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TLP riots and destruction- Aasia Bibi Blasphemy Judgement

This forum has turned into bloodthirsty mob that wants to kill everyone. Even if a citizen is damaging public or private properties he should not be killed and some bloodthirsty said "sure they must be killed".

We are living in a lawless state i mean?

Anyways... People can see what sort of extremism is happening here on this board. Even some senior folks jumped into the bandwagon... How are you people different from Khadim Rizvi?

As i said, i don't sympathize with the people involved in the burning of vehicles and damaging of properties. BUT they should NOT be killed. The state has NO RIGHT to kill its citizens.

BTW How many people did police kill in Faizabad dharna and how many policemen killed? SHAME!!!

For a fact... These Dharnas are happening in more than 80 cities and believe me they are peaceful... if even 50% if these dharnas were violent... You know a word called "CIVIL WAR"?

Thanks for your post.... AT LEAST someone is sane enough to hear the facts from both sides. It might be a rare instance but the courts have given a decision that doesn't reflect the facts in my opinion.

I think Mr. Saqib Nisar is destroyed by the fact that "It was NOT alcohol that was retrieved from hospital that day"
Three peoples have been killed many lost their livelihood no different than being killed..most sweats shops were rubbed so aman dar can go home and eat..but state wont do anything as it knows doing something will be a bigger problem ..it should have addressed root cause and ban social media extremist channels and punish the agitators
And no protester offered any prayer yesterday.. loll

They all were so busy in protecting the honor of prophet (peace be upon him) that they didn't feel it important to offer most important duty prescribed by the same prophet (peace be upon him)
I agree with the most part but the protest is the right of everyone. A peaceful protest we are talking about.

And if the leaders of TLP asked for damaging properties, setting vehicles on fire... then i must say they are wrong!

Did you miss the part where they explicitly ordered the killing of the CJ? This is not a peaceful protest.

The bloodthirsty one are these goons - they are killing and destroying until they have this woman's life. It's surprising you can't see that - but people asking for violent protestors to be shot seem evil to you. Isn't that strange?
Bro I would not even pray behind such a foul mouthed cretin, his mouth should be washed with caustic soda :lol:.Kudos bhai
He is an idiot. In fact, he has damaged the cause of khatam-nabuwwat and brelvis more than anyone. Good educated people refrained from joining his sit-ins. If he used any good language and follow the sunnah properly then a lot more people would have joined the sit-in.
He is an idiot. In fact, he has damaged the cause of khatam-nabuwwat and brelvis more than anyone. Good educated people refrained from joining his sit-ins. If he used any good language and follow the sunnah properly then a lot more people would have joined the sit-in.
Bro I have had a bad feeling ever since this fool raised his mischievous head, in the coming days I fear some sort of national calamity, MAY ALLAH (SWT) PROTECT THE NATION.Kudos bhai
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