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Times of Israel Post Calling For Palestinian Genocide

It makes you wonder how many murders and massacres of Palestinian civilians these IDF soldiers get away with. Most of such horrible incidents of torture, kidnappings, extrajudicial executions, and massacres go unreported.

I believe what the Zionists accuse Hitler of having done to them, they exaggerate it and blow it out of proportion or make up a good portion of it.

Question any sane individual should ask themselves:

Would a rape victim justify the rape of another human being?? In the same manner would a people who after having allegedly suffered humiliation, torture, starvation, mass murder and deliberate extermination impose similar acts upon another people and then justify it??
It seems that WW2 was organized by some Zionist financiers. there are many books and articles about the subject. And more than 500 000 half Jews fought under Hitler's NAZI regime, some were high ranking generals.
Even the holocaust seems to have been staged by the Zionists, in some researchers views., it sounds somehow credible considering that they have started to plan the occupation of Palestine in the 19th century, when Disraeli was the prime minister of Britain!
Palestinians need weapons ...

They need more powerful weapons ...

We transfered rocket technology instead of rockets because of the isolation done by their Egyptian Muslim !!! Brothers !!!

But gaza is a small region ... They can't go for long ...
So where is Arab umah !?

Where is Turks !?

You didn't say we will take care of Palestinians ourselves !?

So where are you liers !?

Who is the only supporter of Palestinians !?
There is no Arab Ummah, there is an Arab world, they all have condemned the atrocities, but are keeping passive.
No one wants to jeopardize its economic advantages, including the Turks. They are passive too.
They look like some passive radars, watching silently, maybe they know a thing or two!?
Iran is being actively supporting Hamas, sending aid and medication on top of condemning Usrael on a daily basis.
At the end of the day, it is the Palestinians who have to fight and suffer the atrocities of a desperate zionist regime who's aim is nothing less than the destructions we are all witnessing.

There is no Arab Ummah, there is an Arab world, they all have condemned the atrocities, but are keeping passive.
No one wants to jeopardize its economic advantages, including the Turks. They are passive too.
They look like some passive radars, watching silently, maybe they know a thing or two!?
Iran is being actively supporting Hamas, sending aid and medication on top of condemning Usrael on a daily basis.
At the end of the day, it is the Palestinians who have to fight and suffer the atrocities of a desperate zionist regime who's aim is nothing less than the destructions we are all witnessing.


We are suffering from sanctions because of supporting Palestinians ... We can't do more when Arabs teamed with Israel to kill all Palestinians !
We are suffering from sanctions because of supporting Palestinians ... We can't do more when Arabs teamed with Israel to kill all Palestinians !
The Arabs teaming up with Usrael is not true, All of them have condemned These atrocities, I think the main thing to remember is that their hands are kind of tied by their own economic development, Usrael knows this and takes advantage of it.
Palestinians will survive this savage attack and will thrive again. Every time they resist against Usrael, they become stronger and their faith unshakable.
This guy made Jews look bad. How stupid could you be to write this garbage, and how stupid could you be to publish it?The damage is already done (facepalm)
@Leader @Desert Fox know what? Arab states are supporting Israel too and are ok with Palestinian suffering as long as Hamas is destroyed. Egypt fully supports Israel in enforcing the embargo.

how about that Ummah? or Arab Ummah even? in case I forget and cause confusion ... this indifference towards Palestinians is not even Sectarian based.. they are Sunnis but not Sunni enough to get any practical help past some half hearted lip service by Arabs.
1400 years since the Prophet Muhammad PBUH tried to wash this Arab animosity and sickening hatred towards each other but it still goes deep. if back in the days they slayed each other for 40 years over horse races then now its not even that .. just falling in favor of an Arab monarch is enough to cause tens of thousands of deaths for decades.

And then we Pakistanis complain about Arabs..:) what a joke

If true, so unfortunate...I wish Pakistan's leaders were not shemales & had the will to act against Israel's genocide against poor innocent Palestinians. But again these spineless leaders of Pakistan cannot act against Indian genocide of Kashmiris so can't expect them to do anything for innocent Palestinians.

Also it is so frustrating that some mullas are working 24/7 to divide Islam into 2 religions i.e Sunni & Shia. Pakistan must make sure this madness does not cross into Pakistani borders.
You become what you have feared the most!

If what they say about Hitler is true and Holocaust has actually happened, then they are doing exactly like him.

My thoughts exactly. I can see a Nazi officer spouting lines like this during the Holocaust.
Below is what he wrote. He is young and obviously doesn't speak for Israel, the USA, Jews or anyone but himself. He doesn't even answer the question that he raises. The same question he raises to his people could be raised to Hamas. I don't think he, or many of the posters here at PDF, even know what genocide is. The best current example of genocide is being carried out by ISIS against Christians and other non-Sunni minorities wherever ISIS has taken power. My answer: "Genocide" is never permissible.

Reprint of Yochanan Gordon’s “When Genocide is Permissible” (Updated)

When Genocide is Permissible by Yochanan Gordon

Judging by the numbers of casualties on both sides in this almost one-month old war one would be led to the conclusion that Israel has resorted to disproportionate means in fighting a far less- capable enemy. That is as far as what meets the eye. But, it’s now obvious that the US and the UN are completely out of touch with the nature of this foe and are therefore not qualified to dictate or enforce the rules of this war – because when it comes to terror there is much more than meets the eye.

I wasn’t aware of this, but it seems that the nature of warfare has undergone a major shift over the years. Where wars were usually waged to defeat the opposing side, today it seems – and judging by the number of foul calls it would indicate – that today’s wars are fought to a draw. I mean, whoever heard of a timeout in war? An NBA Basketball game allows six timeouts for each team during the course of a game, but last I checked this is a war! We are at war with an enemy whose charter calls for the annihilation of our people. Nothing, then, can be considered disproportionate when we are fighting for our very right to live.

The sad reality is that Israel gets it, but its hands are being tied by world leaders who over the past six years have insisted they are such good friends with the Jewish state, that they know more regarding its interests than even they do. But there’s going to have to come a time where Israel feels threatened enough where it has no other choice but to defy international warnings – because this is life or death.

Most of the reports coming from Gazan officials and leaders since the start of this operation have been either largely exaggerated or patently false. The truth is, it’s not their fault, falsehood and deceit is part of the very fabric of who they are and that will never change. Still however, despite their propensity to lie, when your enemy tells you that they are bent on your destruction you believe them. Similarly, when Khaled Meshal declares that no physical damage to Gaza will dampen their morale or weaken their resolve – they have to be believed. Our sage Gedalia the son of Achikam was given intelligence that Yishmael Ben Nesanyah was plotting to kill him. However, in his piety or rather naiveté Gedalia dismissed the report as a random act of gossip and paid no attention to it. To this day, the day following Rosh Hashana is commemorated as a fast day in the memory of Gedalia who was killed in cold blood on the second day of Rosh Hashana during the meal. They say the definition of insanity is repeating the same mistakes over and over. History is there to teach us lessons and the lesson here is that when your enemy swears to destroy you – you take him seriously.

Hamas has stated forthrightly that it idealizes death as much as Israel celebrates life. What other way then is there to deal with an enemy of this nature other than obliterate them completely?

News anchors such as those from CNN, BBC and Al-Jazeera have not missed an opportunity to point out the majority of innocent civilians who have lost their lives as a result of this war. But anyone who lives with rocket launchers installed or terror tunnels burrowed in or around the vicinity of their home cannot be considered an innocent civilian. If you’ll counter, that Hamas has been seen abusing civilians who have attempted to leave their homes in response to Israeli warnings to leave – well then, your beginning to come to terms with the nature of this enemy which should automatically cause the rules of standard warfare to be suspended.

Everyone agrees that Israel has the right to defend itself as well as the right to exercise that right. Secretary General Ban Ki Moon has declared it, Obama and Kerry have clearly stated that no one could be expected to sit idle as thousands of rockets rain down on the heads of its citizens, placing them in clear and present danger. It seems then that the only point of contention is regarding the measure of punishment meted out in this situation.

I will conclude with a question for all the humanitarians out there. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu clearly stated at the outset of this incursion that his objective is to restore a sustainable quiet for the citizens of Israel. We have already established that it is the responsibility of every government to ensure the safety and security of its people. If political leaders and military experts determine that the only way to achieve its goal of sustaining quiet is through genocide is it then permissible to achieve those responsible goals?

Reprint of Yochanan Gordon's "When Genocide is Permissible"

What you mention is the inconvenient truth that is best ignored to sleep comfortably.
It made me feel sick
absolutely sick

when I saw crocodile tears flowing out of the "Muslims" for the Palestinians as the Israelis started their air strikes.. while these tears were flowing over the "barbarianism" of the "Zionists Jews".... people were being beheaded and shot by ISIS, FSA , AL Nusrah and TTP.... in single day TTP and ISIS has recorded killing 100s of people of either the wrong faith or belonging at the wrong place and wrong time. ISIS alone clocked over 1700 executions witin 48 hours as it accounted itself as a Caliphate and declared that it will demolish Mecca.

But the tears were reserved only for Palestinians. someone got shot in Indian Kashmir over it. In Pakistan Muslims expressed their anger the way they usually do on the side lines burnt Ahemdi people alive for an alleged blasphemy.

I felt sick. over this hypocrisy. where our tears and our condemnation is conditional and depends on who is the victim and who is the accused. I will like to say this that my grief is no more and no less for Palestinians as much as for every innocent life lost due to hatred and fanaticism in Pakistan, Iraq and Syria.

why Israel is doing what it is doing? because it can and it can get away with it and we hardly have any moral authority to stop it from its excessive use of force.
It seems that WW2 was organized by some Zionist financiers. there are many books and articles about the subject. And more than 500 000 half Jews fought under Hitler's NAZI regime, some were high ranking generals.
Even the holocaust seems to have been staged by the Zionists, in some researchers views., it sounds somehow credible considering that they have started to plan the occupation of Palestine in the 19th century, when Disraeli was the prime minister of Britain!
I believe the correct figure is 150,000 full and half Jews who served in Hitler's Armed Forces.
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