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Tibetans can seek Indian citizenship: Lobsang Sangay

Take all of them. We will really appreciate that. BTW, don't forget that son of india, that bastard lama. :rofl:
If a son of India is bastard then son of china is rascal, donkey etc you can choose what ever suits you 
DHARAMSHALA: Tibetan government-in-exile Prime Minister Lobsang Sangay said on Wednesday that the Tibetans living in India could apply for the Indian citizenship and the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) would help them by providing supporting documents.

This is the first time that the Tibetan government-in-exile has 'allowed' Tibetans to seek Indian citizenship.

"The CTA cannot prevent any Tibetan from applying for the Indian citizenship," Sangay said.

Namgyal Dolkar (25) was the first person of Tibetan origin to get an Indian citizenship after fighting a long battle in the Delhi high court in 2011. She was born in Kangra in Himachal Pradesh and brought up in Dehradun in Uttar Pradesh.

Many Tibetans are keen to get Indian citizenship but the government-in-exile has not said much about it. They didn't say much even after Dolkar was granted the Indian citizenship.

"The decision to apply for Indian or any other country's citizenship is a personal choice. The Indian Citizenship Act of 1986 grants citizenship rights to Tibetans born in India between 1950 and 1987," Sangay said.

"At the same time, the CTA cannot compel Tibetans to apply for the Indian citizenship," he added.

He further said that CTA issues bona fide Tibetan letters of support to those applying for citizenships in India and abroad. Sangay revealed that in last around two years, the CTA received 14 citizenship requests, all of which were cleared.

Sangay also expressed his gratitude to the Canadian government for accepting 1000 Tibetan refugees from Arunachal Pradesh as permanent residents under a special program.

?Tibetans can seek Indian citizenship: Lobsang Sangay - Times Of India

Dehradun is no more in Uttar Pardesh. It is the capital of different state of Uttarakhand. Dont know what the writer is smoking. Uttarakhand was created in 2001. I think writer believes this is 1999 or 2000 instead on 2013
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So as a Tibetan refugee who ran away first to Taiwan and then USA, we would all like to hear your story.

There is a community of Tibetan Khambas on Taiwan (known as TT or Taiwanese Tibetans), they support the Republic of China and KMT and are against the Dalai Lama's CTA and the CCP.

The Dalai Lama and CCP pretend they do not exist, and the Dalai Lama forbids his followers from contacting them.


They are hidden not only because of their small number but also due to their political representation and the political and historical significance that they possess. In the Tibetan exile society in India, mentioning TT is considered taboo. From the viewpoint of TGE’s propaganda or its perspective of national history, the presence of TT is inconvenient. For the TGE’s purpose, the official story is that all the Tibetan exiles want Tibet’s independence from “China.” Therefore, for TGE, TT is like a black sheep(3)or a betrayer. Although the taboo is somewhat mitigated following the DL’s first visit to Taiwan in 1997, there still exists strong tension between TGE and some TT. In addition, TT are hardly ever mentioned in Mainland China or the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Their presence also contradicts the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s views. For CCP, TT and GMD are collaborators. In fact, CCP’s offensive propaganda toward DL and TGE was directed toward only the Tibetans in India, Nepal, and the U.S.̶the TT were not even considered.

In this situation, only the Taiwanese government or the Republic of China (ROC) can refer to TT as their citizens. Their claim is based on the insistence that ROC is the only legitimate government that can rule over all of China, and the Tibetans are positioned as Chinese citizens only as a minority in China.

Khambas have traditionall supported the ROC and KMT against the Dalai Lama and Communists. The Tibet Improvement Party was set up as an branch of the KMT by the Khamba Pandatsang Rapga to overthrow the Dalai Lama. The Khamba guerillas also fought the Communists and pledged they they recognize the "one China" policy and do not support Tibetan independence.
It is your son of india. To us, it is simply just a bastard.

If a son of India is bastard then son of china is rascal, donkey etc you can choose what ever suits you 

Dehradun is no more in Uttar Pardesh. It is the capital of different state of Uttarakhand. Dont know what the writer is smoking. Uttarakhand was created in 2001. I think writer believes this is 1999 or 2000 instead on 2013
He would like to call himself son of india, that is his freedom. He is not the ruler of Tibet. China is the ruler of Tibet.

Each dalai lama has to be approved by China central government before he can be the leader of tibet. In current term, he is just the governor of tibet at most.

If he is the bastard son of India and he is the ruler of Tibet that makes Tibet a part of India.
So you won't welcome me ? :cray:

You are always welcome. You should actually already be a citizen, if you choose to be. There is no general policy of accepting residents of Pakistan occupied Kashmir, or descendants of their residents, as citizens of India, and there should be. 
Doesn't India own part of Tibet? Set those dudes up over there. Let them have their dream of being a Tibetan empire.

Though I will say this, what is the benefit of going Indian? Not saying anything, but from what I can see India is no Canada, and the social service is well almost non existent, so I don't understand the logic behind this.

What is the difference between, whatever they are now, and being Indian citizen? Health care? School? Welfare? Does India have those?


Sorry, that is not a word you would understand.
You are always welcome. You should actually already be a citizen, if you choose to be. There is no general policy of accepting residents of Pakistan occupied Kashmir, or descendants of their residents, as citizens of India, and there should be. 


Sorry, that is not a word you would understand.

Sure I understand the word freedom.

Indian excuse for everything, lower income? But we got freedom, worse social services? But freedom. Way more people under poverty? But freedom is there. No infrastructure? But freedom....

You can have your "freedom" of thought, we'll take the freedom to travel on road smooth road and fast trains, to eat nice nutritious meals and to afford daily necessities.
What? The Dalai Lama didn't allow its people to choose their citizenship until now? So much for being free in India. It looks more like an occult bondage.
I do not think it has anything to do with the Dalai Lama, it was more to do with the Government of India not granting citizenship to the Tibetan refugees.
"freedom" in India sound like the old communist/socialist state-planned economy's concept of "equality". In those day, it indeed seem more equal than today.

They are all great as an ideology. The problem is, you can't eat ideology.
Sure I understand the word freedom.

Indian excuse for everything, lower income? But we got freedom, worse social services? But freedom. Way more people under poverty? But freedom is there. No infrastructure? But freedom....

You can have your "freedom" of thought, we'll take the freedom to travel on road smooth road and fast trains, to eat nice nutritious meals and to afford daily necessities.

Get off your high horses. You are making the scene as if China is America :lol: The matter of fact is your average per capita income is 6600 USD, you are a middle income country with huge income disparity between the east and west. There are large swaths of Chinese land that has massive poverty. Most of the development you are seeing is just 20 years old.

And at the same time India is not some primitive place as you are make out to be. We do have roads, infrastructure and meals. More importantly we too are an emerging economy with poverty rates declining fast.

As Joe said, freedom is a concept Chinese will never understand. Your ignorance shows when you are comparing freedom to meals, travel and roads :lol:
You are always welcome. You should actually already be a citizen, if you choose to be. There is no general policy of accepting residents of Pakistan occupied Kashmir, or descendants of their residents, as citizens of India, and there should be.

You just trolled me didn't you ! :rofl:

Thanks I appreciate the welcome ! :kiss3:
Life is give and take. You cannot have everything going your way. Sometimes you have to sacrifice some. If the overall balance come out good, then it is good.

Would Indian exchange freedom for what China materialisticaly has? I think the answer is probably no going by PDFer.

But can you understand Chinese logic in making that choice?
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Life is give and take. You cannot have everything going your way. Sometimes you have to sacrifice some. If the overall balance come out good, then it is good.

Would Indian exchange freedom for what China materialisticaly has? I think the answer is probably no going by PDFer.

But can you understand Chinese logic in making that choice?

I can even answer this one for you. In their minds, "freedom" is more important than having food or clothing or air. Its because its "the one thing" that India has that China do not provide to its people. Many Indians here is more concern about slamming another country like China so they would twist logic to fit their intentions.
India has the freedom to defecate in the open.
India has the freedom to ride on the roof of a train.
India has the freedom to spit wherever it pleases.
India has the freedom to discriminate by caste.
India has the freedom to drown in floods.
India has the freedom to enforce child slave labours.
India has the freedom to elect corrupted officials.
India has the freedom to bribe.
India has the freedom abort baby girls.
India has the freedom to sell young girls.
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