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Three US statements foretell trouble for region and particularly Pakistan

Not all. Just Iran, Russia and China.

i was talking about internal formation of govt , all sections of afghanistan society should be given representation in the new govt . govt should be formed by election .

any external block formation and siding with it is not going to help , it will harm pakistan itself .
yes that is the right approach , pakistan should work for participation of all stake holders and all factions in the govt . if taliban agree for this formula for formation of govt , afghanistan can be stabilized peacefully .

Pakistan is already doing it, it is in touch with Russia, China, Iran and Turkey to stable Afghanistan after USA leaves. This also involved kicking out the Indian pigs who have been causing terror in the region.

Every regional country and power knows this. If Indians are blindfolded due to the West's backing , than Indians should find out real soon, when their butts started to be kicked by Taliban.
Pakistan is already doing it, it is in touch with Russia, China, Iran and Turkey to stable Afghanistan after USA leaves. This also involved kicking out the Indian pigs who have been causing terror in the region.

Every regional country and power knows this. If Indians are blindfolded due to the West's backing , than Indians should find out real soon, when their butts started to be kicked by Taliban.

talibani pigs are attacking you , they are product of your previous mistakes , if you still carry on that policy you will face for devastation . leave afghanistan alone otherwise pakistan will become afghanistan .
talibani pigs are attacking you , they are product of your previous mistakes , if you still carry on that policy you will face for devastation . leave afghanistan alone otherwise pakistan will become afghanistan .

Let the Americans leave on September 11th. We will erase Indian and Afghan friend TTP. We are not leaving. We are inbound and there is very little anyone can do about that.
talibani pigs are attacking you , they are product of your previous mistakes , if you still carry on that policy you will face for devastation . leave afghanistan alone otherwise pakistan will become afghanistan .

Nope. Pakistanis know who is attacking them. They surely are not Taliban.
They are the pigs next door, who with the help of NDS training the pigs and sending them over the border to cause terrorist activities.

India the "Terror Capital of the World" is responsible, with the bought out Afghanistan's politicians who control NDS.

Remember this much, If USA couldn't take it, India would be on its knees very rapidly.
Nope. Pakistanis know who is attacking them. They surely are not Taliban.
They are the pigs next door, who with the help of NDS training the pigs and sending them over the border to cause terrorist activities.

India the "Terror Capital of the World" is responsible, with the bought out Afghanistan's politicians who control NDS.

Remember this much, If USA couldn't take it, India would be on its knees very rapidly.

world knows where is terror hideouts , americans did maximum strike and killed them . osama was hiding there .
tough times has always been ahead for Pakistan, all its doing is making us stronger
world knows where is terror hideouts , americans did maximum strike and killed them . osama was hiding there .

This fake propaganda is been beaten long time ago.
Only stupid Indians cannot see it.
who was trying to isolate Pakistan!!
Who is isolated in the region and with all its neighbours due to its terror activities and bullying!!

Go figure.
This fake propaganda is been beaten long time ago.
Only stupid Indians cannot see it.
who was trying to isolate Pakistan!!
Who is isolated in the region and with all its neighbours due to its terror activities and bullying!!

Go figure.

ha ha ha .................. :D

world knows it that is why FATF blacklisted you to give opportunity to mend your ways , now behave and dont do any mischief in afghanistan or get again black from gray . uncle sam will give some bonus from his account .
ha ha ha .................. :D

world knows it that is why FATF blacklisted you to give opportunity to mend your ways , now behave and dont do any mischief in afghanistan or get again black from gray . uncle sam will give some bonus from his account .

World knows Indians ties to terrorism. Pakistan was never blacklisted. Get your facts right.
USA and its allies including India had been trying to black list Pakistan for years, but not succeeding. Doesn't that tell you something!!
Actually, the US wants a war between India and Pakistan. And to do this, US will conduct a massive terror attack inside india. It will then use its media and the indian media it controls to point fingers at Pakistan. Modi will then call some sort of 'national security' meeting, and will attack Pakistan. Things will escalate. THIS IS WHAT THE US/UK and other members of 5-Eyes want. The only thing which MIGHT PREVENT INDIA TO DO THIS IS CHINA, who has build up huge forces in the Northern India. There is NO WAY India can withstand a Chinese onslaught. However, US's plan is to checkmate China in South China sea so that it doesn't have resources to concentrate on India.

So as you can see, the biggest problem in all this dirty game is INDIA because if India today refuses to be the gang-bang baby of US, it is GAME OVER FOR THE US, there is no doubt about it. Now people can see, why MODI was bought into power by the West. Modi will do whatever the West wants. These are very dangerous times !! If there are any patriots LEFT in Indian Establishment who do not want destruction of India, then they need to take action NOW !

If India cant contain Pakistan then India cant fight China.
US will prop India, and India will test its weaponary on Pakistan .. So far US is disappointed with Indias military posture, both in Ladakh and Kashmir, Feb27th .. but Feb 27th incident also was a shock for indian allies, they never expected Pakistan to reply with impunity the way they did.
Its like 65 beating and India planned and started executing its plan in Dec69 till dec71 the execution of plans were complete.
India is doing the same thing again. it will come back to hit back in couple of years. Dont let your guard down
This eminent threat is exist from US for pakistan and we can expect US can go any level to protect his own interest against china.
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