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Time for sanctions against the USA

I guess you have not heard of our DF-21D Carrier Killer ballistic missiles. :lol:

Producing missiles is cheap. Losing ships and naval personnel is not. Who wants to trade cheap missiles for ships and personnel?

Like I said, if they could have, they would have. They already tried fighting against China in the 1950 Korean war. The USA + 16 of her allies were forced to retreat entirely out of North Korea, and were kept out for the next half century.

Nowadays, America even refuses to officially designate us as currency manipulators. Because then they would be forced to sanction us, and hurt their own economy in the process.

Regardless of how many millions of American jobs are lost, the US treasury consistently refuses to take any action against it.

The US can chest thump all it wants, but the cost of going to economic, financial or military warfare with china is becoming higher and higher as china develops. In 10 years the gap between the US and china will be even smaller, in 20 years, there might not be any lead for the US in any area. Time is on our side, the longer times goes by, the less of a lead the US has in all areas.
The US can chest thump all it wants, but the cost of going to economic, financial or military warfare with china is becoming higher and higher as china develops. In 10 years the gap between the US and china will be even smaller, in 20 years, there might not be any lead for the US in any area. Time is on our side, the longer times goes by, the less of a lead the US has in all areas.

Some news from 25th of May, 2012:

Bloomberg - U.S. Treasury Declines to Name China Currency Manipulator

Yet again.

On the one hand, they accuse Chinese currency manipulation of leading to the loss of millions of American jobs.

On the other hand, they consistently refuse to do anything about it. If they won't act over this, then what will they act over? Will they act if North Korea attacks their close ally South Korea, sinking South Korean ships and shelling the SK population? That already happened in 2010 and they did nothing.
sanctions against the US is as stupid as sanctions against China.

You can't really sanction an entity with a third of the economic output of the world.

China and US are gonna have to learn to get along eventually. If they don't, it'll be bad news for all of us. Including the US hawks on this board that openly advocate war to contain China.

I suspect, however, that the bloodthirsty Americans, whether on this board or in real life, won't stop until they meet real resistance from China.

And that's unfortunate.
Will the sanction affect USA in anyway? They're the hub of technological advancement, destination and source of investment.

The US is the architect of the current international system, particularly in terms of finance and trade as well as world security institutions like the UN Security Council.

It has long been recognized that the US dominance in global affairs is at least partly attributable to the US dollar as the world's biggest reserve and trading currency. Nearly two-thirds of the world's central-bank reserves are denominated in US dollars, according to data from the International Monetary Fund. The euro accounts for about a quarter -- up from 18% when it was introduced in 1999, but less than its predecessor currencies' share in 1995. Because the U.S. is such a huge trading partner for so many countries, the reserve buildup isn't easily unwound.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the dollar is also deeply entrenched in world trade. Businesses lower their transaction costs by dealing in a common currency. More than 80% of exports from Indonesia, Thailand and Pakistan are invoiced in dollars, for instance, according to the latest figures available in research by the European Central Bank, although less than a quarter of their exports go to the U.S.

Haq's Musings: Yuan to Replace Dollar in World Trade?
sanctions against the US is as stupid as sanctions against China.

You can't really sanction an entity with a third of the economic output of the world.

China and US are gonna have to learn to get along eventually. If they don't, it'll be bad news for all of us. Including the US hawks on this board that openly advocate war to contain China.

I suspect, however, that the bloodthirsty Americans, whether on this board or in real life, won't stop until they meet real resistance from China.

And that's unfortunate.

Yeah buddy you go tell those who advocated this thread and supported this.
lol... USA alone consumption is around a 11 Trillio $ ... majority of world's import goes to USA ... the day USA stops importing ... China.. Europe will fall like dominos... to keep things in perspective chinese annual consumption base is around 2 Trillion $ or less... mighty USA is backbone of worlds economy and technology ... cant be challenged for a long time to come..
Press TV.

The only so called News Network that can give Fox News a run for being the most absurd.

Whats wrong with story. Someone should speak against US too when all there media is making propaganda against Iran, Pakistan, China. Your post is uninvited and childish.
Press TV.

The only so called News Network that can give Fox News a run for being the most absurd.

Your avatar shows that you're a terrorist trained by the CIA.

Yeah buddy you go tell those who advocated this thread and supported this.

The time is coming, the time is coming, the arrogance of your nefarious state will be taken care of!
Your avatar shows that you're a terrorist trained by the CIA.

The time is coming, the time is coming, the arrogance of your nefarious state will be taken care of!

For your viewing pleasure.
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Your avatar shows that you're a terrorist trained by the CIA.

The time is coming, the time is coming, the arrogance of your nefarious state will be taken care of!

Heard too many times its becoming repetitive. You don't foreseen the future so don't waste your breath.
We took care of the US in the Korean war. The US military is not as invincible as their propaganda networks portray themselves.
We took care of the US in the Korean war. The US military is not as invincible as their propaganda networks portray themselves.
Took care of us? Lol, Mao was right in assuming the Chinese would gobble up his lies...we went to save South Korea...did so...and are on your doorstep to this day...a few regiments...and China can't do a damned thing about it!
Took care of us? Lol, Mao was right in assuming the Chinese would gobble up his lies...we went to save South Korea...did so...and are on your doorstep to this day...a few regiments...and China can't do a damned thing about it!

China doesn't need to do a damn thing, it has already been done. Uncle sam's economy is broke, only the braying morons think that it can still call the shots in the international arena.

Heard too many times its becoming repetitive. You don't foreseen the future so don't waste your breath.

Like most of your compatriots you must be a high school drop out, the condition of your mother tongue tells me that. Don't try to comprehend what is incomprehensible to you. It'll cause short-circuit in your primitive brain.

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