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Correct me if I am wrong but AFAIK Iraq has no border with Turkey outside of official krg territory.

The border crossing is likely to be slightly west from the Ibrahim Khalil (AKA Habur) border crossing to bypass KRG tariffs and deal directly with Baghdad which under the Iraqi constitution (which the KRG has to adhere to) allows that as Baghdad is the central federal gov which does NOT need a regional govs permission to deal with other governments. However creating this direct border crossing and link to Iraq requires the ISF to control it and create a path of control which means pushing right through KRG lines, it would also cut through the KRG-YPG suppy line. The KRG will try to stop this but there's not much they can do about it or they'd get another trashing.

I hope KRG attacks Baghdad in the process to give an excuse to take the whole area. Kurdish hostility is the greatest thing.

mosul map.png
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Hopefully this little connection between KRG and YPG will be cutten off. KRG is direct US vassal and puppy of CIA. It's easier to abuse and manipulate Bağdat governote than doing same thing on Erbil. Bağdat was talking about "joining US sanctions against Iran fully" until Turkey visit, now they are saying "trade will continue but not with USD" lol Turkey can squeeze Bağdat in the corner if she wants to block US access to YPG terrorists, but we cannot do that on Erbil which is complete US vassal and rebellious against both Ankara and Bağdat.
I hope such bloodshed to be avoided. And that somekind of deal is reached. Im not sure about PUK guys, but signaling from Barzani camp in recent months was quite anti-PKK. The ease with which turkish Army in these ops moved thru out their teritory is quite telling. We saw videos of turkish personel and barzani Peshmarga stroling together thru streets of towns... PKK called them traitors.
Barzani is a scum on Earth, which he proved in just last year. He looked into our eyes and pissed into our mouth.

If you repeat same mistake twice, it's not a mistake anymore. It's just an utmost retardation.
I hope such bloodshed to be avoided. And that somekind of deal is reached. Im not sure about PUK guys, but signaling from Barzani camp in recent months was quite anti-PKK. The ease with which turkish Army in these ops moved thru out their teritory is quite telling. We saw videos of turkish personel and barzani Peshmarga stroling together thru streets of towns... PKK called them traitors.
Both Barzani and the Central Government are snakes waiting for their opportunities. Turkey must work with both and take every profit from them possible while not relying solely on them for the war against PKK. The only thing regarding PKK Turkey should accept are the words "Go on!" and nothing more. Turkey must work as hard as possible to hear those words and must not be influenced by "They are not PKK they are YBS", "We don't want separation between Kurdish brothers but we are concerned about PKK", "We are condemning the Turkish airstrikes and see them as an act of aggression" etc. The only language they understand is the language of the commando and the F16s. I can hear their cry from here regarding the last operation.
Both Barzani and the Central Government are snakes waiting for their opportunities. Turkey must work with both and take every profit from them possible while not relying solely on them for the war against PKK. The only thing regarding PKK Turkey should accept are the words "Go on!" and nothing more. Turkey must work as hard as possible to hear those words and must not be influenced by "They are not PKK they are YBS", "We don't want separation between Kurdish brothers but we are concerned about PKK", "We are condemning the Turkish airstrikes and see them as an act of aggression" etc. The only language they understand is the language of the commando and the F16s. I can hear their cry from here regarding the last operation.

Turkey is not a 'snake' waiting for its opportunities?

Supporting the separatist Muslim brotherhood politician Atheel al Nujaifi who tried to pull off the Syrian scenario in Mosul. Why not do that during Saddam's rule, yeah a snake waiting for its opportunity as how you view it.
Turkey is not a 'snake' waiting for its opportunities?

Supporting the separatist Muslim brotherhood politician Atheel al Nujaifi who tried to pull off the Syrian scenario in Mosul. Why not do that during Saddam's rule, yeah a snake waiting for its opportunity as how you view it.
Of course it is. I never claimed the opposite. The situation requires it. I gave a message to the people reading and thinking that it is worth to let down the one side and be deceived with empty promises by the other. There is no such things like "trust me" in Iraq. The only decent language that is working in Iraq like I said is the language of the commando and the F16s and Turkey must not stop because of promises and empty words no matter if they are coming from Barzani or the Central Government.
Of course it is. I never claimed the opposite. The situation requires it. I gave a message to the people reading and thinking that it is worth to let down the one side and be deceived with empty promises by the other. There is no such things like "trust me" in Iraq. The only decent language that is working in Iraq like I said is the language of the commando and the F16s and Turkey must not stop because of promises and empty words no matter if they are coming from Barzani or the Central Government.

That's your pov of how to operate with Iraq in its current situation with a KRG. I believe in Iraq abolishing the KRG and taking back control of the land once it is ready to do so with a larger military and stronger political system.

Also, I couldn't give a shit about the Iraqi government. It's 100 times worse than your pre 2016 gulen infiltrated gov. That aside I don't understand why KRG referendum was met with such hostility by Erdogan. Seems barzani mistook his friendliness for support whilst all he did is use the situation for economic monopoly in KRG
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That's your pov of how to operate with Iraq in its current situation with a KRG. I believe in Iraq abolishing the KRG and taking back control of the land once it is ready to do so with a larger military and stronger political system.
Very good that there is such motivation but while looking at the situation it seems impossible. I am not talking about the military capability but the political situation. At the moment nor Turkey or Iraq can do it. Even if the Americans let them down the Russians will come. The Kurdish factor can't just be neglected and all the potential to be thrown away. While taking those factors into account at the moment we are doing the best and this is cooperating over mutual interests and use them as much as we can.
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Both Barzani and the Central Government are snakes waiting for their opportunities. Turkey must work with both and take every profit from them possible while not relying solely on them for the war against PKK. The only thing regarding PKK Turkey should accept are the words "Go on!" and nothing more. Turkey must work as hard as possible to hear those words and must not be influenced by "They are not PKK they are YBS", "We don't want separation between Kurdish brothers but we are concerned about PKK", "We are condemning the Turkish airstrikes and see them as an act of aggression" etc. The only language they understand is the language of the commando and the F16s. I can hear their cry from here regarding the last operation.

That goes w/o a question. But in recent times, esspecially after Barzani younger took over, anti-PKK rhetoric and statments were quite frequent. Of course they have their own interest in it, cause PKK doesnt really look on KDP to foundly. Like all stalinist inspired organizations, they are not really into sharing power. In Syria first thing they did after consilodating power in Qamisli and other ares is to arrest KDP sympatizers and KDP party affiliated officals, along with all other kurdish alternative political factions. They would do the same in KRG if they would be given chance. I mean, just like in Syria, in KRG too there are many Kurds who despise the PKK. Hell even in Afring their Syrian stronghold for decades ( In Afrin their Syrian branch was fou nded with the help of Syrian regime under HAfez) we witnesed many who couldn wait to see them go.

Im excpecting, hoping, for Turkish large scale opp in Iraq soon. Bulding multiple new bases, and other posts, securing potential routes... whic is tooking place for several months now I see as Laying groubndwork for decisive operation on Qandil a nd suraondings. Trukey wanted Iran to take part o n theuir side of the mountein, but Iranians are stolling it seems. Probably cause of their relationship in Syria with PKK syrian affiliate. I dont think Turkey will wait much more. Of cpourse, this is just my humble opinion I dont deem myself allknowing and shit. :)
That goes w/o a question. But in recent times, esspecially after Barzani younger took over, anti-PKK rhetoric and statments were quite frequent. Of course they have their own interest in it, cause PKK doesnt really look on KDP to foundly. Like all stalinist inspired organizations, they are not really into sharing power. In Syria first thing they did after consilodating power in Qamisli and other ares is to arrest KDP sympatizers and KDP party affiliated officals, along with all other kurdish alternative political factions. They would do the same in KRG if they would be given chance. I mean, just like in Syria, in KRG too there are many Kurds who despise the PKK. Hell even in Afring their Syrian stronghold for decades ( In Afrin their Syrian branch was fou nded with the help of Syrian regime under HAfez) we witnesed many who couldn wait to see them go.

Im excpecting, hoping, for Turkish large scale opp in Iraq soon. Bulding multiple new bases, and other posts, securing potential routes... whic is tooking place for several months now I see as Laying groubndwork for decisive operation on Qandil a nd suraondings. Trukey wanted Iran to take part o n theuir side of the mountein, but Iranians are stolling it seems. Probably cause of their relationship in Syria with PKK syrian affiliate. I dont think Turkey will wait much more. Of cpourse, this is just my humble opinion I dont deem myself allknowing and shit. :)
Of course Barzani family would not give us trouble in fighting PKK. Yes we know that they have mutual ultimate goal but they are also opposing each other. PKK have much stronger relation with PUK and we know the legendary rivalry between PUK and KDP. The moment Turkey take back the support to KDP then PUK will come to power. Military sources in Turkey says that we were protecting Masoud Barzani in the past and neutralizing threats for his life.While not full support is given to PKK by Barzani there is support from elements inside the Peshmerga forces. Also because KDP can't accept a situation of strong separation between the Kurdish tribes they are not acting directly against them in the mountains. In the Operation Dawn in 1997 in Northern Iraq Turkey fought PKK shoulder to shoulder with Peshmerga fighters. We were conducting joint operations on mutual occasions and the cooperation with them on that matter gave more fruits than our cooperation on the matter with the Central Government but we must not forget who are they and what are they fighting for. Turkey must use those relations to bring the most of the positives as possible while not forgetting who Turkey is dealing with.

At the moment the Turkish Armed Forces is on the door of Kandil mountains. The area till Kandil is largely cleansed but still there is some activity. Multiple temporary observation posts/bases are being established on the points of strategic significance and the preparations are going on for Kandil. Other than UAV's the personnel on the ground is also locating and designating targets for the air force. While we know about the presence of personnel belonging to the Special Forces Command in the mountains some weeks ago also reports came that the Navy SF SAT came to the area. While normally such operations are made by commando brigades and Special Forces Command personnel the arrival of SAT is also a big sign. While the operations are being made very quietly to the medias confirmation about such claims is hard to be given. For sure there are very serious reconnaissance and intelligence gathering activities over the mountains. One of the signs was the strikes against the PKK meetings some time ago where 35 terrorists were neutralized. In the last two months heavy blows were given to terrorists on senior positions taking place in the Red Most Wanted List. For example the strike against Ismail Ozden in Sinjar. Apart from the Red list a lot of terrorists from the other most wanted lists are being killed. Those are good signs.
Yes. Infact it was PUK who served as a mediatory beween YPG and Iranian militias/Assad regime in Syria. Proces s started before AFrin operation, no coincidence that iranian supported militias from Nubl and Zehra along with iranian suplied weapons ended up in Afrin. Remnants of Afrin YPG who fled Afrin, guess where they found refuge in and around hills and areas close to Nubl and Zahra.

Who came them to help in Shingal after first Turkish comments about posible opp in the area, again iranian suppoerwd iraqi militias.

And just this week so called Rojava delegation visited Damascus second time. Which coresponded with reports of arrival of over 1000 YPG fighters in Aleppo for Idlib operation. I mean, these guys have really no principles, they would ally with anyone.... they claim they are antiimperialists and socialist but had no calms taking US help, I mean... They call FSA jihadist, and ilamic extre mist but dont have any calms figghting with shia jihadist.. No honor, no priniples, nothing worth respect.
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