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Tired of China, afraid of Thailand, Japanese capital heading for Vietnam

China itself is becoming the main foreign investors in many other countries, we are doing the job that Japan or USA did yesterday.
Yup, a Japanese businessman said on his visit to India "China yesterday, Vietnam today and India tomorrow" about Japan's investment priorities.

even the vietcongs are in higher priorities than india
so the intent of all that jazz about buying japanese war planes and high speed railways has yet to function on the japanese mindset
even the vietcongs are in higher priorities than india
so the intent of all that jazz about buying japanese war planes and high speed railways has yet to function on the japanese mindset

I am sorry I don't speak Chinglish.
Anyways their money, their choice.
I am sorry I don't speak Chinglish.
Anyways their money, their choice.

No one cares what do you speak in China
Their money shows their preference
Laos and Cambodia are other options to vietnam over india
:o:The brand new Samsung plants in Bac Ninh and Thai Nguyen have provided 40,000 jobs for the local and Samsung wants to expand even more.
Even the vietcongs are gaining grounds on the indians
What is the % growth of gdp of the vietcongs in 2013?

It will take time for the Thai brothers to stabilise their country
As long as they are tired of launching coups one after the other against their elected ruling party, as long as their livelihoods are deeply hurt by the coups, they will return to more pragmatic approaches
If the japanese leave Thailand, we are ready to fill the gap any time!

thailand need to make prostitution illegal for starters.
Relax chinamen, until Samsung builds those then it's good for those locals. Meanwhile, Samsung has relocated in Viet Nam in the past one year and provided 40,000 jobs for the locals. Unlike you chinamen, we Viets only care about what Samsung builds in Viet Nam and not in other countries

Investments of these sizes or many much bigger have been happening in China for the last 30 years and still counting strongly
vietcongs have just started and cheerleading themselves for some reasons
You have just earn our sympathy vietcongs!
China itself is becoming the main foreign investors in many other countries, we are doing the job that Japan or USA did yesterday.

Yep. True.

On another note, Vietnamese are awesome :smitten:

Wish you guys good luck
Yep. True.

On another note, Vietnamese are awesome :smitten:

Wish you guys good luck

Yes, put other things aside, at least this time Vietnamese really tried, with huge effort, to find that missing plane so far. Many people in China give them a positive evaluation.
Yes, put other things aside, at least this time Vietnamese really tried, with huge effort, to find that missing plane so far. Many people in China give them a positive evaluation.

ordinary Chinese are innocent, chinese invaders are bad.
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