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Tipu Sultan's Mysore

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Unfortunately the reasons that Pakistanis like Tipu Sultan are very different from the reasons that Indians like him. Pakistanis stress on his Muslim origin & we in India stress on the fact that he fought against the British. His religion is incidental for us. The article posted by Hillman looked school text bookish in its portrayal of Tipu sultan and a very Pakistani one at that.

One other thing; I am loathe to see history portrayed as a fight between pure heroes & pure villains, even when it comes to the British. There would neither be an India or a Pakistan if it were not for the British. The same holds true for the much maligned Wodeyars of Mysore who for all their lack of martial ability were among the most benign,secular & farsighted rulers anywhere in India. They were the first to electrify a city (Kolar Gold Fields & then Bangalore) in the whole continent of Asia in 1905. The Diwans of Mysore were among the most farsighted public servants anywhere in India, the most famous being Sir M. Visveswaraiah ( a recipient of the Bharat Ratna) widely regarded as one of India's greatest Engineers. The secular nature of the Wodeyars can be seen in their list of Diwans.

# C. Rangacharlu,1881-82
# K. Seshadri Iyer, 1883-1901
# T.R.V. Thambuchetty, 1901
# P.N. Krishnamurthy, 1901-06
# V.P. Madhava Rao, 1906-09
# T. Ananda Rao,1909-1912
# M. Visvesvaraya, 1912-19
# M. Kantha Raje Urs, 1919-22
# Sir Albion Banerjee, 1922-26
# Sir Mirza Ismail,1926-41
# Sir M.N. Krishna Rao, acting Diwan.
# N. Madhava Rao, 1941-46
# Arcot Ramaswamy Mudaliar,1946-47

Pakistanis may be interested in Sir Mirza Ismail if only for the fact that two of his nephews both of whom were born in Bangalore went on to serve Pakistan well - Agha Shah & Agha Hilaly. For those who are interested in the Diwan himself, can go through the links below. He was instrumental in designing the beautiful Brindavan Gardens at KRS in Mysore. ( A note for Indians: Hindustan Aeronautics Limited - HAL was started during his time)

Leaving a stamp on history
Mirza Ismail

Brindavan Gardens:



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A gun that changed the course of History.

Tipu Sultan's gun.

tipu was a secular person so he had the local support . majority of is army comprises of hindus. the most important thing was use of rockets in 1st anglo-mysore war
tipu was a secular person so he had the local support . majority of is army comprises of hindus. the most important thing was use of rockets in 1st anglo-mysore war

I believe He was secular in Mysore Region,building temples(?)(or Contributing to Temples).But ,in Manglore ,He persecuted Latin Christians and carried quiet a few of them to His Capital as prisoners.He and His Father Hyderali has a hate for Christians.

Many a old Syrian Christian Churches,Temples in Kerala,India(near Cranganore for eg) stands as witness.
Tipu reinvented his swashbuckler medieval rampage in Current Coastal Karnataka and...Especially Kerala.Hindus,Syrian Christians fled to Southern Kingdom of Travancore for dear Life from this marauder.Assylum was Offered by the Mercy of the then Travancore King Swati Tirunal.
Tipu Plundered ,destroyed Temples,Churches forcefully converted Hindus ,Killed Many without mercy that one will show to a animal to be slaughtered.His Father Hyderali's Greatest ambition was to Capture Travancore Kingdom Which Never Fulfilled with Tipu too failed .and CANNOT be ever -Jesus Willing.
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I believe He was secular in Mysore Region,building temples(?)(or Contributing to Temples).But ,in Manglore ,He persecuted Latin Christians and carried quiet a few of them to His Capital as prisoners.He and His Father Hyderali has a hate for Christians.

Many a old Syrian Christian Churches,Temples in Kerala,India(near Cranganore for eg) stands as witness.
Tipu reinvented his swashbuckler medieval rampage in Current Coastal Karnataka and...Especially Kerala.Hindus,Syrian Christians fled to Southern Kingdom of Travancore for dear Life from this marauder.Assylum was Offered by the Mercy of the then Travancore King Swati Tirunal.
Tipu Plundered ,destroyed Temples,Churches forcefully converted Hindus ,Killed Many without mercy that one will show to a animal to be slaughtered.His Father Hyderali's Greatest ambition was to Capture Travancore Kingdom Which Never Fulfilled with Tipu too failed .and CANNOT be ever -Jesus Willing.

You guys really know how to chat crap, Oh pathetic fools had tipu realy wanted to convert people by the sword not single hindu would have been left in the mysore state, collectively muslims ruled india for over 8 hundred years had they wished it would have all been muslim, but such spread is not allowed by islam , its more common for dumbass faiths that have no logic to do such things wherease islam had the most beautiful wisdom hence why, its allways been and is the fastest growing faith in the world. Secondly Our faith forbids us to spread by the sword " Let there be no compulsion in religion " "2:256 al quran. Now show me something similar from the bible to say its forbidden for you or for hindus or for sikhs, then well talk. Christianity on the other hand is remebered for killing millions across the south americas and the spanish inquisition which christians themselves write upon.

as for the bogus claim on your mythly travancore kingdom, well buddy read all my posts here whenever I speak to you lot I show ample times how all you rely upon is myth and fables, and your only glory is in the fact that you went to bed with those who ocupied you, and you barely posess fighting spirit you are a slave mentality people with a few exceptions. During his reign, Tipu Sultan, the ruler of Mysore attacked Travancore in 1789. The Sultan was displeased because the Dharma Raja rejected his overtures and was moving for alliance with the East India Company. Dharma Raja had also refused to hand over the refugees from the Mysorean occupation of Malabar, who had been given asylum in Travancore. The Travancore forces withstood the Sultan for less than 6 months and then the Maharajah appealed to the British East India Company for aid, basically he was gonna get whooped and had to appeal to the british to save his bacon. Starting a precedent which later led to the installation of a British resident in the country and a military alliance with the British. Les than two years later Tipu was attacked and fell a martyr. he was surrounded from all fronts, had he ahd the time and the british not helped travancore it was a piece of cake for him.

So basically this f**got state infact gave the imperialist excatly what they were looking for. It was a satellite state in simple terms for the ocupying forces. Tipu built chruches in mysore upon the request of the french, gave personal treasures for temples more then any hindu or christian or sikh did for muslims need i add. The fact that his many subjects were hindus is enough to blast the myth you propogate. In islam, christians have a special place of the people of the book, wherease christians treat muslims as alians, and other faiths are also protected under islamic law and we have regulation to proove but you guys have no such law and its just jibberish thoughts. FOr the tenth time if someone here is gonna argue then atleast do so academically without barking up the wrong tree.
Some info on this topic:

1. it was dharama raja, not swathi thirunal
2. dharma rajas forces defeated tipu in a very ingenious way using a system of dams and walled defence. Nedum Kotta was like small version of great wall of china across kerala from sea to hills created by a dutch captain d'lennoy of tranvancore . At the end was a pond which was finally artificially flooded when tippu tried to cross leaving tipu with little to fight against british.
20 nairs held of 2000 solders.Though Tippu had a large army(14000) he could not deploy more than 2000 at any instant because of the wall and all guns were wet because of an artificial flood (created by breaking a dammed lake at the hill top by travancore army chief) and monsoon
The wall was filled with snakes and had a ditch infront filled with cotton which was set on fire. When the line breaks the nairs use to group together and prevent the large force from breaking in.

3. Tipu frustrated, himself tried to cross , fell down in to a ditch became unconscious and then his assistant took him to his tent .He lost his state sword and shield in this affair. Tipu did finally break the wall buy by then he got news of english attack in seringapattanam and had to turn back for ever.
You guys really know how to chat crap, Oh pathetic fools had tipu realy wanted to convert people by the sword not single hindu would have been left in the mysore state, collectively muslims ruled india for over 8 hundred years had they wished it would have all been muslim, but such spread is not allowed by islam , its more common for dumbass faiths that have no logic to do such things wherease islam had the most beautiful wisdom hence why, its allways been and is the fastest growing faith in the world. Secondly Our faith forbids us to spread by the sword " Let there be no compulsion in religion " "2:256 al quran. Now show me something similar from the bible to say its forbidden for you or for hindus or for sikhs, then well talk. Christianity on the other hand is remebered for killing millions across the south americas and the spanish inquisition which christians themselves write upon.

as for the bogus claim on your mythly travancore kingdom, well buddy read all my posts here whenever I speak to you lot I show ample times how all you rely upon is myth and fables, and your only glory is in the fact that you went to bed with those who ocupied you, and you barely posess fighting spirit you are a slave mentality people with a few exceptions. During his reign, Tipu Sultan, the ruler of Mysore attacked Travancore in 1789. The Sultan was displeased because the Dharma Raja rejected his overtures and was moving for alliance with the East India Company. Dharma Raja had also refused to hand over the refugees from the Mysorean occupation of Malabar, who had been given asylum in Travancore. The Travancore forces withstood the Sultan for less than 6 months and then the Maharajah appealed to the British East India Company for aid, basically he was gonna get whooped and had to appeal to the british to save his bacon. Starting a precedent which later led to the installation of a British resident in the country and a military alliance with the British. Les than two years later Tipu was attacked and fell a martyr. he was surrounded from all fronts, had he ahd the time and the british not helped travancore it was a piece of cake for him.

So basically this f**got state infact gave the imperialist excatly what they were looking for. It was a satellite state in simple terms for the ocupying forces. Tipu built chruches in mysore upon the request of the french, gave personal treasures for temples more then any hindu or christian or sikh did for muslims need i add. The fact that his many subjects were hindus is enough to blast the myth you propogate. In islam, christians have a special place of the people of the book, wherease christians treat muslims as alians, and other faiths are also protected under islamic law and we have regulation to proove but you guys have no such law and its just jibberish thoughts. FOr the tenth time if someone here is gonna argue then atleast do so academically without barking up the wrong tree.
before you say kerala is a * state you should know that the first muslim mosque of india cheraman juma masjid was constructed in kerala on land donated by king. The first emperor himself converted to islam after he witnessed the splitting of moon miracle. He divided his land among small kings and left for mecca. Most of the navy of all these kings were made of muslims of the land. Not imported. We had good trade relations with Arabs. We had been the only place were jews lived free for thousands of years without any trouble. were christians got land for churches from the kings. Being secular is not crime.

They were all small countries and had to fight tipoo as he also was from another country trying to invade them as far as they were concerned.
Muslim natives like kunjali marakkar were leading figthers of these forces.
How I know About Tipu's Rampages in Malabar?Because it is a blackmark on Kerala History Eternally.It is Something Northern Travancoreans and Cochinites of Kerala cannot forget;

As Regarding ,Christians persecuted under Tippu:
The captivity (1784-1799): During the time of Tippu there were at least 27 churches and a Seminary in Canara. Tippu ordered that all the Churches be demolished and the property of Christians be taken to Srirangapattanam. Accordingly nearly 40,000 people were taken as captives to Mysore from South Canara through the Jamalabad fort route. A number of people died on the way due to hunger, disease and ill treatment by the soldiers. Those who resisted were thrown down from the Jamalabad Islam. Those who resisted the brutish behavior of the soldiers were tortured by cutting off their noses and ears and paraded in the city. Only after the death of Tippu, in 1799, the Christians returned, only to find that their property had been confiscated. Christians started to build the churches and by 1815 most of the churches were rebuilt.
Christianity in Mnagalore
^From Diocese of Mangalore(Western/Latin Catholic Diocese)
"First a corps of 30,000 barbarians who butchered everybody on the way, followed by the Field-Gun Unit under the French Commander, M. Lally. Tipu Sultan was riding on an elephant behind which another army of 30,000 soldiers followed. Most of the men and women were hanged in Calicut. First mothers were hanged with children tied to the necks of their mothers. That barbarian Tipu Sultan tied the naked Christians and Hindus to the legs of elephants and made the elephants move about till the bodies of the helpless victims were tom to pieces. Temples and Churches were ordered to be burnt, desecrated and destroyed. Christian and Hindu women were forced to marry Muhammadans and similarly their men were forced to marry Muhammadan women. Those Christians who refused to be 'honoured' with Islam, were ordered to be killed by hanging then and there. The above version of the atrocities was obtained from the sorrowful narration by the victims who escaped from Tipu's army and reached Varapuzha (near Alwaye) which is the centre of Carmichael Christian Mission. I myself helped many victims to cross the Varapuzha river by boats" (Cited in Cochin History by K.P. Padmanabha Menon, p. 573).


If Tipu Sultan had done any good deeds, there should have been some references to them in the authentic historical documents of that period. The admirers of Tipu Sultan have never cited any authentic references. They quote some observations and comments made by historians or political thinkers of North India, especially of Jawaharlal Nehru University, or Aligarh Muslim University, or some other Marxist school. They have never bothered to study the voluminous documents available in Kerala, Coorg and Karnataka. Their ignorance of South Indian history and traditions is no justification for glorifying a cruel and fanatic Islamic tyrant that was Tipu Sultan. He was a despicable character, an Islamic fiend, and a national villain in the eyes of the proud Malayalees and the valiant Coorgis.
This is Intersting,Even to Other Indians as He is Respected in Mysore Region While it is not so in Kerala,Tulunadu(Manglore):

I will say what I want Tipu Sultan and the Syrian Christians
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One you get outsmarted dotn backtrack you said it never was i showed how it is well known, i dotn care what type of muslims the were thats irrelavent i just showed how tipu ex troops also fought

I am not backtracking..you claimed that all the Muslims who fought with Raja were Tipu's solders. This is completely wrong. The mapalas of Malabar fought against Tipu when he attacked Malabar.
I believe He was secular in Mysore Region,building temples(?)(or Contributing to Temples).But ,in Manglore ,He persecuted Latin Christians and carried quiet a few of them to His Capital as prisoners.He and His Father Hyderali has a hate for Christians.

Many a old Syrian Christian Churches,Temples in Kerala,India(near Cranganore for eg) stands as witness.
Tipu reinvented his swashbuckler medieval rampage in Current Coastal Karnataka and...Especially Kerala.Hindus,Syrian Christians fled to Southern Kingdom of Travancore for dear Life from this marauder.Assylum was Offered by the Mercy of the then Travancore King Swati Tirunal.
Tipu Plundered ,destroyed Temples,Churches forcefully converted Hindus ,Killed Many without mercy that one will show to a animal to be slaughtered.His Father Hyderali's Greatest ambition was to Capture Travancore Kingdom Which Never Fulfilled with Tipu too failed .and CANNOT be ever -Jesus Willing.

The Pakistanis trying to hype him up are missing the entire point. Tipu Sultan had a temple in his fort along with a Mosque. He visited the temple and prayed to the diety along with making a no of donations. A muslim hero doing idol worship?:woot:

Tipu prosecuted Christians as they were supporting his enemies the British the same reason he tried to convert and kill as many Hindu Nairs as he could.The Nairs stopped him from holding on to any part of Travancore except a part of the North for a very brief time.All this had nothing to do with religion.

Tipu was attacked and killed by a force led by the British and supported by Nairs,Marathas and the Muslim Nizam of Hyderabad. The great Nizam also made a deal with the Hindu Marathas to stay of his territory while they went North and destroyed the Mughal Empire in North India. So much for pan-Islamic solidarity.
The Pakistanis trying to hype him up are missing the entire point. Tipu Sultan had a temple in his fort along with a Mosque. He visited the temple and prayed to the diety along with making a no of donations. A muslim hero doing idol worship?:woot:

Tipu prosecuted Christians as they were supporting his enemies the British the same reason he tried to convert and kill as many Hindu Nairs as he could.The Nairs stopped him from holding on to any part of Travancore except a part of the North for a very brief time.All this had nothing to do with religion.

Tipu was attacked and killed by a force led by the British and supported by Nairs,Marathas and the Muslim Nizam of Hyderabad. The great Nizam also made a deal with the Hindu Marathas to stay of his territory while they went North and destroyed the Mughal Empire in North India. So much for pan-Islamic solidarity.

what utter crap, he did not, he was a devout muslim tolerant yes but a idol worshipper not, if you wnat em to discuss the obserdity of soemone doign such i can but its not relavent here. As for the comment of Ras I never said all of his troops were ex tipu soldiers i said some go back and read again

All the technical jargon on the attack of tipu fact is they sided with the british and had to get reinforcements of supplies from them. As for teh nizam he;s always remebered as a total BUM , do you say the same for the ample other hindus who did likewise?
I am a Pakistani, but i wont use word like moron for Gandhi, unless u r a RSS member.

I am a Pakistani and I respect Gandhi a lot. Partly because, in a way he sacrificed his life for Pakistan.
what utter crap, he did not, he was a devout muslim tolerant yes but a idol worshipper not, if you wnat em to discuss the obserdity of soemone doign such i can but its not relavent here. As for the comment of Ras I never said all of his troops were ex tipu soldiers i said some go back and read again

All the technical jargon on the attack of tipu fact is they sided with the british and had to get reinforcements of supplies from them. As for teh nizam he;s always remebered as a total BUM , do you say the same for the ample other hindus who did likewise?

Not an idol worshiper?..I guess a muslim who goes to a temple inside his fort(this is a big temple for your benefit as I am sure you have never ever been to Srirangapatnam) to pray is called something else now?

The Nizam was not a bum,nor was Tipu or the Nairs or the Marathas etc etc all of them tried to extend their powers mainly for their individual benefits not for any religious one.

In fact Tipu must have been a great ruler as the people in Mysore look back at his rule fondly compared to the Wodeyars who ruled Mysore before and after Hyder/Tipu. And this after both the Brits and the Wodeyar historians made a concerted effort to spoil Tipu's name before the Hindus.
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I am a Pakistani and I respect Gandhi a lot. Partly because, in a way he sacrificed his life for Pakistan.

I was uneducated on the Gandhi story , but I did managed to find some details and his assasination proved that fanatics are bad in all forms , I think if our leaders had lived 4-6 years longer perhaps we would not have bridges and walls diving us instead we would have been a more open neighbouring society.

I just find it so strange that on our side , Qaid-e Azad died mysteriously due to illness and other side Gandhi perished due to assasination ...quite tragic

As for Tipu Sultan , he did what he had to when his country needed him (freedom)

Respect has to be given as he was up against the East Indian company , that had major navy and cannon and armed units fully trained in modern warfare of that time , advance cavilry techniques , armor and money to burn.

I think the biggest thing was that he had the courage to stand up to invaders that matters - and made the first stance. For a brief moment it gave some satifaction to people of that time that at leats some one is putting up a fight.

Thats all that matters in end.

All the political movement was possible due to people who looked upon the stories of previous generations that tried all they can to gain freedom ...

My personal opinion is that we probbly would not have been granted freedom if it was not for WW2 ....british had already broken their promis of granting freedom towards end of WW2 ...

But that is another story
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