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Three Indian Naval ships on goodwill visit to SL


Jul 6, 2009
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United States
Three Indian Naval ships on goodwill visit to SL | Breaking News

As part of an endeavor to boost mutual cooperation between the navies of the two Asian neighbours, three Indian Naval ships, 'INS Sujata, INS Tarangini and the coast guard ship ICGS Varuna', berthed at the Colombo port yesterday.

The ships that are on a training visit to Sri Lanka were welcomed in accordance with naval traditions on arrival.

INS Sujata is an offshore patrol vessel with a Chetak helicopter and 192 naval personnel onboard, while INS Tarangini, which is a sail training ship, has carried 80 personnel.

ICGS Varuna, which has an advanced offshore patrol vessel also having a Chetak helicopter, has 187 personnel onboard.

The ships' crews, which will be in Colombo until April 21, will take part in a special programme to enhance the mutual cooperation. (ANI) (Picture courtesy: www. navy.lk)






I am Scarcry man ... got banned till 25th :)

lol..then you should post more carefully buddy..by the way,we all gets infraction/ban sometimes.you'll be back eventually.. :tup:

those OPVS are cool..one question,why don't india install some heavier weapons in OPVs??just some machine guns and all..though Sukanya class has capability to carry one dhanush missile.Shubhadra,sister ship of sujata carries it..
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OPVs are more for recon, heavier weapons will slow down ship and give justification for enemy fire.
OPVs are more for recon, heavier weapons will slow down ship and give justification for enemy fire.
As the name suggests- OPVs are for PATROL and are more geared to peacetime ops than war. They can be fitted with more offensive and heavier weaponary should the situation arise however.

AFAIK these smaller patrol vessels operated by the IN were procured as a stop-gap measure until the ICG is sufficiently expanded and deployed by ~2025 wherein the IN will complelty hand over coastal protection duties over to the ICG.
I sent insulting replies to Webmaster and this is what happens.

Next time remind me to write longer and more common "baniya" abuses.

:offtopic: :woot: :offtopic:
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