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Tibet issue

All I have seen in this thread Ray, is you talking BS, and all the Chinese posters not being able to take you seriously.

lol what the hell? :what:

man you're pretty strange :rolleyes:

The word "strange" does not even begin to describe this guy. :D

Three opinions smacks of fear to face the truth and instead obfuscate and fool each other and those who read the posts!

The juvenile retort instead of educated analysis, does astound!!

Indeed, if I have spoken BS, then Chinese history (that I have quoted from scholarly tomes) should be BS.

The choice is yours!
Three opinions smacks of fear to face the truth and instead obfuscate and fool each other and those who read the posts!

no, no. i've read the posts. you are trying to add 1 and 1 to get 11. maybe to you that makes perfect sense, but anyone who knows math will that you're a retard (not insulting you) but man, it is what it is.
Simplified Chinese was promoted by the PRC so as to create the myth of One China, even though tit was proposed in the beginning of the 20th Century.

I think you have been confused.

The Simplified Chinese and the Traditional Chinese aren't two different scriptures which were used by two different groups of people, but rather the former is a successor of the later.

I suggest you should learn the Chinese language and understand it first before keeps storytelling to us with your wild imagination. :disagree:
Three opinions smacks of fear to face the truth and instead obfuscate and fool each other and those who read the posts!

Yes, apparently we are afraid of an internet Indian who doesn't even bother to finish reading a Wikipedia page before talking. :D

You seriously overestimate your own intelligence. And debating with you is boring, you haven't yet made the leap from acquiring knowledge to understanding.
I think you have been confused.

The Simplified Chinese and the Traditional Chinese aren't two different scriptures which were used by two different groups of people, but rather the former is a successor of the later.

I suggest you should learn the Chinese and understand it first before keeps storytelling to us with your wild imagination. :disagree:

He always seems to be confused... :P
Pathetic cover up of the truth.

But it comes naturally doesn't it?

Like the Chinese releasing the transmission of the Chinese astronaut even before he was blasted out to space.

“After this order, signal lights all were switched on, various data show up on rows of screens, hundreds of technicians staring at the screens, without missing any slightest changes…

“One minute to go!”

“Changjiang No.1 found the target!”

“The firm voice of the controller broke the silence of the whole ship. Now, the target is captured 12 seconds ahead of the predicted time…”

“The air pressure in the cabin is normal!”

“Ten minutes later, the ship disappears below the horizon. Warm clapping and excited cheering breaks the night sky, echoing across the silent Pacific Ocean.”

- Apparent dialogue between the three Chinese astronauts on board Shenzhou-7 shortly after launch (text was published online hours before lift-off, and the article was dated for release on September 27th).

The above text says it all. The launch was successful and the three astronauts on board Shenzhou-7 were able to report that everything was working as expected, plus some nice narrative to give some atmosphere. The only problem was that this transcript was published on the official Chinese news website Xinhuanet.com long before Shenzhou-7 had even been launched atop the Long-March II-F rocket. The article, as if predicting the future, was dated for a September 27th release (two days from now), remained online for several hours before it was pulled offline. An Associated Press journalist was able to retrieve the text before it disappeared.

Sources: AP, Network World, CNET, Xinhuanet

I wonder who is confused and who love brushing unsavoury truth under the carpet.
Ironically, the dictator Hu Jintao (they use to believe he is) is the offspring of a man who used to write with the Traditional Chinese.

So much myth about the Simplified Chinese enslaving the Traditional Chinese. :hitwall:

Deng or xiao pingzi, as he is fondly callled (?) said Mao had been 70 percent ‘correct’ and 30 percent wrong.

Now, whole of China parrots this when asked of Mao's achievements.

One wonders how the exact percentages were calculated.

Ask that of any Chinese and bang......they will sing the the old one about Ha' a pound of tuppeny rice!

After reading this thread, i now think Mao's biggest achievement was to kick India's a$$ back in 1962. :chilli:
Ironically, the dictator Hu Jintao (they use to believe he is) is the offspring of a man who used to write with the Traditional Chinese.

So much myth about the Simplified Chinese enslaving the Traditional Chinese. :hitwall:


And so?

God descended on earth?
After reading this thread, i now think Mao's biggest achievement was to kick India's a$$ in 1962. :chilli:

I totally agree.

It woke India up.

Chola, Nathu la, sumdorong taught china a lesson too.

and then teh Vietnamese too taught a lesson!

Your frustration speaks.

You cannot prove that I am wrong since Olsen could not be wrong!

Same applies to you CD and others.




Hong Kong is still a part of the British Empire or the Chinese Empire?

You have democracy?

No Mainland control?

No nominated members in the Parliament, if you call it so.
Personal attacks not allowed. Maintain post quality.

Lastly, stick to the topic of Tibet and it becoming an SAR.
@Tiki Tam Tam

1# Eight dialects of Chinese, their writing style is the same, they are the same language. The difference between them, similar to American English and British English differences.

2# Han people pursuit of national unity, their insist is far more than you think. You can check the China history, after the Zhou Dynasty, No one can tolerate secession. If Han people is no uniform, never ending civil war.

3# For thousands of years, China has never allowed to split, splitting is equal to war. For example, 1996, We are willing to fight a nuclear war to unify Taiwan.
I totally agree.

It woke India up.

Chola, Nathu la, sumdorong taught china a lesson too.

and then teh Vietnamese too taught a lesson!

Your frustration speaks.

You cannot prove that I am wrong since Olsen could not be wrong!

Same applies to you CD and others.




Hong Kong is still a part of the British Empire or the Chinese Empire?

You have democracy?

No Mainland control?

No nominated members in the Parliament, if you call it so.

:coffee: India and Vietnam are several times the casualties than the Chinese. Do you think this is the lesson of China?
Hong Kong belongs to China now.

About democracy and the media control, You can send a new topic.
:coffee: India and Vietnam are several times the casualties than the Chinese. Do you think this is the lesson of China?
Hong Kong belongs to China now.

About democracy and the media control, You can send a new topic.

No, we were defeated in Vietnam. Deaths mean nothing, achieving objectives mean everything. We failed to achieve our objectives. Nothing to be ashamed of, it should be further motivation and further proof that weapons are only as good as those behind them. After all, India can't import US and Israeli pilots.

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