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Featured Tik Tok ban harms Indian Economy , Content creators left unemployed


Modi's so-called Surgical Strike on China! TikTok made a profit globally $3billion in 2019, and in India, its profit was less than $500,000. So, Indian share in TIkTok's profit in 2019 was 1 six thousandth.
That was of the previous year. During Lockdown and 2020 in general, Tiktok became extremely popular in India. This is a significant loss.

Not much in terms of overall picture, but the Chinese Foreign Sec made a speech about this condemning India - that was weird.
That was of the previous year. During Lockdown and 2020 in general, Tiktok became extremely popular in India. This is a significant loss.

Not much in terms of overall picture, but the Chinese Foreign Sec made a speech about this condemning India - that was weird.
Not to mention the market captured by FB, Instagram is very very large in India and could have potentially gone to Tiktok.
Indians ruin the internet for the world while contributing very little value

They should be banned from the internet
For thousands of Indians, the now banned Chinese app TikTok was a window to fame and fortune.

Geetha Sridhar, pictured with her daughter Sarada, had one million TikTok followers and earned an average 50,000 rupees ($662) a month from companies who paid her to use their products during her cooking videos [Hemanshi Kamani/Reuters]
Geetha Sridhar never used to enter her kitchen in Mumbai without her smartphone. The 54-year-old homemaker used to post dozens of short videos daily on the Chinese video app TikTok, mostly of herself cooking traditional recipes.

With one million TikTok followers, she earned an average of 50,000 rupees ($662) a month from companies who paid her to use their products.

For thousands of Indian content creators like Sridhar, TikTok was a window into fame and fortune. But on Tuesday, the app, owned by China's ByteDance, went blank on phones across India after the government banned it along with 58 other Chinese-origin apps which it considered a threat to national sovereignty.

The move came weeks after a deadly skirmish between Indian and Chinese soldiers along the disputed Himalayan border.

"TikTok made me strong and confident. I started wearing Western clothes, dancing on the streets ... I am disappointed," Sridhar said.

TikTok was a sensation in India. With more than 600 million downloads, India accounted for 30 percent of its two billion downloads worldwide. ByteDance planned to invest $1bn in India, its top growth market where it employs 2,000 people.

Unlike Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, TikTok found resonance in India's hinterland as well as its cities, thanks to its less elaborate user interface, background music options and various special effects.

Users - who ranged from top Bollywood stars to people in remote villages who became mini-celebrities - posted a wide variety of content, though jokes, dance clips and videos related to India's thriving movie industry dominated the platform.

Vishal Pandey, 22, had nearly 17 million followers on TikTok and used the platform to regularly post videos - everything from dancing to short humorous acting sketches. His popularity on the platform had helped him secure acting offers for some movies, he said.

"TikTok opened so many doors for me. Instead of having to line up outside auditions, I got calls from casting agents saying 'Can you please work in our web series'," Pandey said.

"Right now, there is absolutely no app that can compare to TikTok. None," he added.

After India imposed the ban but just before the app went blank, many TikTok users posted videos expressing their displeasure. Some told their followers to track their future posts on YouTube or Instagram.

Indian video-creation apps like Roposo, described on Google's app store as "India's own video app", and another named Chingari are likely to see a popularity surge after the TikTok ban.

But some users say they will continue to miss TikTok.

Indian student Siri Challa, 23, had only recently started posting videos of her mother and herself dancing to catchy songs on TikTok. In less than three months, she garnered one million followers and a promotion deal with a beauty brand.

"I'm going to miss it, but I guess it is time to move on," Challa said.

Tik-Tok is only a medium to express your talent. While Tik-Tok can be gone, talent is here to stay!

It's tik-tok's loss. This talent will bubble up on another medium!
It is actually a blessing in disguise for them because now rather than wasting their time on stupid tik tok, they can spend that time in more productive activities. I hope Pakistan also does so and bans tik tok, facebook and twitter which are tools used by the Pakistani youngsters to waste their time on stupid activities rather than in productive ones.
Ever since the tik Tok I noticed there was a signifanct decrease in ugly people. Addition by subtraction
Indians, especially youths have made a mess of this app anyway. Everyday I see some teenage nincompoop in green, orange, purple hair doing strange acrobatics and other things I fail to understand. Its a waste of valuable time. Now the stupid app is gone, hope they buy some books and read.
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