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Three Nato troops killed in Afghanistan

The thing is till this date most of the Afghanistan is under control of Talibans not NATO.

As many times you'd like to show that out-dated color-map depicting this since 2006, it doesn't change reality. See this is the reason why imagination must not be left to loiter too much. Nato controls most of the northern Afghanistan while Central Afghanistan is virtually without any control except in clusters of warlord led groups.

The only Taliban that control Afghanistan are along Pakistani borders since they have an easy time getting shelter from your lawless lands with the blessing of your intelligence and military agencies.

If NATO was in a financial position to take the next big step, this would cease.

Plus Talibans were not reponsible for the attacks. As far as Tower attack is concern i dont want to get in to details who did and who didnt .

It is because you know it was AQ cronies who did it. But since you and most Pakistanis hate the west (ironically sitting in west), it apparently was a home-grown stunt.

I think they should leave Afghanistan and let people deal with it, believe me if they will live there more Talibans will bleed them to death.

That's because NATO simply tries to get the areas to have some semblance of civilized life. If it comes to bombing the region by the inches, there would be no losses incurred by NATO. So respect that. They technically don't even need to put their soldiers down if it was about pure aggressive revenge.
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