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Time to Hang Sarbajit Singh ?

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If Court has proved his crime beyond doubt... Go ahead.... Who is stopping you???...what made you to wait for more than 20 years???...
I personally don't believe terrorist should be allowed live let it be kasab, OBL, or any body for that matter.... But then your authorities really believe that sarabjeet is a terrorist or he has been framed??

As i hear and read somany terrorist attacks happened in pakistan almost every day.... ( including killing of your ex prime minister).. Post 9/11 How many terrorist have been sentenced for death till now? Howmany is on pipeline??? What is the number or sarabjeet in it?? Im just being courious

Thousands are in custody, and will be sentenced after serving a decade. Slow and steady punishment has its own taste :D

Time to hang khalil chisty???

He was brought to Pakistan through a prisoner swap.
Thousands are in custody, and will be sentenced after serving a decade. Slow and steady punishment has its own taste :D
I think you should give justice to families of victims priority over your taste. :D
We didn't have an executioner for many years too, one dude has turned up to work who killed that mad fauji last week. He might pull that damn lever on Sarabajit.--- His victims will finally have peace.

Good. Get working on it...Pronto...! Giddap ...giddap...!
Good. Get working on it...Pronto...! Giddap ...giddap...!

Cant thank you enough for your kind appreciation.

I think you should give justice to families of victims priority over your taste. :D

I, am one of the victims, and yes i want them to die a slow and steady death.. that they get to regret what they did for decade, they wish to die but we won't have an executioner. Then one day 20 years later someone turns up. People who make other people's lives miserable need to die a miserable and pathetic death.
Its not tit for tat. The Indian pigg terrorist had been convicted much before Mumbai saga.

He had been begging for mercy and Indian govt had been asking for mercy thats why he got many years.

The point is not tit for tat but "learning" from "Humanity's largest democracy's swift deal of justice". Its an epic role model India has set for others which has inspired me in many ways. It should be followed, this dude hasn't had sex for 23 years.. nor has seen, light of the day. Its time to end him and give peace to his victims.

Question remains, why now??
Situation in Pakistan is the same as it was 2 days ago, there have been no new development in his case in last two days, So why the sudden vigor in the renewal of demand for his hanging? Just because kasab was hanged yesterday.

So you guy might not agree but seems pretty much like tit for tat or to put kindly a copy cat move.
Thousands are in custody, and will be sentenced after serving a decade. Slow and steady punishment has its own taste :D

Every person sentenced to death has to serve (in jail i assume) for a decade???
Question remains, why now??
Situation in Pakistan is the same as it was 2 days ago, there have been no new development in his case in last two days, So why the sudden vigor in the renewal of demand for his hanging? Just because kasab was hanged yesterday.

So you guy might not agree but seems pretty much like tit for tat or to put kindly a copy cat move.

Inspiration from "world's largest democracy's swift justice model".

He was on bail.no prisoner swap as you claimed.He need to come back to india..

Too late :D
Question remains, why now??
Situation in Pakistan is the same as it was 2 days ago, there have been no new development in his case in last two days, So why the sudden vigor in the renewal of demand for his hanging? Just because kasab was hanged yesterday.

So you guy might not agree but seems pretty much like tit for tat or to put kindly a copy cat move.

:) its not neccessary that we should hang him NOW. what we are saying that he should be hanged sooooon
Thousands are in custody, and will be sentenced after serving a decade. Slow and steady punishment has its own taste :D

Every person sentenced to death has to serve (in jail i assume) for a decade???

I, am talking about terrorism convicts. They will be sentenced when things cool down -- until then they can enjoy 1X1 meter cell and think about their savageness.Then one day maybe when they become pathetic and insane, will be allowed to have their misery ended.
Hang him !!!!!!... and i cant believe the story that you cant find a hangman.... There are somany people in pakistan who is always on kolaveri on indians... they will be happy to do that.... atleast on sarabjeet's case....

I hope they have enough proofs (not fabricated one) to prove him that he did the crime of killing 14 people...
Yaar Aero, close this thread and open it when Sarbajit is hanged. We all are now running in circle.
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