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TLP 'Long March' to Islamabad - October 22, 2021

Discouraging by encouraging other side. Wah.
I would suggest you should re-read what he wrote, it was a very basic analogy that he used, he just wasn't clear enough. All he was trying to do is provide a Moral Philosphy with a Hypothetical imperative. He was not at all encouraging nor suggesting killing, suicide nor any such act as understood by the other member.

For example "Do not steal from others if you do not want others to steal from you"

It can also be deduced from the Islamic Hadith
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "None of you will have faith till he wishes for his (Muslim) brother what he likes for himself."
[Sahih al-Bukhari :: Vol. 1 :: Book 2 :: Hadith 13]
I would suggest you should re-read what he wrote, it was a very basic analogy that he used, he just wasn't clear enough. All he was trying to do is provide a Moral Philosphy with a Hypothetical imperative.

For example "Do not steal from others if you do not want others to steal from you"

It can also be deduced from the Islamic Hadith
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "None of you will have faith till he wishes for his (Muslim) brother what he likes for himself."
[Sahih al-Bukhari :: Vol. 1 :: Book 2 :: Hadith 13]

I am not TLP but I don't see them wishing death to anyone else. There are miscreants & might take advantage but you cannot just read what anyone thinks or holds inside.
Biggest hypocrites in PK are religious idiots. Will watch **** in privacy , abuse children in madrassas but outside in public will act like marde momin.
Your liberal/seculer cleanshave jahil "leaders " dont bother to even act as muslim (they dont give a ratass) let alone act as marde momin .i thought cleanshave jahil use behind close door mantra to give themself clean chit when it comes to all your muhammad zubair affairs but i may be wrong ..unfortunely thats the reality of 95 % of cleanshave anti islam mullah haters ruling pakistan. From top to bottom , most of cleanshave elite, including generals are dirty bastard and piece of trash which needs deep cleaning with acid.
last time i checked the so called educated seculars and libturds have already thrown Pakistan in the same category. meanwhile all they do is loot the country with both hands, consume alcohol, f**k girls and f**k the poor people. :agree:
This is unfortunely reality of these mullah haters cleanshave fascists. They produce ppl like hussain haqqani ,tariq fateh,zardari,musharraf ,nawaz but mullahs aka religious folk are at fault? These ppl being liberal is just to ****,get drunk ,fornicate and loot the nation while their kids live in london or new york till those childeren get their chance to rape us and the nation again as our leader .. these brownsahib belong in western nation being illigemate childeren of their "civilization".
Your liberal/seculer cleanshave jahil "leaders " dont bother to even act as muslim (they dont give a ratass) let alone act as marde momin .i thought cleanshave jahil use behind close door mantra to give themself clean chit when it comes to all your muhammad zubair affairs but i may be wrong ..unfortunely thats the reality of 95 % of cleanshave anti islam mullah haters ruling pakistan. From top to bottom , most of cleanshave elite, including generals are dirty bastard and piece of trash which needs deep cleaning with acid.
How about you take part in the election against the cLeAn sHaVeN people and make the necessary changes once you win in the majority, until the time you do not win, you cannot be allowed to make decisions for the rest even though they might be wrong (as per your claim).

One needs to have a mandate first and clearly, TLP does not have it yet.
How about you take part in the election against the cLeAn sHaVeN people and make the necessary changes once you win in the majority, until the time you do not win, you cannot be allowed to make decisions for the rest even though they might be wrong (as per your claim).

One needs to have a mandate first and clearly, TLP does not have it yet.
Thats what tlp is doing and look how much panic that has caused ? Every cleanshave wadera ,general, political leader is trying to make their life hell by going against their own created law. Tlp is political party and it is just exersizing its right to demonstrate, like all the socalled democratic parties but our anti islam establishment is having a nervouse breakdown when they see millions of ppl on tlp rallies ..cleanshave elite is smelling their demise and that why their are almost using terror method against tlp leadership and members.

Let me be frank ..islamic parties will never come to power in pakistan with votes even when and if they will get elected ..this system is made and held in place by ppl who have been inplanted to make sure islam and islamic parties never come at the top ...at the end muslim will have to fight for what they beleive in . We all have seen what happend when they came with votes in egypt,algeria,gaza etc .. they were butchered by seculer cleanshave rulers who used the same reasoning and language, as shown here by most mullah(islam) haters .
Post every Tweet you find under the Sun.
You are doing a great service by giving TLP all the coverage they need.
There are already thousands viewing such footage and is visible in the public domain, there is even way more footage on Facebook which i'm not posting and is the main medium used for viewing as well as other apps. It just seems you have a particular affinity to being disgruntled against me.
Can I ask you something?

Pakistan is a deeply religious country. I really don't think it can be anymore Islamic, seriously you guys are really devout, that's fantastic for you.

But tell me, why the f**k does it have to involve civil disobedience? Why can't all of you sit in a mosque and discuss things and pray like calm spiritual men on the path to heaven. :lol:

Knowing full well the world is watching the region, these actions are BAD for business especially with how broke Pakistan is right now. Use your f**king brain man.

Sure if TLP DID NOT GO ON RECORD TO SAY EXTREMIST GARBAGE SUCH AS NUKING HOLLAND then maybe but I would deem them a national security threat. Apply full force on them.

Aren't you Pakistani (genetically; assumed nationalities aside)? What color is your skin and what's your ethnicity? Do you have Caucasian or Anglo-Saxon blood gushing in your veins?

To answer your question, the reason is that it's a highly problematic form of Islam. Deobandi and Wahhabism/Salafism mixed with uneducated, frustrated masses that are easily roused by social media campaigns or manipulative preaches = toxic powder keg ready to explode.

It is a patent failure of successive governments, military and civilian, to introduce meaningful reforms that at least show that Islam has many schools of thought and that the inner element of spiritual cultivation through kindness, peace, justice, maturity, introspection. Instead, the Islam propagated in Pakistan through such outfits is predominantly about outward expressions of the religion (clothes, beard, naat ringtones, etc.), which are all fine, but not when there is no substance beyond these surface-level things. It is an Islam of power grabbing, judging and takfeer. Highly problematic and complex issues. Massive societal engineering and reform can save us.
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