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Three Turkish soldiers killed in helicopter crash


Dec 27, 2009
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Thursday, June 10, 2010
ISTANBUL - Daily News with wires

A military helicopter crashed in the northern Anatolian province of Tokat’s Erbaa district on Thursday, killing all three personnel inside.

“No one survived the crash,” Tokat Gov. Şerif Yılmaz said.

The helicopter belonged to the General Commandership of Gendarmerie Forces and was on its way back to Ankara after being on duty in Giresun. The crash, which occurred near Topçam Mountain, was caused by a technical problem, according to preliminary findings.

“The helicopter crashed in an area 1,500 meters high, where there was also fog. There is information that the helicopter burned. There are no indicators of an attack on the helicopter; it must have crashed due to a mechanical failure,” Yılmaz said.

The fire in the helicopter was extinguished after three hours, the Doğan news agency reported.

Şenel Küçük, the village headman of Tokat’s Gölcük village, said he saw the helicopter falling while he was shepherding animals.

One more soldier dies in accident

Another soldier died Thursday as a military bus overturned in the southeastern province of Mardin’s Dargeçit district. The vehicle rolled over the shoulder of the road after missing a curve. Soldier Emrah Kahraman, 20, died and 14 other soldiers were injured, two seriously.

Allah onlara rahmet etsin. ülkemizin başı sağolsun.
May these brave souls rest in peace. Salute to soldiers, who risk their lives to protect the nation, even during peacetime.
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