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Tibet border: US seeks India's nod to hunt for 94 lost in WWII

Looking for dead soldiers remains is standard practice for the US.

They even get help from North Korea in this.

This is not a big deal.
@Chinese Members:
Those 94 lost in WWII were fighting for you guys against the Japanese show respect to dead soldiers, its time for them to return home.
No hype needed. These are some soldiers who stopped an incoming Japanese devastation of

eastern india. There are also 100s of british, indian and chinese (republic of china/taiwan not PRC)

soldiers lost or burried alongside the historical stillwell road from Ledo/Assam to Kunming/China.
Hundreds of them found have been respectfully buried in the war cemetery in guwahati and kohima.

May this road be opened again in future for trade between india, burma and china.
It will be a respect to the soldiers of CBI front who built this impossible road .

Everyone including us would like to bring back war heroes home and have a respectful burial.
Hope some day we find the remains of Netaji Subhash Bose and pay our respects .

some glimpses of the Stillwell Road

Stilwell Road: Indo-China road to peace? - India News - IBNLive
its been around 60 years and how can they get soldiers body??? Is it possible??

thats possible..and if they couldn't find the bodies,they'll atleast determine how did they die..I heard someone found a Spitfire aircraft dated back to WW 2 in mayanmar..thats a welcome move.we should respect their decision to find "Lost Soldiers"..


to the chinese friends...those soldiers lost their lives just to save your country from Japan.atleast try to give them some respect..
LOL at indian inferiority. USA had its own reasons for supporting China against Japan. The West wanted to keep their colonial possessions in Asia (like india :lol:) and so they used China as cannon fodder to tie down the majority of Japanese army soldiers.

I think I am slowly falling in love.

india is opening itself to USA bases because it is afraid of China. This is a major move:

First, this will destabilize india internally.

Secondly, China will not wait until USA entrenches itself in China's Southern Tibet, we will take preemptive action to eject the indian army.

Thirdly, the end result is China and USA fights a massive war in india just like we fought the Korean War in Korea. The indians deserve the suffering this will create because they brought it on their own heads.


LOL at indian inferiority. USA had its own reasons for supporting China against Japan. The West wanted to keep their colonial possessions in Asia (like india :lol:) and so they used China as cannon fodder to tie down the majority of Japanese army soldiers.

You do realize that using China (or Chinese troops, strictly speaking) as cannon fodder, to use your elegant phrasing, is what gained China a permanent seat on the Security Council? Or did you think that China woke up from sleep one day and found herself in the Council hall? Of course, nothing you say comes as a surprise any longer.
You do realize that using China (or Chinese troops, strictly speaking) as cannon fodder, to use your elegant phrasing, is what gained China a permanent seat on the Security Council? Or did you think that China woke up from sleep one day and found herself in the Council hall? Of course, nothing you say comes as a surprise any longer.
Yes, I am aware that China paid for its UN security council P5 with the blood of our countrymen against Japanese invaders.

Of course, it would be too much to ask indians on PDF to recognize China's preeminent role in the Pacific theater as a "Big Four Ally" instead of imposing your inferiority complex (from 1000 years of foreign rule) on us by pretending that during WW2 China was a weak, colonized and humiliated country just like india.

In fact, ours was a bloody but valiant struggle against an ultra-powerful Japanese Empire. india didn't even begin its struggle against the British Empire until after WW2, and even then it involved protesting and begging at an opportunistic time rather than fighting for independence.
Yes, I am aware that China paid for its UN security council with the blood of our countrymen against Japanese invaders.

Of course, it would be too much to ask indians on PDF to recognize China's preeminent role in the Pacific theater as a "Big Four Ally" instead of imposing your inferiority complex (from 1000 years of foreign rule) on us by pretending that during WW2 China was a weak, colonized and humiliated country just like india.

In fact, ours was a bloody but valiant struggle against an ultra-powerful Japanese Empire. india didn't even begin its struggle against the British Empire until after WW2, and even then it involved protesting and begging at an opportunistic time rather than fighting for independence.

At the peak of the ww2 India's contribution was 2.5 million soldiers out of roughly 3.5 million British soldiers. These are volunteers.
India should allow Us to search for the remains of its Soldier.. It is definitely a huministic approach.. I do not know, why ASome Chinese friends Getting pissed off on this news...:undecided:
its been around 60 years and how can they get soldiers body??? Is it possible??

Frozen bodies decompose at a slower rate - it is possible to find bodies intact after a long time.

LOL at indian inferiority. USA had its own reasons for supporting China against Japan. The West wanted to keep their colonial possessions in Asia (like india :lol:) and so they used China as cannon fodder to tie down the majority of Japanese army soldiers.

Actually the Indians allowed the Americans to use Indian territory to help the Chinese.

Yes, I am aware that China paid for its UN security council P5 with the blood of our countrymen against Japanese invaders.

Of course, it would be too much to ask indians on PDF to recognize China's preeminent role in the Pacific theater as a "Big Four Ally" instead of imposing your inferiority complex (from 1000 years of foreign rule) on us by pretending that during WW2 China was a weak, colonized and humiliated country just like india.

In fact, ours was a bloody but valiant struggle against an ultra-powerful Japanese Empire. india didn't even begin its struggle against the British Empire until after WW2, and even then it involved protesting and begging at an opportunistic time rather than fighting for independence.

I really need to get my hand on a Chinese text book to see how much drivel to the commies drill into the heads of their simple-minded, unquestioning citizens.
Yes, I am aware that China paid for its UN security council P5 with the blood of our countrymen against Japanese invaders.

Of course, it would be too much to ask indians on PDF to recognize China's preeminent role in the Pacific theater as a "Big Four Ally" instead of imposing your inferiority complex (from 1000 years of foreign rule) on us by pretending that during WW2 China was a weak, colonized and humiliated country just like india.

In fact, ours was a bloody but valiant struggle against an ultra-powerful Japanese Empire. india didn't even begin its struggle against the British Empire until after WW2, and even then it involved protesting and begging at an opportunistic time rather than fighting for independence.

I notice that you have begun whining even before anyone replied or commented. This is a sign of an inferiority complex, and needs serious introspection on your part. It is serious because your aimless, spastic violence of word and expression against Indians is balanced by this kind of maudlin self-pity. Putting the two together gives an observer a strange feeling of pity mingled with revulsion.

Since you do not want us to comment on your post, I shall confine myself to the portions relating to India. India was under so-called foreign rule from the 13th century, 1206, to 1947. Much of the time between then and 1707 were years when rulers of Indian or south Asian origin ruled; for example, various Afghan dynasties of rulers who were settled in the country. Nevertheless, to make it comparable sThe period between 1707 to 1757 was free of foreign rule, giving us a total of 691 years, not 1000 years. China was similarly under foreign rule at almost exactly this time for 364 years (I am counting only the Yuan and the Qing dynasties).

You do not like the 'pretense' that China was a weak, colonised and humiliated country. Fair enough. What do you consider to be the highlights of China's contributions to the war against the Japanese? Are there any military victories, or significant battles that you especially want to point to underline Chinese military contribution? Nobody denies that you had a bloody but valiant struggle against Japan, but it was rather one-sided, was it not? While that bloody but valiant struggle was going alone, there was another set of battles being fought for China, by people not Chinese, to ensure that supplies, arms and ammunition and troops got to the bloody but valiant Chinese troops.

So let us know: what battles did you win, or what campaigns did you mount that succeeded? And also let us know: what do you know about the Indian contribution to the war .

Try to be honest. There's always a first time.
I notice that you have begun whining even before anyone replied or commented. This is a sign of an inferiority complex, and needs serious introspection on your part. It is serious because your aimless, spastic violence of word and expression against Indians is balanced by this kind of maudlin self-pity. Putting the two together gives an observer a strange feeling of pity mingled with revulsion.

Since you do not want us to comment on your post, I shall confine myself to the portions relating to India. India was under so-called foreign rule from the 13th century, 1206, to 1947. Much of the time between then and 1707 were years when rulers of Indian or south Asian origin ruled; for example, various Afghan dynasties of rulers who were settled in the country. Nevertheless, to make it comparable sThe period between 1707 to 1757 was free of foreign rule, giving us a total of 691 years, not 1000 years. China was similarly under foreign rule at almost exactly this time for 364 years (I am counting only the Yuan and the Qing dynasties).

You do not like the 'pretense' that China was a weak, colonised and humiliated country. Fair enough. What do you consider to be the highlights of China's contributions to the war against the Japanese? Are there any military victories, or significant battles that you especially want to point to underline Chinese military contribution? Nobody denies that you had a bloody but valiant struggle against Japan, but it was rather one-sided, was it not? While that bloody but valiant struggle was going alone, there was another set of battles being fought for China, by people not Chinese, to ensure that supplies, arms and ammunition and troops got to the bloody but valiant Chinese troops.

So let us know: what battles did you win, or what campaigns did you mount that succeeded? And also let us know: what do you know about the Indian contribution to the war .

Try to be honest. There's always a first time.
LOL at the faux academic posturing. Give me a break. Your ignorance speaks louder than your misuse of GRE vocabulary.

"Of the 1,130,000 Imperial Japanese Army soldiers who died during World War II, 39 percent died in China." Second Sino-Japanese War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You do realize that China is a P5 Security Council member and today we occupy former Japanese Empire territories like Manchuria and Taiwan, right? You really think we took these territories without fighting for them?

india was on both sides of the war. The British Empire recruited some indians. Bose fought on the other side for the Japanese. In the Burma theater, the Chinese performed very effectively, especially against Bose, while the British-indian troops had little battlefield success.

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