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Tibet issue

A guy who refuses to acknowledge the simple fact that China produces more food than India is accusing others of being afraid of truth!

Well, you must have big nerve!

Let me do it one more time, is it a fact that China produces far more food for more people with less farming land than India? Still no straight answer?
A guy who refuses to acknowledge the simple fact that China produces more food than India is accusing others of being afraid of truth!

Well, you must have big nerve!

Let me do it one more time, is it a fact that China produces far more food for more people with less farming land than India? Still no straight answer?

i m surprise you still talking to guy like this , i would consider it an insult . come on big tree cn why waste time on looser?
wether indians like it or not tibet stay the same and that s part of china
i m surprise you still talking to guy like this , i would consider it an insult . come on big tree cn why waste time on looser?
wether indians like it or not tibet stay the same and that s part of china

There seems to be a serious disconnect between the logical side of the brain and creative side of the brain of the Chinese posters.

It has been repeatedly stated that Tibet is an autonomous region of China. So, where is the doubt?

But no, they will still spew such tommy rot as - wether indians like it or not tibet stay the same and that s part of china

The doubt apparently is that they have been so indoctrinated by the CCP that India want to free Tibet that they are blind to the English written stating that Tiber is an autonomous region of China.

Actually, they are an insult to the intellect out here because they are indoctrinated to such a degree that they are blind!

One wonders who is the real loser!
They are attacking me since they are afraid of the TRUTH, which I have appended in this thread from scholarly tomes.

John F Kennedy said

A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.

Yup! A nation afraid of discussing the truth of 2 million perished kids, instead covering it up by glossing over the flawed system, is indeed hopeless…
You are putting words in my mouth and are flagrantly lying. No, people die of starvation because of state callousness. There have been no famines in India since independence and there was a famine once every 4 yrs in British Raj - this shows that the current system is better. Changes happen at gradual rates.

I am not disputing your comparison with British Raj.

I am comparing your starving system with any communism system today. You are surely worse than communist North Korea in literacy, you are probably also worse than North Korea in starvation.

When some of you gleefully or otherwise sadistically blaming Chinese state system for China’s starvation 50 years ago (which I agree the system needs to take some of the blame, and I guess the Chinese acknowledged it and fixed it), you are now saying your starvation is not caused by callousness of your state system, instead it is because your free democracy don’t force they eat but let they starve to death in a free way. :tdown:

If so, your free democracy is more atrocious than communism.

Please have a human heart towards your victim of your democracy. Stop glossing over your elected ridiculous state machine.

Please don’t tell me the starved are in a massive hunger strike against China.

Don't get worked up and don't lie. I also urge you to look up "extermination" in a dictionary and see that this something done by the likes of Mao and Stalin not by Indian leaders.

Your state machine attitude towards the underprivileged couldn’t be better depicted as “extermination”, as your state does not treat them as human. And it is worse than Stalin and Mao, because Stalin and Mao laid a foundation that the Russians or the Chinese are no longer starving to death today.

Stalin and Mao killed and got blamed. You leader killed/are killing and got/get praised. That’s the main difference.

And there is nothing to be lied about.
I am not disputing your comparison with British Raj.

I am comparing your starving system with any communism system today. You are surely worse than communist North Korea in literacy, you are probably also worse than North Korea in starvation.

When some of you gleefully or otherwise sadistically blaming Chinese state system for China’s starvation 50 years ago (which I agree the system needs to take some of the blame, and I guess the Chinese acknowledged it and fixed it), you are now saying your starvation is not caused by callousness of your state system, instead it is because your free democracy don’t force they eat but let they starve to death in a free way. :tdown:

If so, your free democracy is more atrocious than communism.

Please have a human heart towards your victim of your democracy. Stop glossing over your elected ridiculous state machine.

Please don’t tell me the starved are in a massive hunger strike against China.

Your state machine attitude towards the underprivileged couldn’t be better depicted as “extermination”, as your state does not treat them as human. And it is worse than Stalin and Mao, because Stalin and Mao laid a foundation that the Russians or the Chinese are no longer starving to death today.

Stalin and Mao killed and got blamed. You leader killed/are killing and got/get praised. That’s the main difference.

And there is nothing to be lied about.

There is a big difference between death due to starvation and death due to malnutrition. Once again, your comparison is flawed.
There is a big difference between death due to starvation and death due to malnutrition. Once again, your comparison is flawed.

Funny logic again, buddy?

How could a starved person not get malnutrition? A starved person eventually gets malnutrition and becomes too feeble to sustain his/her life.

LOL! Get it straight and stop providing jokes after jokes!

Man, you are appallingly lack of basic knowledge, thanks to your education system/mass media which are only good at brainwashing.
That is what Tibetan history is all about.

Personally, it does not matter what is the Tibetan or the Chinese versions.

Your statement is neither 'Tibetan' or Chinese version but just your personal version, nothing more nothing less.
And there is a contradiction in term in your statement since the Tibetans are Chinese.
Funny logic again, buddy?

How could a starved person not get malnutrition? A starved person eventually gets malnutrition and becomes too feeble to sustain his/her life.

LOL! Get it straight and stop providing jokes after jokes!

Man, you are appallingly lack of basic knowledge, thanks to your education system/mass media which are only good at brainwashing.

HAHAHAHHAA - so now you are saying that all malnourished people are also starving? LOL. Brilliant. And what part of the US are you from? Perhaps you are from China - but if you are ashamed to admit it, I fully understand. :yahoo:
List of countries by percentage of population suffering from undernourishment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As you can see the % of undernourished people in India decreased from 24% to 22% while that of China decreased from 15% to 10% - this despite China having a controlled population growth.

Your information about countries like North Korea merely smacks of ignorance - if you have some data - back up your lies and accusations.

What a joke! North Korea in the worst of times starved only 1 million to death while India starves 2 million to death every year!

Undernourished and Starvation are different. The difference is degree. In India, people are starved DIE at the rate of 6000 per year, while in China, undernourished people do not die. This is reflected in UNICEF statistics which I have posted countless times.
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