical arms material to Iran in violation of India’s commitment to prevent proliferation. In the same year, Indian scientists, Dr.Surender and Y.S.R Prasad had been blacklisted by Washington due to their involvement in nuclear theft.
• In February 2004, India’s ambassador to Libya, Dinkar Sirivastava revealed that New Delhi was investigating that retired Indian scientists could possibly be engaged in high technology programs for financial gains during employment in the Libyan government.
• On January 26, 2003, CNN pointed out that Indian company, NEC Engineers Private Ltd. Shipped 10 consignments to Iraq, containing highly sensitive equipment entailing titanium vessels and centrifugal pumps.
• On November 7, 2000, International Atomic Agency disclosed that Indian police had seized 57 pounds of uranium and arrested two men for elicit trafficking of radioactive material. IAEA had said that Indian civil nuclear facilities were vulnerable to thefts.
• In July 1998, India’s Central Bureau of Investigation seized 8 kg of nuclear material from three engineers in Chennai. It was reported that the uranium was stolen from an atomic research centre. The case still remains pending.
• On July 27, 1991, at the heavy water plant run by the Department of Atomic Energy at Rawatbhata in Rajasthan Nuclear radiation had affected and injured many labourers there.
Almost, 160 cases have been registered of theft, smuggling, loss or misplacement of radioactive source in local police records. Pakistan has no such mortifying record by the Grace of Allah.
@Oscar mate, you deleting the replies, but did not pay any attention to the title ? :lol:
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Too much time out of PDF environment also effects brain cells badly it seems...

Where have you been these days??

Making this useful post??

All the info is supported by date which can be confirmed easily online...if yu have anything against failed Pak missile tests and nuke program do let me know or else just be what yu are..lame losers and error masters...

I dint intend to humiliate indians as they already are across the world for their rapes and animal acts , I was just puttin some mere facts to be noticed by my fellow pakistani's and appreciate the hard and intelligent work our scientists have put despite having very limited resources...

And yes truth indeed is always painful...
All the info is supported by date which can be confirmed easily online...if yu have anything against failed Pak missile tests and nuke program do let me know or else just be what yu are..lame losers and error masters...

I would have given you a long list of Pakistan's failures, but unfortunately, as per new rules of the forum, that is a bannable offence :D
@Oscar mate, you deleting the replies, but did not pay any attention to the title ? :lol:
Title is just an idiom to make things more clear and meaningful for those who can understand...instead of complaining cant yu say something useful either say im lying n all that i said about indian failures is wrong with some proof or atleast tell us where did pak had a failed test or a nuke mishap n if yu cant say anything then accept where you lag n only then yu can improve as a nation but before that as a humanbeing...

Where are the sources?

Go online and put the dates with the heading n yu will get all the details...Go ahead
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All the info is supported by date which can be confirmed easily online...if yu have anything against failed Pak missile tests and nuke program do let me know or else just be what yu are..lame losers and error masters...

I dint intend to humiliate indians as they already are across the world for their rapes and animal acts , I was just puttin some mere facts to be noticed by my fellow pakistani's and appreciate the hard and intelligent work our scientists have put despite having very limited resources...

And yes truth indeed is always painful...
Well then don't let us get in your way of world domination, not to mention ever since the rest of the world knows your true face we're all scared to death but hey it still shouldn't bother you cause you have that BFF of yours next door except when there is a real war(65/71) of course :rolleyes:
I would have given you a long list of Pakistan's failures, but unfortunately, as per new rules of the forum, that is a bannable offence :D

dun go into political or other stuff here im talkin abt nukes and missiles so just go ahead n support yr claims with dates as i did n i assure yu no one will ban yu dear..but be sensible n prove that all indians aint same..
Title is just an idiom to make things more clear and meaningful for those who can understand

Can you give me the context of Sooer (or So err as you put it) in this thread and how it applies to Indian defence. ? While this was ok since I have seen worse bigotism here, the surprising part was Oscar's actions.. Anyway, live and learn :)

dun go into political or other stuff here im talkin abt nukes and missiles so just go ahead n support yr claims with dates as i did n i assure yu no one will ban yu dear..but be sensible n prove that all indians aint same..

Why should I restrict my response to what you want to restrict it too.. ? :D

btw, come and talk to me when a democratic govt in Pakistan is able to complete its 5 year term even once. 65 years and still waiting :)
All the info is supported by date which can be confirmed easily online...if yu have anything against failed Pak missile tests and nuke program do let me know or else just be what yu are..lame losers and error masters...

I dint intend to humiliate indians as they already are across the world for their rapes and animal acts , I was just puttin some mere facts to be noticed by my fellow pakistani's and appreciate the hard and intelligent work our scientists have put despite having very limited resources...

And yes truth indeed is always painful...

Why are you showing up india's failures to present pakistan's success? When was pakistan's Geosynchronised satelite launched? When was was pakistan's ICBM launched? what was the name of pakistan's satelite launch vehicle? Sorry bro,my memory is fading these days...
@Oscar:You dissappointed me mate.
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48 % of Indian Navy’s submarines are dysfunctional and 50 % are in the condition to hit the heap in the junkyard.

Good . This shows the intellect of author who is so fascinated with Swine . But who am i to say anything :rofl:

Pakistan has constantly been fingers pointed at by USZ, India and other Islamophobic countries.

LOL please elaborate on Islamophobic part . Apart from India and US which all countries fall under that category .

U.S. biggest ally in the Middle East is a Islamic Country which is more "islamic" than yours will ever be .

India and 3rd largest muslim population in the world .

However, over the years the firecracker has earned the reputation of being called the Safron Slayer and Bombay Blasters.

Author Wetting his bed again .

By the Grace of Allah, Pakistan has carried out successful missile tests and maintains a white sheet to this day

What is White Sheet . No test or all successful tests ?

i will take the latter one to elaborate .

Allah must be Shining hard on you guys .

U.S. Doesn't have "white sheet" , nor the U.K. , Nor Germany , Nor Russia , Nor China but the great Emerald Green and Pearly white state of Pakistan has "white sheet" . Fantastic !!!

All Hail Sword of Islam , The Great Nation of Pakistan . :pakistan:

Hours after the USD 50 million geosynchronous satellite launch vehicle (GSLV) with a communications satellite on board was ordered to self-destruct – as it veered off course soon after lift-off.

Talk to me when you have your own Cryogenic Engine or Suparco comes even close to where ISRO is . Allah must be ignoring you on Space Capabilities as by the grace of allah you have "White Sheet" in Missile Testing .

I can continue further but that's enough to show what sham of a article it is . Jingoistic Fools in Pakistan are taking the whole country for a ride and they are happily riding on waving hands at us .
Also when was the pakistan's first nuke sub launched? When was pakistan's first moon mission launched? Who was the first pakistani to go to space?
God,i think i have alzheimers....
@Oscar mate, you deleting the replies, but did not pay any attention to the title ? :lol:

n @RazPaK was crying all out that PDF MODs r biased towards Indian members n r giving undue leverage to Indians :lol:
he even suggested that Indians r bribing the MODs...:rofl:

so RAZPAK here u go, hope u got ur answer dear :)
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