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TLP during the leadership of Allama Khadim Hussain Razavi

Rizvi was a terrorist by every legal definition of Pakistani law and he should have been punished but sadly the state did not have the backbone to do that. The military showed him his place in 2018, when maddened with power, he asked for anarchy in the country by asking soldiers to rebel against the state. As they were all vanished within a span of 2 days, a reality dawned on TLP that they are nothing but puppets and should quietly stay as such. His followers took part in hooliganism and destruction of public property. They should all be condemned as harshly as possible and action should be taken against them but ofcourse leaders shape their own followers and the followers followed the extremist nature of the leader.

Propaganda pieces like the OP should not be encouraged on this forum
He was supporter of a declared & proven terrorist. This party (TLP) was formed in support of declared terrorist. Please do read detailed verdict of Highest court of Pakistan on it (https://www.refworld.org/pdfid/563891794.pdf). Anyone who supported him is supporting terrorism & fitna.
P.S. I wonder why admins allow terrorist sympathizers on this forum?
Buddy look at you right now you took a hardliner its easy for terrorist org to hire hard liner.. Tolerating is a key.
i might not agree with his many many things but he convey his message clearly that we are united if other nation humiliate our Prophet (PBUH).
non of your political leader follow court order a convicted one on bail of 14 days one actually left to enjoy his money abroad another one living and enjoying his political party with what a joke that we have convicted leaders later they will give pardon to themselves.
I think he was wrong to kill Salman Taseer.

I think it's wrong to support him for doing so.

I think we have a problem with the politicisation of blasphemy.

I also think our courts are more corrupt, dangerous and guilty of bloodshed in our country than any terrorist group or other extremist elements. They are the ultimate enablers of all wrong doing in our country.
Salman taseer was killed by Noonies the tool they use was from police himself, the mistake he made when he went to meet Asia in jail and give wrong statement which PMLN took full advantage get him killed, later on noonies just blow themselves away.
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@Irfan Baloch
Brother I thought he was banned...yet within a day he is back posting?
respected member
we are not bullies and we dont intimidate and insult people for having a difference. as long as someone writes with basic social skills of respect and decency then its fine.
points of difference are welcome as long as they are not hateful and outright lies.

we exercise restraint as well as we ask our good members to express the best in them for an interesting and engaging discussions on this forum. the gentleman in question might receive warning or censoring but to get an outright ban for a period is only possible if moderation team finds consistent disregard of forum rules.

May Allah Grant us the most beautiful and relatable quality of our Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH which was his Humbleness and kindness and peace for everyone. May we never use His name to intimidate , curse or Abuse anyone , because these are the qualities of arrogance and arrogance is satanic and such behavior has a sad end,
I'll keep updating and answering all the allegations in my first post of this thread. One must not go as low to accept any thing from any one. We have no relations to anyone who harms the nation.

Even Interior Minister Shahryar Afrirdi cleared it in the parliament meeting: TLP is not involved in destruction!

If you are willing to know how polite were Allama Khadim Hussain Razvi, you can listen to him when police was shelling!
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Rizvi was a terrorist by every legal definition of Pakistani law and he should have been punished but sadly the state did not have the backbone to do that. The military showed him his place in 2018, when maddened with power, he asked for anarchy in the country by asking soldiers to rebel against the state. As they were all vanished within a span of 2 days, a reality dawned on TLP that they are nothing but puppets and should quietly stay as such. His followers took part in hooliganism and destruction of public property. They should all be condemned as harshly as possible and action should be taken against them but ofcourse leaders shape their own followers and the followers followed the extremist nature of the leader.

Propaganda pieces like the OP should not be encouraged on this forum
State was either complicit or lacked the will as you have put it.

the state failed repeatedly by giving space to religious thugs of takfiri sect one of which runs the Red Mosque and then a follower of otherwise peaceful Beralvi faith we got Khadim Rizvi.
its a pity, its a tragedy that an anarchist became the spokesman and leader of Prophet Muhammad PBUH devotees in Pakistan.
his foul mouth, arrogance, intimidation and lies have nothing to do with a follower of Rahmatul lil Alameen.
State was either complicit or lacked the will as you have put it.

State has always been hesitant in this for example the 2017 protest is a good way to see how the state lacked the will and the opposition jumped on the opportunity. Sheikh Rashid played a major role in increasing the crisis and he ran his 2018 campaign as the guardian of the finality which shows the opportunistic nature of our politicians and then we have examples of Complicit nature in that very protest where Javed Latif the MNA from Sheikhupura was attacked when he was delivering food to the protestors. Turns out that the very protestors were not just his votebank but also he helped make the arrangements at Batti chowk Sheikhupura which is the central lifeline of the city and its adjoining area. Why was he supporting the very protest against his own sitting government? Why did he help them make arrangements? It could be opportunism or complicit but frankly our political class is so divided and ridden with self-interest that they can never mount a united and firm push by the state itself.
the state failed repeatedly by giving space to religious thugs of takfiri sect one of which runs the Red Mosque and then a follower of otherwise peaceful Beralvi faith we got Khadim Rizvi.

Pakistan has been in a co0nstant struggle with this and the state has been caught wanting and the times it took action, it has been forced. Let us not forget our WOT performance was greatly hampered by the state and politicians simply trying to avoid any conflict with the religious section. We see constantly, calls for implementing NAP. It is amongst the PDM demands but why hasnt it been implemented till now? What stopped a mighty 2/3rd majority government from bringing the religious section under its control. We have looked to completely stay away from creating restrictions on the extremist groups and the state has been avoiding this as much and wherever it could. Desperate Reforms requires politician and governments which are not worried about their political survival but look to actually bring reforms. Ofcourse then we have the 'Rule of Law' problem as the country is slowly descending into a form of Lawlessness where the people simply dont respect the rule of law. They feel that they are above the law and anybody with a semblance of power openly challenges the law and often gets away with it.
its a pity, its a tragedy that an anarchist became the spokesman and leader of Prophet Muhammad PBUH devotees in Pakistan.
his foul mouth, arrogance, intimidation and lies have nothing to do with a follower of Rahmatul lil Alameen.

Indeed so and i see such characters as amongst the signs foretold that the clergy and religious men would be the worst amongst under the sky but they would be venerated. This man created a cult and did everything that no lover of the Prophet (P.B.U.H) would do. We see such signs happen infront of our eyes. Sad.
State was either complicit or lacked the will as you have put it.

the state failed repeatedly by giving space to religious thugs of takfiri sect one of which runs the Red Mosque and then a follower of otherwise peaceful Beralvi faith we got Khadim Rizvi.
its a pity, its a tragedy that an anarchist became the spokesman and leader of Prophet Muhammad PBUH devotees in Pakistan.
his foul mouth, arrogance, intimidation and lies have nothing to do with a follower of Rahmatul lil Alameen.
If you have not, May i recommend a fine piece of work by Farhat Haq in the Book "Shariah and the State". It is a great book and it really takes into account the relationship between the two and the Rise of TLP and why Islamic parties which have no vote bank focus on street power. It also looks into the relationship between Shariah law and the state and answers some growing misconceptions.
respected member
we are not bullies and we dont intimidate and insult people for having a difference. as long as someone writes with basic social skills of respect and decency then its fine.
points of difference are welcome as long as they are not hateful and outright lies.

we exercise restraint as well as we ask our good members to express the best in them for an interesting and engaging discussions on this forum. the gentleman in question might receive warning or censoring but to get an outright ban for a period is only possible if moderation team finds consistent disregard of forum rules.

May Allah Grant us the most beautiful and relatable quality of our Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH which was his Humbleness and kindness and peace for everyone. May we never use His name to intimidate , curse or Abuse anyone , because these are the qualities of arrogance and arrogance is satanic and such behavior has a sad end,
brother I pointed you specifically where without reason he mentioned my mother.
i don't care if he worships a cow or Rizvi. that's his business.

but if he abuses me again.......I will ensure that I deal with him.. you told us he was banned. clearly not. disappointing as had I reacted you would have banned me
I might not agree with his many many things but he convey his message clearly that we are united if other nation humiliate our Prophet (PBUH).
You cannot expect them to lead movement of respect of Prophet Muhmmad (Peace be upon him) who themselves are doing blasphemy. Please read page 55, Point 25 of Aasia BB detail verdict. Gustakh tou TLP walay khud hey. Here is excerpt from that verdict.

State has always been hesitant in this for example the 2017 protest is a good way to see how the state lacked the will and the opposition jumped on the opportunity. Sheikh Rashid played a major role in increasing the crisis and he ran his 2018 campaign as the guardian of the finality which shows the opportunistic nature of our politicians and then we have examples of Complicit nature in that very protest where Javed Latif the MNA from Sheikhupura was attacked when he was delivering food to the protestors. Turns out that the very protestors were not just his votebank but also he helped make the arrangements at Batti chowk Sheikhupura which is the central lifeline of the city and its adjoining area. Why was he supporting the very protest against his own sitting government? Why did he help them make arrangements? It could be opportunism or complicit but frankly our political class is so divided and ridden with self-interest that they can never mount a united and firm push by the state itself.

Pakistan has been in a co0nstant struggle with this and the state has been caught wanting and the times it took action, it has been forced. Let us not forget our WOT performance was greatly hampered by the state and politicians simply trying to avoid any conflict with the religious section. We see constantly, calls for implementing NAP. It is amongst the PDM demands but why hasnt it been implemented till now? What stopped a mighty 2/3rd majority government from bringing the religious section under its control. We have looked to completely stay away from creating restrictions on the extremist groups and the state has been avoiding this as much and wherever it could. Desperate Reforms requires politician and governments which are not worried about their political survival but look to actually bring reforms. Ofcourse then we have the 'Rule of Law' problem as the country is slowly descending into a form of Lawlessness where the people simply dont respect the rule of law. They feel that they are above the law and anybody with a semblance of power openly challenges the law and often gets away with it.

Indeed so and i see such characters as amongst the signs foretold that the clergy and religious men would be the worst amongst under the sky but they would be venerated. This man created a cult and did everything that no lover of the Prophet (P.B.U.H) would do. We see such signs happen infront of our eyes. Sad.

If you have not, May i recommend a fine piece of work by Farhat Haq in the Book "Shariah and the State". It is a great book and it really takes into account the relationship between the two and the Rise of TLP and why Islamic parties which have no vote bank focus on street power. It also looks into the relationship between Shariah law and the state and answers some growing misconceptions.

مصحفی ہم تو یہ سمجھے تھے کہ ہوگا کوئی زخم

تیرے دل میں تو بہت کام رفو کا نکلا
In the broader context I firmly believe that religion and politics should not be mixed together. The politicians who ruled last 40 years have deliberately kept our masses uneducated and illiterate because literacy can provide liberating thoughts, but for them it would have been an end of their family dynasties. Later on different occasions different mullah's, mulana's, imam masjids, religious personalities start using religion as a tool to achieve their political aspirations.

This illiteracy transcends into religious domains as well, we in Pakistan have a habit of not to question these personalities or the narratives they tow. Islam and our Prophet PBUH encouraged us to go seek knowledge; some naive friends believe this knowledge in a particular context only rather it is an overall way of life. Allah SWT labeled you as “Ashraf-ul-Makhlooqat” (the noblest of creation), not so that you can go around like a headless chicken and whatever someone tells you. Qur'an is the ultimate message of Allah SWT, most of these masses do not even know the message, reading/memorizing it has nothing to do with understanding it.

This notion that the number of people came to his janaza means that he was on the right path are delusions of grandeur. Most of our masses are tamashbeen type, if there was any mechanism to conduct a survey of these masses; I can bet 95% of them might not be considered as true muslims.

It doesn't matter what PML N, PPP or PTI thinks or believes in or requires at one particular time. There should be a strict boundary when it comes to matter of state and basic human rights. No one is above the law, No one can declare terrorists/murderers as Ghazi's or Saints(except the state), Islam or any other religion cannot be used for a political purpose; Any mosque, church, Temple cannot be involved in any political activity. No group of individuals can stand up one day and control the rights of other citizens/residents. Protest and Processions should have an established code of conduct anyone breaking it should be dealt immediately with highest state conviction, no matter if he claims to be the biggest "ashiq-e-rasool" or anything else for that matter.
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brother I pointed you specifically where without reason he mentioned my mother.
i don't care if he worships a cow or Rizvi. that's his business.

but if he abuses me again.......I will ensure that I deal with him.. you told us he was banned. clearly not. disappointing as had I reacted you would have banned me
he got the warning for that.
his worship is fine but the foul mouth is not welcome
there is a point system that builds up to a ban.
if you are unhappy with how this been dealt then please raise an issue in GHQ.
I am sorry that you also had to face the foul language of these zealots. I have been harassed and sworn at with extremely filthy language as well. its not Hub e Rasool its fanaticism and lunacy.
he got the warning for that.
his worship is fine but the foul mouth is not welcome
there is a point system that builds up to a ban.
if you are unhappy with how this been dealt then please raise an issue in GHQ.
I am sorry that you also had to face the foul language of these zealots. I have been harassed and sworn at with extremely filthy language as well. its not Hub e Rasool its fanaticism and lunacy.
Thats fine irfan bhai. You have taken the time to kindly explain. I really appreciate that.
I am happy with your decision.

With reference to his faith. I have no issues with what he or anyone else believes in and I have no right to impose my values on anyone.
@irfan @WebMaster Please have a look at this!
What exactly is wrong with this? We have hindu citizens in Pakistan and they are equal citizens just like you, me or anyone else and in case you dont know they worship cow.

This is from the constitution of Pakistan; everyone has a right to worship what they believe in;
Screenshot 2020-11-25 at 2.31.16 PM.png
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Each and Every one of TLP is Khadim Rizvi now.

The progressive political movement offers an escape from the vicious NRO cycle of Charter of Democracy.
Everyone should read constitution of Pakistan careful. Which starts with extreme authority lies with Allah the only one. No law shall be against Quran and Sunnah. Our political elite, assemblies, judiciary and others are violating it in every respect. ALLAH WANT US TO BE EXTREME OBEDIENT TO HIM AS SLAVE.

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