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Time to move on now


Sep 21, 2009
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I have been reading this forum for sometime now and I have come to realize the amount of hatred that still exist between India and Pakistan. Its really disappointing to see some of the comments which are really derogatory from both side and how we try to put each other down. I understand how we both have harmed each other for the past 60 years and maybe continue to do so but PEOPLE WE MUST UNDERSTAND THAT TO CHANGE ANYTHING GLOBALLY WE MUST START CHANGING OUTSELVES FIRST. IF WE START GETTING RID OF THIS HATRED TOWARDS EACH OTHER FIRST ONLY THEN WILL OUR COUNTRIES COME TOGETHER EVENTUALLY. I am 200% sure that if India and Pakistan unite we can rule the world with the brains that we have, with the family value that we carry and with the vigor we do everything. Just imagine if shoiab Akthar played in the same team at Sachin, our team would be unbeatable. People like Zaid Hamid who’s real intentions are to gain more votes and increase their TRP say anything they want to stir up emotions. I was watching a video when he said that democracy is not gud and pakistan should be under military rule. It is because of people like Zaid Hamid that pakistan is suffering today. Please everyone stop listening to this nutcase and stop being so emotional about everything. Loving your nation is great but that does not mean that hate the other nation. I have so many pakistani friends and we never had any problems of any kind, they are like my brothers and there is no difference between them or any Indian friend i have. Please people we have been hating each other for over 60 years now, let get over this and move on, just imagine how strong we would be if pakistan and india unite, China would look like a baby in front of us. So please forget w.e. happened and lets move on to a bright future and provide our next generation with the tools of success that they really need, not weapons to kill each other, anyone here agree with me ? Please do not post stupid comments or talk about the same issues again here, only constructive comments please :cheers:
Look, no matter how good your intentions, talking about 'unification' at this point is going to come across as a hostile position and merely validate the Pakistani suspicion that India has not accepted Pakistan as an independent nation.

Unification is not the answer, nor is it even remotely likely in the medium to long term given the nationalistic fervor in Pakistan and the hostility between the two nations - the opportunity for that was sixty years ago, maybe between fifty and sixty years ago it was still a feasible option.

What is needed is:

1. Cool heads to prevail on both sides, especially the media that has taken a big role in molding public opinion, and an end to the blame game. I really do find the GoI criminally responsible in ruining all the hard work that had occurred starting from Musharraf's time, with an extremely pro-peace and friendly Zardari government in power, by choosing to initiate an unsubstantiated blame game against Pakistani institutions domestically and internationally that poisoned the atmosphere.

2. Moving towards a resolution of all major disputes through dialog and compromise over long held positions.

3. Initiating trade, cultural and people2people ties as progress is made on dispute resolution.

In terms of changing attitudes on the forum, I am open to suggestions from both sides in terms of how to reduce hostility, if not differences.

P.S: There is way too much excitement and fun in India vs Pakistan encounters in sports to destroy it through unification. If nothing else, the emotions involved there should indicate to you how both nations are destined to exist as separate, independent and sovereign nations, though cooperation in various fields (such as free Trade etc.) can obviously be an avenue to explore.
Oh yeh NO its not people like Zaid Hamid but its because of Indian Orange RSS media that is ever bent upon harming Pakistan.

Its Indian hypocrates who are unleashing every kind of propaganda against Pakistan to harm Pakistan at international level too.

And NO sorry dear why should we unite with India against China???

You want to see China as baby in front of you but we have no problem with China.

And you tell me what is constructive in you post instead of negating the exsitence of Pakistan.

Sorry buddy you have to accept the reality we are two separate nations.

accept that Pakistan is a reality and there is no way the two countries should be united again.

Just look at the world scenario and behaviour of India who is at every step trying to harm Pakistan ranging from sports to political issues.
Look, no matter how good your intentions, talking about 'unification' at this point is going to come across as a hostile position and merely validate the Pakistani suspicion that India has not accepted Pakistan as an independent nation.

Unification is not the answer, nor is it even remotely likely in the medium to long term given the nationalistic fervor in Pakistan and the hostility between the two nations - the opportunity for that was sixty years ago, maybe between fifty and sixty years ago it was still a feasible option.

What is needed is:

1. Cool heads to prevail on both sides, especially the media that has taken a big role in molding public opinion, and an end to the blame game. I really do find the GoI criminally responsible in ruining all the hard work that had occurred starting from Musharraf's time, with an extremely pro-peace and friendly Zardari government in power, by choosing to initiate an unsubstantiated blame game against Pakistani institutions domestically and internationally that poisoned the atmosphere.

2. Moving towards a resolution of all major disputes through dialog and compromise over long held positions.

3. Initiating trade, cultural and people2people ties as progress is made on dispute resolution.

In terms of changing attitudes on the forum, I am open to suggestions from both sides in terms of how to reduce hostility, if not differences.

P.S: There is way too much excitement and fun in India vs Pakistan encounters in sports to destroy it through unification. If nothing else, the emotions involved there should indicate to you how both nations are destined to exist as separate, independent and sovereign nations, though cooperation in various fields (such as free Trade etc.) can obviously be an avenue to explore.

No dont take me wrong bro i did not mean to say that unite India and Pakistan, my only meaning was we should work together like canada and usa and how that would benefit us immensely. Indo-Pak trade has a huge potential even bigger than Indi-China trade. Just imagine if pakistani students can come to India to study in the IIT's or IIM'S or if Indian businessmen can invest in the Karachi Stock exchange. The potential is endless and what i mean is that if we forget everything and start from a new slate, what we can achieve together is unimaginable. :cheers:

p.s. Yes Indo-Pak matches are damn fun :victory: specially world cup ones :yahoo:
I have been reading this forum for sometime now and I have come to realize the amount of hatred that still exist between India and Pakistan. Its really disappointing to see some of the comments which are really derogatory from both side and how we try to put each other down. I understand how we both have harmed each other for the past 60 years and maybe continue to do so but PEOPLE WE MUST UNDERSTAND THAT TO CHANGE ANYTHING GLOBALLY WE MUST START CHANGING OUTSELVES FIRST. IF WE START GETTING RID OF THIS HATRED TOWARDS EACH OTHER FIRST ONLY THEN WILL OUR COUNTRIES COME TOGETHER EVENTUALLY. I am 200% sure that if India and Pakistan unite we can rule the world with the brains that we have, with the family value that we carry and with the vigor we do everything. Just imagine if shoiab Akthar played in the same team at Sachin, our team would be unbeatable. People like Zaid Hamid who’s real intentions are to gain more votes and increase their TRP say anything they want to stir up emotions. I was watching a video when he said that democracy is not gud and pakistan should be under military rule. It is because of people like Zaid Hamid that pakistan is suffering today. Please everyone stop listening to this nutcase and stop being so emotional about everything. Loving your nation is great but that does not mean that hate the other nation. I have so many pakistani friends and we never had any problems of any kind, they are like my brothers and there is no difference between them or any Indian friend i have. Please people we have been hating each other for over 60 years now, let get over this and move on, just imagine how strong we would be if pakistan and india unite, China would look like a baby in front of us. So please forget w.e. happened and lets move on to a bright future and provide our next generation with the tools of success that they really need, not weapons to kill each other, anyone here agree with me ? Please do not post stupid comments or talk about the same issues again here, only constructive comments please :cheers:

Oh get over it. You 2 cannot be friends or co-operate. Its like trying to get a cat and a dog to be friends. Just continue with the animosity. It is great entertainment to watch you brownies insulting each other :taz: Please do not stop. And Pak and China are great friends. India and Israel are great friends. India should stop stealing everybodys water and land. Pakistan should stop exporting terrorists. Chinese should stop crossing India's border and writing on some rock in chinese :rofl: Don't forget all your forefathers who were killled by each other and keep up the great job of vengeance :wave:

I love this forum. Your hatred for each other is wot inspires me to take a break and read this forum. :pdf: all the way !

Just continue with the hate mongering and stop trolling for peace please
Oh yeh NO its not people like Zaid Hamid but its because of Indian Orange RSS media that is ever bent upon harming Pakistan.

Its Indian hypocrates who are unleashing every kind of propaganda against Pakistan to harm Pakistan at international level too.

And NO sorry dear why should we unite with India against China???

You want to see China as baby in front of you but we have no problem with China.

And you tell me what is constructive in you post instead of negating the exsitence of Pakistan.

Sorry buddy you have to accept the reality we are two separate nations.

accept that Pakistan is a reality and there is no way the two countries should be united again.

Just look at the world scenario and behaviour of India who is at every step trying to harm Pakistan ranging from sports to political issues.

Jana my dear im sry if you read me the wrong way but i never meant to disregard pakistan's existence, i was just using that as a metaphor. What i meant is to have relations between India and Pakistan on the same level as USA and Canada relations. Again please move on from the past, we can continue to blame each other forever or stop all this and sit down and talk constructively about our future. Common Jana no one benefits from war or terrorism. When i said that China will be like minute in front of "us" i meant if India and Pakistan work together rather than against each other. With our combined economy and intellectual strength we can overpower any nation and form a union that can overtake the USA as a prime super power. Jana i know you have issues against India and i accept that yes there are many issues that need to be solved but please dont use words like hypo crates or other derogatory words. We have bad people on both sides and its our duty to get rid of them. The normal indian and the normal Pakistani dont hate each other. I have been to pakistan and the reception i got there was truly amazing, i dint even have to pay at many restaurant when they found out that i was from india. The love and affection i got made me wonder the "hated" that i we see between the 2 countries is that only motivated by the politicians who do that for their own good. Please Jana forget everything and move on, im sure even you would like to see peace between the 2 countries and see the next generation grow up without the fear of war or terrorism :cheers:
I have been reading this forum for sometime now and I have come to realize the amount of hatred that still exist between India and Pakistan. Its really disappointing to see some of the comments which are really derogatory from both side and how we try to put each other down. I understand how we both have harmed each other for the past 60 years and maybe continue to do so but PEOPLE WE MUST UNDERSTAND THAT TO CHANGE ANYTHING GLOBALLY WE MUST START CHANGING OUTSELVES FIRST. IF WE START GETTING RID OF THIS HATRED TOWARDS EACH OTHER FIRST ONLY THEN WILL OUR COUNTRIES COME TOGETHER EVENTUALLY. I am 200% sure that if India and Pakistan unite we can rule the world with the brains that we have, with the family value that we carry and with the vigor we do everything. Just imagine if shoiab Akthar played in the same team at Sachin, our team would be unbeatable. People like Zaid Hamid who’s real intentions are to gain more votes and increase their TRP say anything they want to stir up emotions. I was watching a video when he said that democracy is not gud and pakistan should be under military rule. It is because of people like Zaid Hamid that pakistan is suffering today. Please everyone stop listening to this nutcase and stop being so emotional about everything. Loving your nation is great but that does not mean that hate the other nation. I have so many pakistani friends and we never had any problems of any kind, they are like my brothers and there is no difference between them or any Indian friend i have. Please people we have been hating each other for over 60 years now, let get over this and move on, just imagine how strong we would be if pakistan and india unite, China would look like a baby in front of us. So please forget w.e. happened and lets move on to a bright future and provide our next generation with the tools of success that they really need, not weapons to kill each other, anyone here agree with me ? Please do not post stupid comments or talk about the same issues again here, only constructive comments please :cheers:

so when you feel that you cant stand properly in front of china then you find lots of excuses to befriend pak to counter china to render her to a baby??? what are pak china coop then? what an amazing subcontinent you have visioned for the world!!! nobel prize!!!!:cheesy:
Jana my dear im sry if you read me the wrong way but i never meant to disregard pakistan's existence, i was just using that as a metaphor. What i meant is to have relations between India and Pakistan on the same level as USA and Canada relations. Again please move on from the past, we can continue to blame each other forever or stop all this and sit down and talk constructively about our future. Common Jana no one benefits from war or terrorism. When i said that China will be like minute in front of "us" i meant if India and Pakistan work together rather than against each other. With our combined economy and intellectual strength we can overpower any nation and form a union that can overtake the USA as a prime super power. Jana i know you have issues against India and i accept that yes there are many issues that need to be solved but please dont use words like hypo crates or other derogatory words. We have bad people on both sides and its our duty to get rid of them. The normal indian and the normal Pakistani dont hate each other. I have been to pakistan and the reception i got there was truly amazing, i dint even have to pay at many restaurant when they found out that i was from india. The love and affection i got made me wonder the "hated" that i we see between the 2 countries is that only motivated by the politicians who do that for their own good. Please Jana forget everything and move on, im sure even you would like to see peace between the 2 countries and see the next generation grow up without the fear of war or terrorism :cheers:

:) you see for moving on solving Kashmir is the key.

Let the UN give fair chance to Kashmiris whoever they decide to side with or even independent.

Pakistan has no other issue with India.
You Malaysians should mind your own business and let these people fight their own. They have enough problems without some little island in the ocean interfering in their probs. Oh and please stop exporting those lousy crisps to South Africa. We mistakened them for American products and were sick for days after eating them.

Ps why is your flag so similar to the US flag? You should change it man :pop:

:undecided: why dont you keep your big nose away and mind your own business.

Arent you a desi Indian in South Africa
Absolutely.Time to shove something up your *** now.Stop with your stupid Akhand Bharat dreams dog.

Comments like these make me wonder will there ever be peace in this region. In a way what DBNREAPER is saying is right, we will never stop fighting. What ever i say or anyone says does not make a difference. Just like how BIGMONEYMAKER somehow got to the conclusion that "India wants to use Pakistan" to fight China, in the same way we will all keep on drawing conclusions till we all die. I thought maybe someone shares my view of a united south asia with India and Pakistan living peacefully together and sharing values that we both share, but i guess everyone here wants to just keep on digging up issues and fight till death. Someone here pulls up China, when another guys starts on Kashmir and then someone starts on RSS lol Common people how long will this continue, dont you realize that there is no end to it than total destruction of India and Pakistan. What DBNREAPER is doing is what the British’s did in 1947, start a fight between India and Pakistan and then sit there laughing. When will we realize that the west does not want peace in the region because if there was peace between India and Pakistan who will but their weapons ? Again the change has to start on a personal level, stop hating each other and digging up every single issue for gods sake, move on and move onto a better future, i hope at least one person understands something now and does not find one point to cry over again. I dont want or ever dreamt of an "akand Bharat" but i do have a dream of a United and peaceful south asia, does anyone here share that same dream or do we still want to continue this ?

AND please refrain from using abusive language, everyone loves their country but that does not give anyone a right to abuse another.
I wonder why you uses an abusive ID for yourself?

I believe no one from India and Pakistan will like to call himself a desidog.

I would doubt if you even respect indo-pak
I wonder why you uses an abusive ID for yourself?

I believe no one from India and Pakistan will like to call himself a desidog.

I would doubt if you even respect indo-pak

Dont go on the name JANA thats a name i used to use for game i used to play long ago lol I will change it soon, was thinking of a new name lol Common Jana you did find something to critisize me about lol you are gud :P please stick to the topic, and dont doubt my intentions, what i want and dream of i have already written in my previous post. :cheers:
Dont go on the name JANA thats a name i used to use for game i used to play long ago lol I will change it soon, was thinking of a new name lol Common Jana you did find something to critisize me about lol you are gud :P please stick to the topic, and dont doubt my intentions, what i want and dream of i have already written in my previous post. :cheers:

How about desi frog :D
I have been reading this forum for sometime now and I have come to realize the amount of hatred that still exist between India and Pakistan. Its really disappointing to see some of the comments which are really derogatory from both side and how we try to put each other down. I understand how we both have harmed each other for the past 60 years and maybe continue to do so but PEOPLE WE MUST UNDERSTAND THAT TO CHANGE ANYTHING GLOBALLY WE MUST START CHANGING OUTSELVES FIRST. IF WE START GETTING RID OF THIS HATRED TOWARDS EACH OTHER FIRST ONLY THEN WILL OUR COUNTRIES COME TOGETHER EVENTUALLY. I am 200% sure that if India and Pakistan unite we can rule the world with the brains that we have, with the family value that we carry and with the vigor we do everything. Just imagine if shoiab Akthar played in the same team at Sachin, our team would be unbeatable. People like Zaid Hamid who’s real intentions are to gain more votes and increase their TRP say anything they want to stir up emotions. I was watching a video when he said that democracy is not gud and pakistan should be under military rule. It is because of people like Zaid Hamid that pakistan is suffering today. Please everyone stop listening to this nutcase and stop being so emotional about everything. Loving your nation is great but that does not mean that hate the other nation. I have so many pakistani friends and we never had any problems of any kind, they are like my brothers and there is no difference between them or any Indian friend i have. Please people we have been hating each other for over 60 years now, let get over this and move on, just imagine how strong we would be if pakistan and india unite, China would look like a baby in front of us. So please forget w.e. happened and lets move on to a bright future and provide our next generation with the tools of success that they really need, not weapons to kill each other, anyone here agree with me ? Please do not post stupid comments or talk about the same issues again here, only constructive comments please :cheers:

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