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Times of Israel Post Calling For Palestinian Genocide

Let us hope that this kind of thinking is a minority in Israel.

The writer of the piece on which this thread is based is NOT an Israeli. He is an American Jew who lives in New York. He is a young adult but I couldn't find his age.
The writer of the piece on which this thread is based is NOT an Israeli. He is an American Jew who lives in New York. He is a young adult but I couldn't find his age.

Thanks for the update sir. While i know during times of conflict, it is common for radical thought to rise, its important for all of us to stay level headed. And to think logically. I'm hoping that the writer was just being overly sarcastic, or , if he was being serious, that through introspection and spiritual awaking , he will see the the errors in such thinking.

My prayers for the people in Palestine and Israel. May all prayers reach to Adonnai....!


To the writer,

I wish to remind him of this: Words from Holy Torah--

And if a man from another country is living in your land with you, do not make life hard for him; Let him be to you as one of your countrymen and have love for him as for yourself; for you were living in a strange land, in the land of Egypt: I am the YHVH your God.
(Leviticus, 19:33-34)
One day there will be no place left like palestine and at that time some people will still say that i have no sympathy for them just because ISIS,TTP,etc kills hundreds of muslims everyday thats the lamest excuse i have ever heard thats how they play with your minds!


Stay remain silent nothing is gonna happen israel will occupy whole gaza and then west bank and so on and main headlines would be: "hamas fired rockets , ceasefire ends".
Shame on all of those people who are supporting this mass murder illegal country ...

Hitler should have completed the work.. he left few out of it, so the whole world know why he was doing so
This is not hypocrisy. I will clear the misunderstanding.

The cause of Palestinians is a separate issue. ISIS/TTP are separate issues.

The Maliki Twelver Shia government retaliated with the murder of 300+ Sunni young men in and around Baghdad in one day. Then in the following week they followed by killing a further hundreds of Sunni men. These are tribal people, university graduates, or farmers, who supported the Sunni uprising.

dear brother you just confirmed what I am saying
good Muslims killing bad Muslims because bad Muslims wronged them. and now every Muslim shall pay the price because good Muslims are angry.

the issues are not different. the places are different but Issue is same

suffering of Humanity. for me all the victims are Human.
do some count and mourn over the fact that more people have been killed by those who call themselves Muslims.
The best current example of genocide is being carried out by ISIS against Christians and other non-Sunni minorities wherever ISIS has taken power. My answer: "Genocide" is never permissible.

It's a clever way of blaming the Muslims though the so-called Muslims who have been mentioned here are Mossad trained terrorists. The best example of genocide is what the zionazis have been doing to the Palestinians and the zionazi pets have been doing in Kashmir for the last sixty years. Compared to that what the ISIS terrorists are doing is nothing.
Zionists and those on the far right have been calling for genocide for ages, people think this is someting new and terribly shocking.....
WTF is wrong with people? We have millions of problems, right here @ home........ why is everyone so interested in some crappy Arab settlement, thousands of miles away........... look at it like this............. out of all the Arabs out there, only 5% maybe in trouble (total)......... yet our hearts bleed and we have to sacrifice precious bandwidth for them desert dwellers (Arabs and Israelis).

Problems Pakistan faces are real and present danger to our survival as one nation. Stop giving sh*t about who kills whom in the Middle East. They've been @ each others throats for more than a millennia, do you people still think that posting 200 threads within a week and giving me nausea would force them to make-out with each other? :D
Are you pregnant? :woot: bhabhi ko mubarak baad!! :P

IT should have said @sshole bin @sshole.

Apparently it is ok for them to say that and get away with it, but a mere mention of resistance on our end is a no no.
then we are "antisemitism" :woot:
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