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Three leaders of Imran’s party set to join Zardari camp

Due to failed and conservative politics of IK PTI is on way of destruction look at PPP and Noon.
Zardari is in President house Watto did Jalsa in Lahore and gathering was good this is the style. IK is like a chipko leechar without his presence no one can do Jalsa and he never encourages young leaders to do politics even SMQ and Javed Hashmi are sitting idols inquilabi fools please give them some role or say good bye.

The party just started after Oct 30, 2011 jalsa, idiot! When has he not allowed any other member not to do a jalsa?

Its a brand new party which is untested. So if I have been a PML-N voter and I have seen PML-N coming to power 5 times and has delivered nothing substantive, why would I not use my brain to find an alternate and vote for someone different? Why should I keep voting for that same party and expect a different result.

So you are happy with family parties of PPP and PML? No matter how sincere and honest you are to Nawaz and Zardari, you will at best polish their shoes.

Dont know why we have so many blind followers of such parties who have been in power again and again and have failed to deliver.

Watto is the biggest tutoo of the politics. He is himself a lota and great tradesman of lotas. If this is your istyle, then man no amount of pity is enough for you.

Of all the established parties, Jamaat e Islami seems to be the only one which has democracy within. Its leaders haven't divided party into factions with full alphabet soup as a suffix, and its leader is always chosen through elections.

May be in Pakistan politics, time for a different type of leadership!
The party just started after Oct 30, 2011 jalsa, idiot! When has he not allowed any other member not to do a jalsa?

Its a brand new party which is untested. So if I have been a PML-N voter and I have seen PML-N coming to power 5 times and has delivered nothing substantive, why would I not use my brain to find an alternate and vote for someone different? Why should I keep voting for that same party and expect a different result.

So you are happy with family parties of PPP and PML? No matter how sincere and honest you are to Nawaz and Zardari, you will at best polish their shoes.

Dont know why we have so many blind followers of such parties who have been in power again and again and have failed to deliver.

Watto is the biggest tutoo of the politics. He is himself a lota and great tradesman of lotas. If this is your istyle, then man no amount of pity is enough for you.

Of all the established parties, Jamaat e Islami seems to be the only one which has democracy within. Its leaders haven't divided party into factions with full alphabet soup as a suffix, and its leader is always chosen through elections.

May be in Pakistan politics, time for a different type of leadership!

may be its time for you guys to accept that PTI, is going down!
It takes me longer to Put My Dhoti On then it takes Pakistani politicians to change their party .When he started choosing old recycled politicians it wasn't that hard to imagine whats next.

Buddy you and your Friends talks like altaf hussain who doesn't know what he is saying.

Here is an update and knowledge that has been explained on media by PTI, IK-PTI exclusive explained it on media, People are welcome to Join but there will be Party Elections, scrutiny and cleanup of every Member. Or you want me to post a 2 day old Dunya TV Interview same question was asked. IK said he will not back down from Party Elections and cleanup process.
Buddy you and your Friends talks like altaf hussain who doesn't know what he is saying.

Here is an update and knowledge that has been explained on media by PTI, IK-PTI exclusive explained it on media, People are welcome to Join but there will be Party Elections, scrutiny and cleanup of every Member. Or you want me to post a 2 day old Dunya TV Interview same question was asked. IK said he will not back down from Party Elections and cleanup process.

Tht could be great tht if these intra-party elections canbe held to clean PTI from the political stage of pakistan, holding these election may make PTI a structured party but it is bound to lose just like 2002 & 2008 even boycoted !
Its pakistans political history, tht it doesn't matter who is holding wht position in which party, but all wht matters is winning in the gen.elections!
If not PTI maybecome a well structured party but many of its electables will runaway from PTI & if that happens tht means end of politics of PTI & it will be a powerless party of speakers like JI?
I admire Imran Khan's tenacity of fighting a war for more than 15 years against the thugs who have hijacked my country since 1947 : The incompetent bureaucracy , the stiff necked defence forces , corrupt politicians and feudals.

All need to be hanged in public.

If we lose him now , we wont get another courageous fighter like Imran Khan for decades
If senior memebers of PTI kept going out of PTI, thn day as nt far away when you guys will nt going to find a single kid to stand in a genrl election & to win it for PTI?
& untill PTI doesn't get into the power it will never able to deliver anything which has been promised by PTI now?
& if tht is the fate PTI is heading for thn, PTI is bound to hit the rockbottom like tehrik-e-istaqlal has hit in the political history of pakistan.
There is a big need of hour tht the supporters of PTI should realise these facts & should do something about it!
its noting wrong with PTI its some ppl who are not ready for change. When same ppl came to PTI every one started to say they will hijack party etc etc. Imran Khan will change his view and his will be side lined and now its same ppl saying its not good they are leaving PTI . PTI is going down blabla but every poll shows PTI is leading party. WHen Imran Khan was asked he said i have not promised any one any thing and bad guys will start leaving them self which we can see now.

Just to show how media is playing with minds of ppl against PTI. Here is names of lootes who has joined PML.N do u hear media talking about it ?

its noting wrong with PTI its some ppl who are not ready for change. When same ppl came to PTI every one started to say they will hijack party etc etc. Imran Khan will change his view and his will be side lined and now its same ppl saying its not good they are leaving PTI . PTI is going down blabla but every poll shows PTI is leading party. WHen Imran Khan was asked he said i have not promised any one any thing and bad guys will start leaving them self which we can see now.

Just to show how media is playing with minds of ppl against PTI. Here is names of lootes who has joined PML.N do u hear media talking about it ?


can you kindly bring names of some lottas who joined PTI plz
u asking me ?why u cant post ur self ? plz gives names and plz dont say Javed Hashmi and Shah Mohammed Quershi.
Imran Khan isnt in power, he has never been. He from day one was against any operation as we have seen reaction of. Before u call him taliban khan without understanding what he says.

What he says or has been saying before operation started there are and maybe more now ppl who are involved in terrorist activity. There was no Pakistan Thereke Taliban before american started drones attacks , musharif launched lalal masjid operation ( i think there were terrorist elements there but they way operation were done casued a reaction in swat and other areas ) aslo we sent in army and airforce to bomb our own ppl in area were these ppl were hiding living among civilians. Every time there was a jirga were all the elders meet to reslove issue drone attacked the place and now we have all the elders killed. So civilians killed by these operation joined TTP movment to take revange. It wasnt TTP who killed first civilian in Pakistan it was USA with help of our goverment that time Musharif.

What Imran Khan saying is let the local clean up there area. If u talk to them and get them on table u will know who is who with what agenda. As today we see all tribal ppl as taliban and one agenda which isnt true. So when u have local ppl who are fed up with this are on ur side they will do clean up not for u but for there future and lifes. Why there are so many ppl who hate america in pakistan or other muslims world ? They see them as there enemy nr1 which i also belive in. So when Pakistan army with goverment behind there action start killing pastons what they will think ? goverment army americans are same. right or wrong will time tell but 1 thing is for sure all this killing in name of war on terror has brought more death noting else for last 10 years. Why u want to support that ? Only person tribes trust now is IK. every one else tested tried failed for last 40 years.

And u cant change how ppl think within weaks or few years. With eduaction and better governance things will come under controll.
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