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Featured Time to bury the past and move forward: COAS Bajwa

Again I have a different point of view. Might be I am not a emotional guy.

Annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation - is a great example for me. If you are powerful enough then you don't need to request for talk or anything.

And the history teaches us that stronger people or country does not care about anyone or follow any rule.

Again, In the case of India and Pakistan scenario. both do not have capability to fight and win the war against each other. And also, can capture the other part of the area. But also at the same time, does not want to move forward by accepting the realities.

India will not compromised on kashmir and Pakistan will on PAK kashmir and GB.... This is a only fact.

What are other options:
1 WAR - Even Imran khan is told, it is not an option. (Fact - no one will be winner)
2. Maintain the same status - (from 1947 - Present) - Yes, it suits to many people of both sides. They get the votes the name of both parts and do the business (military and politicians are happy of both sides)
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All of these guys are politicians who job is to make statements like these but not the army chief. If you cant figure the difference between the roles of two very different portfolios than nothing i will say can make you understand.
Whatever context he said, this isnt the first time. There are instances where he reiterated similar sentiments which sends the wrong signal to the people who otherwise are looking to a pick a fight with Pakistan. Its not Gen Bajwa's domain or the portfolio of his job to express sentiments like these. Period! The fact that he does and on numerous occasions show the prevalent mindset of the higherups of an otherwise professional institution whose ancestors fought to liberate part of Kashmir.
The facts are the Army's involvement in politics in the past has made it necessary for the Army leadership to reiterate the positions taken by the civilian leadership to ensure that everyone understands that the Army leadership supports the civilians.

I understand this isn't ideal, but that is how things are. It will take time before the perception changes.
2. Maintain the same status - (from 1947 - Present) - Yes, it suits to many people of both sides. They get the votes the name of both parts and do the business (military and politicians are happy of both sides)
There is no benefit to expanded trade with India (for Pakistan) at this stage.

In my view Pakistan should continue to engage with everyone other than India for the foreseeable future, if India does not take tangible measures to reverse the actions it has taken in IOK recently.

Please note Bajwa's comments on the transit trade agreement with Afghanistan - he talked specifically about facilitating Afghan exports to India, but pointedly left out any mention of allowing Indian exports to Afghanistan through Pakistan.
The facts are the Army's involvement in politics in the past has made it necessary for the Army leadership to reiterate the positions taken by the civilian leadership to ensure that everyone understands that the Army leadership supports the civilians.

I understand this isn't ideal, but that is how things are. It will take time before the perception changes.

Changing perceptions works better if based on reality. Usually. But you are right. It will take time before that happens.
As long as politics of votes exists in India, there is no way forward. Politics of votes invite a lot of dirty things by itself. People want to get a vantage point by playing dirty. In an ideal situation, it will be much easier to resolve issues with India, if they have 'a non democratic' government which doesn't need popular votes. It is far easier to conduct dialogues with Indian military than with their politicians. Just ask any senior experienced guy from GHQ if you are in doubt.
Remind the BJP, Sanghis and other right-wing Indians (a majority voted for the BJP) that still hold a strong animus towards Pakistan merely for existing, because 'it divided Akhand Bharat'.
Wrong , majority of indians hold strong animosity towards Pakistan not because of the existence of Pakistan but what happened in kashmir in late 89s and 90s,what happened in kargil ,what happened on 26/11.
Some might want India and Pakistan to be united again but that's a small minority ,majority are ok or happy with Pakistan being a separate country.
Adding PM IK, Kashmir related remarks from the event here, there were other articles too but this one was more specific


‘India has to take the first step’: PM Imran at Islamabad Security Dialogue

Prime Minister Imran Khan on Wednesday launched the first Policy Advisory Portal at the inaugural session of the Islamabad Security Dialogue. The portal has been developed by the National Security Division (NSD) to engage over hundred think tanks and academia in policy making, said the Prime Minister’s Office.
PM Khan said that when his government came to power, he tried to resolve issues with India.

“We just have one issue, which is Kashmir,” said the premier, adding that August 5 happened, which “led to a total breakdown between both countries.”

PM Khan said he hopes that the right of self-determination given to the Kashmiris as per UN Security Council resolution would be given to the Kashmiris.

“It would benefit India if there is a resolution on the Kashmir issue. If we achieve peace through dialogue, it will change the entire landscape of the region. There is a lot of poverty in India. Our trading and economic ties should be strong, which will increase regional connectivity. It will help India that it can have regional connectivity up to Central Asia. India has to take the first step after August 5, otherwise, we cannot move forward.”

The right of self determination must be given to the people of #Kashmir as stated by the UN security council resolutions. Prime Minister Imran Khan at #IslamabadDialogue #PMatIslamabaddialogue pic.twitter.com/fdj6uwE2Sw
— MNA (@Engr_Naveed111) March 17, 2021

While inaugurating the Advisory Portal, Prime Imran Khan appreciated the initiative and said that Pakistan has immense young talent in this country. “This is a step in the right direction”, he said.

The advisory portal will be a dedicated and integrated platform through which major think tanks and universities working on the subject of comprehensive national security will be able to share policy recommendations directly with the national leadership.

“The aim of the portal is to bridge the gap between intellectuals and policymakers,” said SAPM on National Security Division and Strategic Policy Planning Dr Moeed Yusuf who conceived the portal.

Islamabad Security Dialogue is a two-day international conference. Two sessions of the Islamabad Security Dialogue were held on Wednesday, while three sessions will take place on Thursday. Chief of Army Staff General Qamar Javed Bajwa will inaugurate the second day.

Being held mostly in a virtual format, the Dialogue is being attended by officials, global and regional experts and media. The main theme of the Islamabad Security Dialogue is Comprehensive Security Framework that will enable the country to unfold its untapped potential in becoming a hub of global and regional development.

The NSD plans to make the Islamabad Security Dialogue an annual event to parallel the world’s leading security dialogues.
I don't know why you guys all flip your lids without even reading the article, let alone the full text of what he said.

Bajwa said - "We want peace in the region, but we need a resolution to Kashmir for that to happen".

What part of the offends all of you?
Which was a direct result of India violating its commitment to the UNSC, Pakistan & the Kashmiris on allowing a UN led plebiscite and continuing atrocities, persecution and occupation of Indian Occupied Kashmir.
That was a direct of Pakistan violating the standstill agreement with the kashmir.
And the same UN reports terms Pakistan the aggressor.
That was a direct of Pakistan violating the standstill agreement with the kashmir.
The UNSC Resolutions called for a tripartite negotiation between the UN, Pakistan & India on demilitarization. India rejected all proposals taking a maximalist, irrational and untenable position of demanding that Pakistan should withdraw ALL its troops first. Even UN rapporteurs recorded their views that it was Indian intransigence that stalled the demilitarization process.

Pakistan agreed to multiple proposals that left significantly fewer Pakistani troops on territory controlled by Pakistan (relative to Indian troops on territory controlled by India) but India continued to stall and refuse to accept any reasonable compromise.
I don't know why you guys all flip your lids without even reading the article, let alone the full text of what he said.

Bajwa said - "We want peace in the region, but we need a resolution to Kashmir for that to happen".

What part of the offends all of you?
Some of our (well meaning - they are all patriots) Pakistani members will make fun of the Indian government and military leadership issuing outlandish, war-mongering statements, but then turn around and demand the same of the Pakistani leadership.

Pakistan's civilian & military leadership is actually displaying maturity & statesman like behavior - let's praise them for that instead of expecting them to act like their counterparts across the border dancing & screaming like street monkeys.
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China twisting India arms to talk peace, integrate the region, don't be a pawn to US...

And telling the same to Pakistan.

China talks trade, OBOR, cpec, regional connectivity, eying bigger things

US wants India to be the spoiler.

India is high on RSS Bhagt mutr, they will never settle for peace and I guess Pakistans security establishment knows this hence why the repeated call for peace so that the world knows that we were on the right side of history.
We haven't blinked - we've told them that if they want peace or even dialog towards peace, they need to take the first step and bring about changes in Indian Occupied Kashmir.

What do you think the Indians are going to do in IoK? Will Modi backtrack on ANY of the changes he's brought into IoK?

If India doesn't do anything, then Pakistan can say it tried & it is Indian intransigence that keeps destroying the possibility for peace.

The World doesn't care if you want peace or war, you are violating treaties or not, you are violating human rights or not ; all they care is about your relevance to them and how powerful you are..So these gestures and messages may be a good thing but realistically they don't matter...
Khan-Bajwa Doctrine of Unilateral Unconditional Pacifism

Simple questions to this thinking ...

How to Bury the Past .... ???

On what conditions and grounds .... ???

this approach is destined to fail .... Khan and Bajwa can not bury common past of India-Pakistan unilaterally they need ideal conditions in Present time to achieve this and what is the present of India .... ???

what class and ideology is ruling in India ... ???

Any favourable OR even remotely supporting conditions exist for this NOBEL CAUSE .... ???
What he is saying is obviously not possible given the current scenario(BJP ruled with heavy RSS influenced Indian government)...
...and Bajwa is not a child...my guess is that it is one of those lip service things...where u gotta say it in front of the camera just bcuz that's what u r expected to say. If he said anything else on either end of the spectrum...it would cause more of an uproar.
...can't say let's abandon Kashmir altogether(one extreme end).
...can't say let's have war with India...bcuz India isn't willing to resolve it peacefully(the other extreme end).

So it's just one of those carefully crafted statements...where he is basically saying that peace is possible...but India needs to do it's part...and implying that if India doesn't...then it is India who is responsible for preventing peace in the region.
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